"Thank you again for your hospitality, I will come back tomorrow!"

Poison Island Tsuko thanked again, she has always paid great attention to etiquette and recuperation.

"Huh~~ It's weird that you can find this guy tomorrow." "

Xiao Lin said sourly, not forgetting to glare at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng didn't know why, he only felt that women were so difficult to understand.

Obviously, when he ate just now, he was still smiling, but now he suddenly turned his face and didn't recognize people.

It's inexplicable.

"Huh, isn't the boss setting up a stall here tomorrow?"

Poison Island quickly understood.

Since people are fast food trucks, most of them do not have a fixed location.

"This guy sets up his stall in any location, and the dishes he sells every day are different, all depending on his own mood. "

Kobayashi Gentian complained unceremoniously.


"Then, what if you still want to eat Boss Chu's things in the future?"

This time, Poison Island Tsuko was a little surprised.

She also thinks about coming back tomorrow to eat a bowl of six shrimp noodles.

Who knew that the owner not only set up a stall in a different location, but also made different dishes every day.

As soon as Chu Feng wanted to say that he had set up a group, he suddenly heard the purple-haired girl's urgent whisper.

"Oops, wet ~~"


What kind of tiger wolf word is this?

Chu Feng was shocked.

Akane Kubo turned her head in shock.

Xiao Lin Gentian, who just wanted to complain about two more sentences, was directly speechless.

The three of them looked at the purple-haired girl in unison, all wondering what was going on with this girl?

I see....

Poison Island Tsuko seems to have discovered something.

He lowered his head and looked at his collar with some embarrassment.

It turns out that ....

It's just that the collar is wet.

It is estimated that I accidentally stained it when eating noodles just now.

Chu Feng immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought he had suddenly become the medicine king.

After all, this place is a fusion of the halberd world, which is known as the 'Spirit of the Medicine King'.

Even if something strange happens, it seems reasonable.

Fortunately...... Just wet the collar.

Chu Feng was rarely considerate and handed out a tissue.

Four eyes relative ~

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Even the surrounding crowd seemed to be quiet.

Poison Island's originally cold face instantly turned red.

At this time, she realized that the occasion was not right, and there was a bit of a problem with the wording just now....

Since childhood, he has taught an excellent poison island and pays great attention to etiquette.

Accidentally wetting her collar while dining was a faux pas to her.

In a hurry, the environment will be ignored.

And then.

That natural look said that slightly ambiguous sentence

Directly looked stupid for the three people, including Chu Feng.

A pure, lustful and mature girl suddenly became like this.

The great contrast is enough to shock everyone's jaws.

It's just that.

Looking at the red face of the poison island Jiko...

Everyone didn't think she was dumb, but a little cute.

Hurriedly took a tissue to wipe the noodle soup on his collar.

Poison Island Junzi's hand, which usually wielded a knife, was a little trembling at the moment.

Everyone saw her embarrassment, and tacitly did not mention what happened just now.

Xiaolin Gentian said even more bluntly:

"Miss Poison Island, or let's add a friend, Boss Chu has built a food group, I'll pull you in later." "

"Ah~ thank you so much. "

Yan Ziqiang pretended to be calm and said with a solemn face.

Chu Feng: (⊙0⊙)....

So I didn't do anything, and the food group had another member?

Shaking his head, although he didn't know why Xiaolin Gentian suddenly became so positive.

But one more regular customer source is always a good thing.

After Poison Island Tsuko and Kobayashi Gentian became friends with each other, they soon left.

Even if his face has returned to calm, the shame in his heart has not dissipated after all.

The two Ten Masters of Yuanyue had rested enough, and they left satisfied.

Before leaving, Xiaolin Gentian also specially reminded Chu Feng that he would notify the location of the stall in the group early tomorrow.

Chu Feng promised with a full mouth, sitting bored in the fast food car and brushing his mobile phone.

People who come to try high-priced snacks are a minority after all.

The shopping street is also not as good as the Engetsu Gakuen, where many juniors in the neon cuisine world gather.

Today's fast food truck business is naturally a lot deserted.

Chu Feng didn't care either.

Anyway, today I have already met two European emperors, and two secret techniques have been exposed.

Feeling that he had made a lot of money, he casually found a light novel to read.

Although the plot is strange and the writing is average, he still watches it with relish.

Of course, Boss Chu will definitely not admit that the illustrations in it are very attractive.

At eight o'clock in the evening, there are still many pedestrians on the commercial street.

Chu Feng closed the stall on time and prepared to go home to eat something to sleep.

Set up a stall for two hours a day, and life is so self-disciplined.


Poison Island Jizi walked back reluctantly.

The faux pas just now is still playing back in my mind.

She has always abided by the way of women and treated people with humility, and suddenly felt the urge to pull out a knife and cut people.

Quickening his pace again, Poison Island Tsuko now just wants to go home quickly.


"The eldest lady is finally back~"

The eldest lady seems to have come back a little later than usual?"

"Stand up quickly, the eldest lady will soon start guiding swordsmanship~"

Forty trainees dressed in martial arts uniforms stood in two rows, both male and female, all looking in awe at the purple-haired girl who had just entered the door.

According to the convention, today, as usual, the swordsmanship is instructed by Poison Island Tsuko.

Everyone stood with wooden swords in their hands and in good manners.

Although the girl in front of her is young, she is the women's champion of the high school of the National Kendo Competition.

If the other party goes all out, their group of people together have no chance of winning.

Awe, admiration, worship...

The eyes of male and female trainees are different.

"You, come out, attack me with all your might!"

Poison Island Tsuko casually ordered a trainee.

It was the one who said she was late to her return.

The man came out trembling, his hands already clenching the wooden sword.

Today, the eldest lady looks no different from usual.

Serious expression, focused eyes....

Why do you feel that there is a murderous aura locked in you?

Definitely an illusion.

How could the gentle and kind eldest lady have killing intent on herself for no reason?

The trainee forcibly calmed down, exerted strength in his legs, and rushed forward with his wooden sword in hand.


A muffled sound.

The male trainee flew out upside down and fell out of the field firmly.


There was silence.

Everyone was stunned to look at the young lady of the poison island family who stood in place stunned.

Even the old trainees who had been in the Kendo Hall for the longest time and thought they knew Poison Island Rinko very well were a little shocked at this time.

What happened to the eldest lady today?

In a bad mood?

Or did the trainee inadvertently provoke her?

The random knife just now completely knocked the male trainee away.


The eldest miss's swordsmanship is terrifying!

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