"Who is she?"

After the excitement.

Tianyu's voice grew colder.

Because she realized there were other people in the food truck.

A woman.

A very beautiful blonde woman.

And also a cute and beautiful blonde maid.

This is only two short days.

There are more people around Chu Feng?

The excitement that Tianyu slashed just now suddenly disappeared.

It's as if your own place has been rushed by.

She's in a terrible mood right now.

In fact, Tianyu Slash should have noticed this a long time ago.

It's just that just now, all his thoughts were on Chu Feng and Poison Island Jizi.

In addition, the presence of girls in the fast food truck is very low.

People who are up-to-earth are good at perceiving everything around them.

But this blonde maid in front of him.

It feels like it's ethereal throughout.

Slightly unnoticed.

Tianyu slashed and ignored the existence of the other party.

"Hello, my name is Thor, Boss Chu's maid."

Carrying a bowl of rice, Tolle stood beside Chu Feng and showed a kind smile.

Boss Chu said that when doing business, you must receive diners with a smile.

Although he didn't understand why Chu Feng rarely showed a smile when he did things.

But Thor remembered the other party's instructions.


Tianyu chopped a moment of silence.

The girl's contrived behavior as 'Thor' is a demonstration in her eyes, a declaration of sovereignty.

Why could she stand beside Chu Feng with a smile on her face?

That should have been my place!

Belongs to me....

Endless jealousy sprang up in my heart for no reason.

But in the face of the dragon maid....

She instantly felt a great threat.

A threat that can be fatal.

People who go to the ground are usually very perceived, and she also trusts her own judgment.

"Tianyu slash, Boss Chu's suitor."

Forcibly suppress the urge to do it.

Tianyu slashed to force himself to calm down.

Be bold and direct in your attitude.

"No need to stress again, I already knew."

"I just said, Boss Chu is so good, there must be many girls who like it."

Thor didn't hear the other party's voice at all.

When she was still in her hometown, she heard many love stories between human beings.

It's just that I didn't expect that the human beings in this world would be so bold in showing love, and they would come with their mouths open.

However, Thor was not surprised, but found it interesting.

Boss Chu is so good.

Good-looking, good cooking, good for people.

It's normal for girls to like it.

But ~~

These words reached Tianyu's ears, but they understood another meaning.

Many people liked Chu Feng, but he chose me in the end. ’

In her opinion, the girl in front of her is showing off to her.

That innocent smile is more like a winner's mockery of a loser.

Gas! Shake! Cold!

Tianyu slashed his entire face and pulled down, as if he had just been brushed on a plate.

The heat with a wonderful fragrance rushed to her face, and Chu Feng's voice pulled her back to reality in time.

"Eat, remember to give money after eating."

When he encountered a confession for the first time in his life, Chu Feng himself was a little confused, but it was a pity that the other party was a sick petite.

With the idea of not losing high-quality customers, he did not snub the sky too much.

If he knows that the other party has so much inner drama, it is estimated that it is another attitude.

Because the other party can not only complete the strategy game of love, but also have murder paranoia, and make up the heterosexual brain around Chu Feng into an enemy on his own.

However, Chu Feng still noticed the look in Tianyu's eyes as he looked at Thor, and kindly reminded: "Don't try to fight her, I'm afraid you will be killed." "


Tianyu was speechless for a while, a little sullen, and there was a feeling that it was unfavorable to be a teacher.

There was no doubt about Chu Feng's words, this girl named 'Thor' was indeed very strong.

Its strength is only seen in the life of Tianyu Chopper.

The other party just stood in front of her, and she felt like she was about to suffocate.

Tianyu is arrogant and domineering, but he is not stupid at all, and he can't bear to make a big plan.

I endure!

Slowly lower the haughty head.

Now only dry food can dissolve her depression.


Meizi munched on the incomparably delicious fried chicken nuggets, and Poison Island couldn't help but taunt with a blow.

It caused me to be embarrassed just now, and now it's a complete tragedy, right?


Tianyu's depressed look is really interesting.

But ~

How can I not feel happy?

Just about to show a smile, Poison Island Junzi suddenly found out

My mood is also a little complicated, and I am a little panicked.

Oh, yes.

Boss Chu already has someone else around him.

Looking at the girl standing quietly next to Chu Feng.

Poison Island Junzi couldn't help but feel a trace of envy.

The mood suddenly became a little low.


Chu Feng didn't pay attention to the thoughts of the two girls in front of him at all.

His gaze was always locked on the top of the other's head.

[Knife Pulling +4! ] 】

[Avatar Knife +2! ] 】

Tianyu's luck in slashing was as bad as ever.

Even if the skills are improved, the progress is not comparable to that of Poison Island Rinko.

Of course~

Chu Feng would now not have any emotions of joy or jealousy for the promotion of the diners.

He is more concerned about whether he can brush out his skills and return critical hits.

Today's luck is not very good, five people came from far moon, and there were no benefits.

Chu Feng can only press the treasure on the poison island Zizi now.

This 'Emperor of Europe' came for the first time, but it broke out as a 'Residence Unity Flash'.

Chu Feng hoped that this time, the other party could bring him good luck today.

Tsuko really didn't disappoint him.

Girls with a big heart are generally not bad luck.

[Advanced swordsmanship, death slashing, sword pulling...].

[Congratulations on winning the skill: Death Slash! ] 】

[Trigger a 10,000-fold critical return...].

[Congratulations on obtaining the secret skill: don't kill and don't pull the knife! ] 】

It's not easy~

Finally see the 10,000-fold crit again!

Death Slash, a move created by Poison Island Rinko.

With the intention of killing, rest and do your best to give the enemy a fatal blow.

Originally, this move was nothing special, but it was just the strongest slash of the poison island Junzi.

But after the system 10,000-fold critical hit, a qualitative change has occurred.

[God-level secret technique: do not kill and do not pull out the sword! ] 】

[If you don't want to hack the other party to death, don't use this knife no matter what.] 】

This move, like receiving the white blade with 100% empty hands, is also a rule secret technique and is completely unreasonable.

As long as this knife is drawn, whoever is cut and dies, the gods will still quack and kill.

The two god-level secret techniques are only one thing different.

Catching the White Blade 100% empty-handed is a passive defense skill that costs almost nothing.

Without killing or pulling the knife, it requires a specific proportion of consumption.

For example, opponents with similar strength to him

Chu Feng only needed to pay a part of his physical strength or energy to hack to death.

It is estimated that only the legendary gods can force him to pay the price of his life.

Overall, this move is the strongest hole card he has received so far.

It can't really be so unlucky to meet a legendary god, right?

Chu Feng muttered to himself, feeling a lot calmer in his heart.

Although there is Thor, the dragon lady's bodyguard, but the iron still needs to be hard, and he always has to have some confidence.


PS: Collection, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

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