Esdeath looked at Seshomaru suspiciously. Is this what you meant by"Don't let me have wild thoughts"?

Facing Esdeath's suspicious look, Seshomaru took out a small cake and handed it to Akame. Akame, who was still alert, was immediately attracted by the cake and started eating.


Esdeath was also surprised. Akame's reputation was very loud, but she didn't expect that she was also a foodie.

Akame was not heartless, but she felt more at ease with Seshomaru beside her. Otherwise, if she faced Esdeath alone, both of them would definitely die or be injured.

"This silly and cute look can also be ruled out."Esdeath said something that Tatsumi and Akame couldn't understand, then took Seshomaru's arm and said,"Let's go back."


Sesshomaru smiled. If they had come to the Zanmei world at the beginning, no one would have thought of escaping. Now with Kagura, they have calmed down.

Although they are not at the level of having no desires, they are not in the mentality of taking everyone they see.

At the beginning, Sesshomaru didn't even consider Esdeath, but he couldn't help it!

As for the other people who were attacked at night, Sesshomaru didn't consider them. They were all rare talents to be recruited to work for him.

After the incident of Zanke, the panic-stricken imperial capital was rarely calmed down.

However, Esdeath was dealt with after Zanke was dealt with. 's reputation has become higher and higher.

Even some nobles who often criticized Esdeath in private have become more honest and respectful.

The night raids have also quieted down a lot. Akahime and Tatsumi were scolded by Nadezhda as soon as they returned.

The people who raided at night were so close to Esdeath, they were really eager to be reincarnated.

Nadezhda knew how powerful Esdeath was. Her crippled hands and eyes were caused by Esdeath.

After Nadezhda finished scolding, she made arrangements:"Anyway, Zanke is dead. Don't take any missions recently. Stay in the base. We'll talk about it later."

Nadetta has always kept her distance from that crazy woman Esdeath, but her behavior during this period made her unpredictable.

And the reason for everything that happened was the man named Seshomaru, but there was very little information about Seshomaru and his appearance was very abrupt.

The news given by the revolutionaries was that Seshomaru was just a gigolo kept by Esdeath, but Nadetta didn't believe this nonsense at all.

Who is Esdeath? A gigolo kept by a fart.

But without any information about Seshomaru's actions, Nadetta couldn't judge, but her intuition told her that Seshomaru was definitely not an ordinary person.

Fortunately, Seshomaru did not show any malice towards them for the time being, and was even full of kindness. She seemed to like Akame in particular.

Let Akame go to seduce Seshomaru to ask questions?

It's just that although Akame's small body is also good, it seems to be a bit worse than Esdeath. It's better for me to go, he's a handsome guy.

Unexpected guys are the most troublesome.

The Imperial Five-Vision Universal Observer was not collected either.


Not long after, the news that the imperial generals Nagaki and Hermi had betrayed their country and joined the revolutionary army came There was a heated discussion in the imperial capital.

The upper class naturally cursed the two, while the oppressed lower class secretly applauded.

The minister asked Esdeath to arrange for someone to assassinate the two. For those who made him unhappy, the minister would let them die with regret.

There was no need for Esdeath to assassinate people herself, so she arranged three hunters to go.

Esdeath managed the formed [Hunters].

The people were still the same ones (Will, Fashion, Lan, Porus, Kuroyon, Seleu), but there was one more Iyeas.

Shayou tried to watch The Observer was not able to adapt, so he did not join the Hunters, but he was arranged to help out in the Hunters as a non-staff logistical staff.

The other three Hunters were also temporarily assigned to the Hunters by Esdeath.

As for Seshomaru, he is also a member of the Hunters. Esdeath saw that he had nothing to do every day, so she pulled him in as well.

As soon as Will, who was the farthest away, arrived, Esdeath asked someone to notify the others to gather at the assigned bases in the palace.

Esdeath held a mask in her hand:"Don't mess up my place later, I want to teach these subordinates a lesson."

"Yes, yes, you can do whatever you want, I will be behind you applauding and cheering for you."Sesshomaru smiled, and followed the familiar process.


The two of them came to the hunter's room. Esdeath put on her mask and pushed the door open. Seshomaru stopped at the door to watch her next performance.

Iyeas and Sau wanted to say hello, but Seshomaru stopped them with a look.

""Who are you?"

Will, a silly country boy, asked when he saw Esdeath and Seshomaru. Especially Esdeath who was wearing a mask, he felt very suspicious.

Esdeath came up and asked,"What are you doing here?"

Will was a little intimidated by Esdeath's aura:"Hey, we've been called to gather here."

As a result, as soon as he stood up, he was kicked into the wall by Esdeath.

Esdeath reminded:"There are also killers among the rebels, don't let your guard down at all times."

Then he quickly rushed to Ran and exchanged a few moves, and was very satisfied with Ran's reaction.

At this time, Celia attacked from behind, and Esdeath grabbed her with his backhand and threw her to the ground.

Seshomaru looked at Celia, because the Hunters were established much earlier, and the current Celia has not had a bloody incident with Hilmaine, so Celia is still intact.

Nine out of ten people used to think that Celia should find a place to bury herself and not come out to harm others.

At this time, Celia's psychology was already very twisted, and after some of the Hunters died one after another, she became completely perverted.

However, in a life-and-death war, there is actually no right or wrong, only positions.

It's just that it's still hard to like Celia's perverted and twisted psychology.

After Celia was captured, Kuroyon drew out the Eight Chambers and slashed at Esdeath. The mask was chopped off, revealing Esdeath's true face.

"General Esdeath!"

Polus, who came from the army of the imperial capital, was very familiar with Esdeath. He did not expect that his boss this time would be Esdeath.

Shishang did not make a move, but looked at Seshomaru.

When he saw Seshomaru, he had guessed Esdeath's identity, but compared to Esdeath, he was more curious about Seshomaru.

The rumor that Esdeath had a gigolo had spread in the imperial capital a long time ago, because the fact that the two of them went shopping together was directly confirmed.

Many people were curious about Seshomaru's identity, but there has been no reliable news, just some rumors.

Shishang felt that being able to become the gigolo of the strongest female general in the empire was not something that could be done by having a white face.

And with his understanding of Esdeath, how could she have such a thing as a gigolo. The farce was over, everyone sat down again, and Esdeath asked a few people to introduce themselves again.

Then Esdeath pulled Seshomaru to his side:"Those of you in the imperial capital should have heard of this, my partner Seshomaru. From now on, in addition to obeying my orders, his words are also my words. Do you understand?"

Iyeas and Sau immediately responded,"Understood."

However, the others looked at Seshomaru without saying anything, obviously thinking that Seshomaru, a pretty boy, had no right to command them.

Seshomaru looked at Esdeath and said,"Look, you said you didn't want to come, but you insisted on dragging me here."


Esdeath snorted coldly, and the temperature in the room instantly dropped to dozens of degrees below zero. Everyone was instantly shivering in the cold.

""Okay, okay, why are you so angry? Look how cold you are." Seshomaru dispelled the cold air and advised.

Didn't you see that Kuroneko's face in JK clothes turned pale with cold?


Esdeath snorted in dissatisfaction, and then said,"Do you understand what I just said?"

"Got it."

Everyone didn't hesitate this time. Although it was only a few seconds, they couldn't resist Esdeath.

Besides, Seshomaru seemed to have casually dispersed the coldness emitted by General Esdeath just now. Obviously, he was not a good person.

And she was the partner of the boss, so he should treat her well and make the road wider.

Finally, Esdeath announced the establishment of the special police [Hunter].

Although it was a bit troublesome, Esdeath still invited several people to the house for the first dinner.

It was a good start.

PS: Everyone should move to take a look at the new book"Another World: Starting from the Enslavement of the Mistress"!

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