The evening breeze gently brushes the ends of her blonde hair.

Erinai suddenly looked at the crimson sand beside her.

The little secretary instantly understood the look in the eyes of the eldest lady.


Miss, you are embarrassed to ask yourself, why push it to me?

Crimson was speechless for a while, but couldn't bear to refuse.

Erina's hopeful look speaks for itself.

Alas~ sighed slightly~

Crimson was a little helpless, so he could only pretend to be curious: "Boss Chu, where will you set up a stall tomorrow?" "

Just ate the perfect and delicious roasted wheat, Ying Li suddenly turned his head when he heard the sound, and his face was a little strange.

'Won't the boss set up a stall at the night market tomorrow??? ’

A series of question marks popped up in my head.

She is also planning to bring her mother with her tomorrow.

Then ~~

Ying Li Li saw Chu Feng shaking his head.

"I'm not sure yet, let's talk about it tomorrow."


The three girls were in a trance.



Where are we going to find you then?"

Erina rolled her eyes sharply.

What the other party said was complete nonsense.

Glanced at Crimson again.

There was still a little urging in his eyes.

The little secretary had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask

"Boss Chu, we still want to come tomorrow, how can we contact you then?"

Crimson Shazi's voice is very quiet, quite like everyone's show, and it sounds particularly comfortable.

"In this way, then you enter the food group, and I will inform everyone in the group when the time comes."

Chu Feng took out his mobile phone and brushed it for a while, and then handed it to Crimson Shazi.

'There is still a food group~'

Erina's mind moved slightly, and a trace of eagerness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

This little action, Chu Feng, whose physique is not what it used to be, naturally all look at it.

It also did not break, and let Scarlet Sand add his KK number into the group.

"Boss Chu, I want it too, I also want ~~"


Ying Li exclaimed excitedly.

If you never eat such a good meal again.

She must be sad.

At this time~

The character of the elegant lady has long been forgotten by her.

As long as you can continue to eat Chu Feng's dishes.

It doesn't matter anything else.

Yingli Li successfully joined the food group, hesitated, did not dare to use the pseudonym 'Eiri Kashiwagi', and finally changed the group nickname to his real name.

The nicknames of Erinah and Scarlet are well recognized.

The Tongue of God and the secretary of the eldest miss.

As long as they are people from Yuanyue Academy, it is estimated that they can guess who they are.

The tsundere Miss Xue Che has never disdained to hide her identity.

With the increase in stable customer sources, Chu Feng was naturally happy.

People are in good spirits at happy events, and good luck also comes one after another.

Just now, the crit prompt sounded twice in succession.

It's just...

【Ding! Congratulations on winning the skill: Painter! 】

[Trigger a thousandfold critical return...].

[Congratulations on acquiring the skill: Top Painter! ] 】


Chu Feng was a little dumbfounded.

What the hell is a top painter?

Don't think about ~~

This skill must come from Eiri.

This guy only has two skill boards: otaku and painter.

It is strange that 'otaku' is actually a skill in the judgment of the system.

Apparently Yingli already knows this.


I'm a stall, what's the use of taking a painter?

Do you want me to work part-time as a drawing book?

Some kind of discordant picture automatically comes to mind.

Chu Feng hurriedly threw these distracted thoughts out of his mind.

He just wants to make money and improve his strength now.

These are the real foundations.

Those bells and whistles are not needed at all.

Fortunately, I had good luck today.

After drawing [Cooking] from Erina, Tenfold Critical Hit is upgraded to Mastery.

At present, Chu Feng's knife skills, desserts, and cooking are all mastered at the lowest level.

According to the system's standards, mastery of three cuisine-related skills is the eight-star chef.

【Congratulations on awakening the heart of cooking: peace is precious! 】 】

【Any diner can feel your heart, everything is valued by peace, in order to make a lot of money.】 】

Unlike other chefs, after advancing to the eight-star, Chu Feng activated the chef's heart.

Thinking of this, he casually clicked on the system interface.

[Name]: Chu Feng

[Age]: 20 years old

【Number of positive reviews】: 76/100

[Composite Index]: 118 (the average average of ordinary people is 10).

[Chef Level]: Eight stars

【Kitchen Heart】: Harmony is precious

【Skills】: Divine Taste (advanced), knife work (top), dessert (mastery), cooking (mastery), theory (advanced), carving (advanced), painter (top)...

[Secret Skills]: Instant Light Slash (Advanced), Juhe One Flash (Special Level), Fierce Bull Green Dragon Slash (Lin Level), Sun Breath Method (Dragon Level).

【Recipe】: Takoyaki yaki, sea bream yaki, six shrimp noodles, Galaxy noodles, golden egg fried rice, golden section siu mai, dragon emperor seafood porridge

"Harmony is precious, is this my cooking heart?"

The name is quite gratifying, but the effect is inexplicably powerful.

The moment the chef's heart awakened, Chu Feng understood its ability.

The so-called chef heart is actually to put the heart into cooking, bring out the taste of the ingredients to the extreme, and at the same time let diners intuitively feel the mood of the chef when cooking.

And the sum is precious....

As the name suggests, it is to let diners and chefs live in harmony, and subtly ignore all kinds of unpleasantness.

The higher Chu Feng's star rating, the greater the impact on diners.

Ascend to the extreme, and you can even turn enemies into friends in an instant.

In this regard, Chu Feng was still very satisfied.

After all, it is best not to fight and kill and kill money.


After the second group of guests left, the time was close to eleven.

It is estimated that there will be no more diners tonight, and Chu Feng collected the stall and left.

From Mimachime Night Market to Sakura Residence, it takes about 30 minutes by car.

Halfway through, there seems to be an accident ahead, and the traffic jam is a bit bad.

Helpless ~~

Chu Feng could only choose to detour.

He usually goes to bed at ten.

Tonight has seriously affected his schedule.

The food truck always maintains the speed set by the city.

Even if he was in a hurry, Chu Feng still obeyed the traffic rules.

Just when passing through the park, a huge black shadow fell from the sky.

Very sudden, menacing, and even more frighteningly fast.

Chu Feng hadn't reacted yet, and he didn't even have time to see clearly what it was.

The black shadow had already slammed into the food truck fiercely and solidly.


A loud bang.

The fast food truck was safe and sound, and Chu Feng was in the cab, almost without feeling vibration.

On the contrary, the huge black shadow now does not know where it was knocked into.

Sure enough, the fast food truck produced by the system is simply invincible.


Far behind the car, there seemed to be a mournful cry.

It's just that the distance is too far away and the sound sounds a little unreal.

Chu Feng didn't know what exactly he bumped into?

"I can't blame me for this, it hit itself."

Shaking his head and muttering, he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Anyway, this world even has food and fantasy ingredients.

No matter what strange creatures appear again, it seems to be normal.

Set up a stall, go home, wash, sleep...

Chu Feng's daily life is so simple.

Any trouble would disturb his peace.


PS: Collection, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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