Rich umami,

It was like a gentle rain lapping on the heart of Tian Suohui.

Pure delicious,

She couldn't find any words to describe for a while.

The taste of shrimp is more delicious than fish, more refreshing than crab, and shrimp brain and shrimp roe are more essence.

This bowl of six shrimp noodles is very fresh

But it doesn't give people any tired feeling.

The fresh taste is like a pokemon

Gently touch the tip of Tasho's soft tongue.

Supreme pleasure,

Instantly filled the girl's whole body.

His face gradually turned crimson

The body instinctively trembles slightly under this stimulus.

Take a breath of heat~

Tashoe was extremely excited at the moment.

It's as if you've finally seen the best cuisine in the world.

Coriander, minced garlic, slightly spicy sauce....

A few simple spices.

While bringing out all the deliciousness of the shrimp.

It can actually play a certain neutralizing role.

How did he do it?

After the excitement....

In Tian Suoe's mind, there was only a series of big question marks.

These spices alone are simply not enough to play a harmonizing role.

Can't figure it out at all!

Tashoe is self-aware and has little knowledge.

It is estimated that if you want to break your head, you can't guess the mystery.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she put down the chopsticks in her hand.

"Boss Chu, may I ask if you only used these kinds of seasonings when mixing shrimp fresh?"

Tasho Megumi sat upright on a plastic stool.

With his hands under the clipboard, he clutched his skirt deadly.

Asking this question seemed to use all her courage.

At this time, Tashoe was sitting in front of her, like a schoolboy who bravely asked questions.

Not only wanted to get answers from the teacher, but was afraid of being criticized by the teacher, and the whole person was extremely nervous.

"It's bird's nest~~ I added a little bird's nest to the soup. "

Seeing Tian Suoe's trembling look

Even Chu Feng, who had always disliked laughing, was amused.

"Bird's nest acid neutralizes excess umami and brings a special aroma. "

"That's why Boss Chu's six shrimp noodles won't feel tired and crooked, and the more you eat it, the more fragrant it gets..."

"You're amazing, how did you come up with that?"

In fact, Megumi Tasho is very smart, almost one point to understand.

"That's right, bird's nest is easy to decompose when exposed to water, and if the amount is relatively small, it can't be seen on the surface. "

"But as long as you savor it, you can taste a very special fragrance..."

Chu Feng rarely spoke at length, but in the face of the quiet girl, he still explained a little.

"So that's the case, thank you Boss Chu, you are really an admirable chef. "

Tashoe quickly stood up and thanked him.

The other party directly solved the mystery of the six shrimp noodles.

Although it was just a small gesture, it made her extremely grateful.

A sense of admiration arose.

"Don't think of me so noble, I'm just a food truck owner, as long as you come to take care of my business often in the future." "

Chu Feng gave the real reason.

The [Local Cuisine +10] [Enlightenment +3] displayed on Megumi Tasho's body, and the prompt sound that keeps ringing in my head....

It all shows that the girl in front of her is a potential European emperor, and she is also very rich.

This is the first time he has seen someone who can add two more to a meal.

It can only be said that Tasuo's luck is really amazing.

What is even more surprising is that for the first time, the amount has a hundredfold critical hit, and the whole cash back is one million yen.

Next, there is a skill extraction session waiting for him....

In the face of such high-quality customers, Chu Feng naturally could not let go.

"Boss Chu is too modest, I will ... Will definitely come back in a while!"

In fact, Tashoe really wanted to say that he would come often in the future.

But when I think of my own little vault.

She was very embarrassed to change her words again.


Come as many times as you can!

While thinking, she also glanced at Boss Chu very guiltily.

Then silently buried his head and continued to eat noodles, living like a little girl who did something wrong.

What a kind child, but unfortunately he can't come often." ’

Chu Feng was a little regretful, but he didn't tighten up.

As long as the other party tastes the sweetness, it will always come in the future.

At this time, both of them seemed to have ignored a very serious problem.

"You don't even have a fixed stall, and you actually ask people to come often?"

An extremely surprised voice sounded in the ears of the two.

With surprise and puzzlement, even a little absurd....

Kobayashi Gentian couldn't believe it.

A food truck owner with erratic whereabouts.

You don't even have a fixed place of business.

You actually dare to make people come often with a shy face?

Not only that.

One dared to say, and the other really answered.

Xiao Lin Gentian was speechless for a while.

It always feels a bit strange for chefs and diners.


Chu Feng was slightly embarrassed, but pretended to be calm and did not show it.

Only Tashoe raised his head stupidly, with noodles hanging from the corners of his mouth, and looked confused.

She finally realized that something was wrong.

Then a pair of big black eyes stared directly at Chu Feng.

Boss Chu didn't move, as if he didn't feel the slightest feeling at all.

Anyway, as long as I am not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed.

"Boss Chu, or you better go to our Yuanyue gate tomorrow to set up a stall, today I waited for an hour in vain." "

Xiao Lin Gentian forced a smile and pretended to be bitter.

She had just invited Akane Kubo Momo to eat Baumkuchen, and her stomach was still a little rising.

But smelling the fragrance wafting from the half bowl of noodles on the board, I suddenly became a little hungry again.

"That's not okay, I'm a person who likes to set up stalls at will. "

Chu Feng naturally couldn't tell others, this was the setting of the system.

I can only pretend to be a noble person who wanders between the city, and I look like I do everything with the circumstances.


Kobayashi Gentian could not understand.

Then took a deep look at Chu Feng, and said helplessly:

"Then how can I find you in the future?"

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