100% empty-handed white blade: god-level secret technique!

Any blade attack or move can be easily taken by both hands without any damage.

In other words, from now on, Chu Feng could ignore the level gap, ignore the strength of the strength, and take all the blade-shaped attacks empty-handed.

No wonder it is directly god-level, this kind of rule-type secret technique, there is no solution at all.

It is estimated that anyone who uses slashes will have a headache when encountering it.

With such a big surprise, Chu Feng was very happy and smiled extraordinarily brightly.

It was the first time that Poison Island had seen each other like this, and it was really beautiful to laugh.

But soon, she was a little confused.

'Because Tianyu chopped and ate egg fried rice, so he was so happy?'


As soon as this thought came up, Tsuko suddenly became a little unhappy.

'Could it be that Mr. Chu Feng prefers the domineering and cold and arrogant type of Tianyu, so should I be a little more reserved and a little more cold?


Poison Island Tsuko doesn't know why he has such strange thoughts, but his brain just thinks uncontrollably.

After hesitating, she still couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Chu Feng is in a good mood today?"

"Well, I suddenly remembered something happy. "

Chu Feng nodded, but had no intention of continuing.

Ji Zi still wanted to ask something, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Tianyu Chopper.

"Okay, now that you've eaten your food, it's time to get down to business, right?"

"Also, the food you cook is delicious, which makes me want to take you for myself~"

Tianyu chopped up and stood up, his height of 168cm looked particularly well-proportioned.

The strong aura made the people around him retreat a few meters again, as if they were afraid of being affected by it.

"Tianyu Slash is about to strike, I don't know which is stronger between her and the chef?"

"It should be between Bo Zhong, after all, the chef is a ghost tile wheel in one move. "

"But the Tianyu Female Emperor is also very strong, those moves are too incomprehensible~"

"Look, this is destined to be a close battle!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, the face of the ghost tile wheel mixed in the crowd had turned livid.

If she was not careful, her defeat was brought out again, which was destined to be a hurdle that she could not pass in this life.

Chu Feng reluctantly stepped out of the food truck.

He's just a stall, why should he go through such a thing as fighting?

Until now, Chu Feng hadn't figured it out.

It can only be blamed on the wrong teaching philosophy of the symbiotic school.

In the future, I won't come here to set up a stall, it's not a good place to do business at all.

Chu Feng secretly slandered, looking helplessly at the girl on the other side.

The whole person looked very casual, and he didn't even make the slightest preparation for battle.


Tianyu Chopper did not care, and his expression did not relax, some were just vigilant.

True masters do not need to prepare at all when fighting, because their bodies have long formed an instinct.


The heavenly feather slashed, and the ground made a muffled sound, and the whole person bounced to the ground.

With a distance of just a few meters, the hand knife was cut out, and the invisible wind blade directly hit Chu Feng's face.

"Tianyu is still the same as usual, as soon as he strikes, it is a killing move. "

Poison Island Junzi secretly paid in his heart, and then looked at Chu Feng a little strangely and muttered:

"Why didn't Mr. Chu Feng do it yet, did he want to take Tianyu's hand knife hard?"

After saying that, Poison Island Junzi himself was stunned for a moment.

Looking at the martial arts masters she knew, even if her father faced the hand knife slashed by Tianyu, it was estimated that he would not dare to take it with his bare hands.

And the man in front of him has already shown this trend.

Chu Feng's image became more inscrutable in her heart.

And then....

Things really went as she expected.

Chu Feng, who had been motionless, suddenly moved.

A pair of big hands seemed to appear on the running route of the hand knife in advance.

Put your hands together!

To put it mildly, he caught the slightly pale hand that Tianyu chopped.


The audience was silent, and then there was an uproar.

"Heavens... Tianyu's hand knife was actually caught by him?"

"Lying groove~ I'm not dreaming, right?

"How did he do it? It looks like it's relaxed!"

Only the huge gap in strength can be so understated. "

"How strong is this chef?"

This scene not only shattered the eyes of ordinary students.

Even the Oni Wawa and Sleeping Bird who were mixed in the crowd, as well as Inaba Moon Night and others in the corridor of the teaching building, were shocked deep in their hearts.

How powerful the Tianyu slash is, the five swords in the world are clear.

Two or three of them join forces, and it is difficult to take advantage.

It is estimated that only if the five swords of the world strike at the same time, there is any hope of winning.

Tianyu's hand knife is too strong.

Chopping iron and gravel, it's a breeze!

Plus terrifying speed and defense.

The power of the hand knife is even more extreme.

Now, however, ....

Such a terrifying attack was easily defused by a chef, and it was in this bizarre way.

Take the white blade empty-handed!?

At this time, these five words appeared in everyone's minds.

It seems that only this name is the most appropriate scene in front of you.

Chu Feng didn't think so much.

When Tianyu Slash launched an offensive, he didn't even think about how to defuse it.

The hands are like an instinctive reaction, completely uncontrollable to appear in the most appropriate position, simply put together.

Everything is so natural and relaxing.


Tianyu's chopping hand turned out to be so white, and it was also very smooth and tender.

Chu Feng originally thought that since the other party could refine the whole body into weapons, the skin should be very rough.

In fact, it was not like that at all, and he couldn't help but rub two handfuls.

As long as you promise to follow me obediently, you can go back and play as long as you want!"

At this time, a voice without any emotion sounded coldly in Chu Feng's ears.


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