"Boss Chu, this is the chief marshal of our Yuanyue Academy."

As if feeling that Chu Feng's attitude was a little disrespectful, Akane Kubo Momo reminded in a low voice.

Tashoe nodded hurriedly, and Erina and Scarlet also had a slight dissatisfaction on their faces.

Usually, no matter where the old man goes to eat, which chef is not respectful, which one will be as casual as Chu Feng.

“...... I am not a student of your Yuanyue. "

After a second of silence, Chu Feng said his truest thoughts.

I'm not from your Far Moon, why should I be afraid of Xianzuoweimen?"

This group of girls is really fussing.

"Haha, Boss Chu is really the same as Erinai said, he is a very interesting young man."

"As I said earlier, you just treat me as an ordinary eater, come out to eat, and be happy is the most important."

Senzoemon laughed heartily, picked up a piece of chicken steak and stuffed it into his mouth.

"The meat is delicate, delicate and delicious, full of lotus fragrance, full of chewiness..."

"Sure enough, it is a top-quality reed chicken that is stocked in the forest and grows up eating yacon seeds."

"The egg batter also has a faint fruity aroma, sweet and smooth, it should be Kawada eggs, right?"

Xianzuoweimen's eyes flickered a few times, and with his level, he quickly guessed the material used for the chicken nuggets.

"The tempura fried at 178C is just right, and the dough is crispy and golden in color. While the outside is crispy and the inside is tender, it can also retain the original flavor of the ingredients..."

"It's amazing, superb cooking skills, coupled with the top ingredients of the Dragon Kingdom, no wonder Boss Chu dares to sell 20,000 yen for a bowl of rice!"

A burst of emotion.

Xianzuoweimen couldn't help but look up at Chu Feng, who was already sitting in the fast food car and swiping his mobile phone.

This skill of frying tempura alone, without ten years and eight years of hard training, it is really difficult to reach this realm.

This Boss Chu looks only twenty years old, right?

Obedient, amazing!

This young man is definitely a super genius!


Senzoemon lowered his head and began to seriously taste this chicken nugget tempura bowl.

It is mixed with chicken nugget oil and soup mainly consisting of dried pine fish juice, soy sauce, and sea rice juice.

The soft and crispy rice of Xiangshui Gong rice is elevated to the extreme, and the rice is fragrant and silky, and the taste is bursting.

When you bite into it, it's very elastic.




Rice with all flavors.

This moment feels like it....

Even more than fried chicken nuggets in a luxurious configuration.

"Tear pull ~~"

Xianzuoemen, who was enjoying the magic of food, suddenly looked solemn, and two essences burst out in his eyes.

The clothes on his body seemed to be hit from the inside out by a strong force, and began to bulge violently.

"Tear pull ~~"

A crisp tearing sound suddenly sounded.

Xianzuoemon cracked on the spot!


"Old man Xue Che..."

"Lord Commander-in-Chief! Boss Chu's rice bowl actually made the chief marshal's clothes crack? "

Erina, Scarlet, and Akane Kubo Momo exclaimed, their faces all covered with shock.

Chu Feng's cuisine was indeed perfect.

But overall.

It can only give a very, very tasty feeling.

For example, this 'chicken nugget tempura bowl'.

If you really want to score, at best, it is a four-star limit.

It can only be said that the other party has fused various ingredients to perfection and achieved the ultimate in this dish, but it has never exceeded the star rating of the dish itself.

Although this donburi seems to be more delicious than usual, it has not exceeded its limits after all.

The three of them were a little confused.

Why is Senzoemon so excited?

He was even forced out of the unique heritage of the Kakukiri family.

That's a situation that only happens when you eat the most delicious.

"Cook! Cooking with 'peace' as the core concept? "

"Making dishes with the intention of 'harmony and harmony', Boss Chu's realm is much higher than the old 'Jade Way'."

"Xiangshui Gong rice as the galaxy, seasoned soup into stars, golden chicken nuggets like the sun..."

"Boss Chu's bowl of chicken nuggets tempura rice bowl is not an exaggeration to a peaceful and peaceful cosmic starry sky."

"Haha, wonderful, it's really wonderful, I can't imagine that our culinary world, and a super genius like you."

The top completely exploded.

Senzoemon laughed heartily with his bare arms.

His appreciation for Chu Feng was even more unstinting.

The bodyguard standing opposite the mall is very eye-catching.

At this time, he had already walked over with a brand new dress.

Senzoemon put on new clothes.

The gaze that looked at Chu Feng was even more full of appreciation and enthusiasm.

There are thousands of kinds of cooking hearts, and it is rare to have a normal heart.

Each chef's personality is different, and the chef's heart that eventually awakens is different.

Some people awaken the heart of Shura, pursue food alone in the desert, and wander around the world.

Some people awaken the heart of nature and live in seclusion in the mountains and forests all year round, just to make the most natural cuisine.

The culinary heart of Senzoemon is the 'Way of Jade', and Yuanyue's elite teaching philosophy was born here.

As the contemporary head of the Xue Che family, Senzoemon does not have the tongue of God and cannot most intuitively feel the flaws in the cuisine.

In time!

He also figured out a path that suited him best.

It's about making dishes and correcting them through trial and error until you can't find any defects.

The Way of Jade!

It was born with this in mind.

Eliminate all external defects, including ingredients, technology, heat, etc.

Senzoemon's ultimate goal is to hone the most perfect cuisine and keep up with the evolution of Erina's Tongue.

It's just that he never expected that someone would be able to awaken a rare cooking heart like 'ordinary heart'.

The desire for peace is the most normal thing.

Probably every ordinary person wants a peaceful life.

And Chu Feng's cuisine can make people feel peaceful and enjoy the tranquility that has been lost for a long time.

This is what shocked Senzoemon the most.

Normal mind!

Just an umbrella term.

It's not a specific kind of cook.

Only chefs with true hearts and lofty ambitions can only use ordinary dishes to make ordinary people feel the beauty of life.

This state of mind, which is not mixed with selfish desires, is the most valuable.

There are thousands of chefs in the world, and it is rare to find ice hearts in jade pots.

In the troubled world, there are a few people who can maintain their innocence and nobility and always stick to their original intentions.


PS: Collection, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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