Rainbow fruits are expensive.

If you take it out for auction.

It can be sold for at least a billion yen.

The reason.

It's a rarity in the world.


A system mall that offers unlimited fantasy ingredients.

A rainbow fruit costs only 12 million yen.

Spending such a small amount of money, he could exchange it for the Nine-Star Rank and the Eternal Spirit Dao, and Chu Feng did not lose anything at all.

Kojiro Shinomiya, who specializes in fruit and vegetable cuisine.

It is probably difficult to refuse the temptation of the rainbow fruit.

Sure enough.

Shinomiya Kojiro's breathing had become rapid.

The gaze looking at the colorful fruit in Chu Feng's hand was extremely hot.

"Okay, I'll take the halberd."

Shinomiya Kojiro raised his hand to hold the black-rimmed frame, and a fine light flashed in his eyes.

Rainbow fruit!

He's bound to get it!

At the same time, we must also teach this young man in front of him a lesson that does not know the height of the sky.

The authority of a nine-star chef.

It's not just anyone who can shake it.

"Senior Shinomiya..."

At this moment, Kanhyugako exclaimed, looking like she wanted to say something.

"Huh? Do you also doubt my level of cooking? "

Brows furrowed slightly, and Shinomiya Kojiro's tone was quite dissatisfied.

Chu Feng let so many people not choose, but he challenged him by name.

Now he still has a lot of anger.

"No, I just want to tell Senior Sigong that Boss Chu did not conduct star certification."

Kanhyuga quickly waved her hand.

Silver Dojima: (⊙o⊙)...

Shinomiya Kojiro: (⊙⊙)...

All the Yuanyue graduates present were all confused at this time.


Dare to love this guy who launched a special challenge, not a single star?

Fuyumi Mizuhara, who had just finished eating fried gluten, was already full of stunned face.


She stared at Chu Feng in amazement, and said in disbelief: "You, you don't have a single star, you dare to challenge the nine-star chef?" "

Anyway, in Suwon Fuyumi's 28 years of life, she has never seen such a bold person.

"How? Doesn't it work? "

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

"It's not impossible, it's just that challenging the nine stars with no star, the value of a rainbow fruit is far from enough."

Dojima Ginshi spoke.

Eating halberds between chefs is a normal thing.

He didn't mind Chu Feng's proposal.

In fact~

Even without this stubble.

He also wanted to test the depth of the other party.

Shinomiya Kojiro's strength is not much worse than him.

Dojima Silver was still very relieved about him.

I just never expected it.

Chu Feng was actually a starless cook.

Simply outrageous!

Originally, in their thinking, since they dared to come to the opposite of the Yuanyue Hotel to fight in the ring, they had to have more than seven stars.

Even if Shinomiya Kojiro is unexpectedly defeated, the final star drop will not be too large.

But now ~

Dojima Gin: They had to revisit the bet.

"In that case, how about adding a recipe with twenty-four layers of French vegetable jelly'?"

Chu Feng added again.

Who knew that as soon as the words fell, Shinomiya Kojiro instantly exploded.

"Impossible! My Jiuzhen French Vegetable Jelly is the most perfect dish in the world, and no one can make it twenty-four layers! "

Now he is simply more excited than when he saw the rainbow fruit just now.

No longer suppressing the anger in his heart at all, these words almost roared out.

To know ~

In the past, there was a famous dish in French cuisine.

- Eight treasures of French vegetable jelly.

Shinomiya Kojiro improved this dish into Kujin.

Only to become the first neon man to receive the Order of Pruspur.

This has always been his pride.

Nine floors!

It has become the recognized limit of vegetable jelly in the culinary world.

The young man in front of him jerked out what twenty-four layers of French vegetable jelly.

Shinomiya Kojiro couldn't accept it at all.

Once accepted~

Wouldn't it be an admission that the other party's research in this area was several levels higher than his own?

"If you really don't believe it, we're better than this dish."

Chu Feng spoke again.

In order to receive system rewards.

He also fought this time.

Shinomiya Kojiro couldn't refuse.

Challenge him to what he does best.

Undoubtedly the biggest provocation to him.

"Finally, add one more thing, if you lose, you will never appear within the range of the far moon in the future."

Shinomiya Kojiro said in a loud voice.

"No problem, time and place?"

"Eight o'clock in the evening, the forty-eighth floor of the Yuanyue Hotel."

"Okay, I'll be there on time with my things." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Huh~ I hope you don't let me down by then, the disparity is too great, it's not interesting to win."

After making a verbal agreement, Shinomiya Kojiro returned directly to the hotel.

Dojima Yin and the others took a deep look at Chu Feng and did not linger any longer.

In the food truck.

Thor's eyes looking at Chu Feng were a little strange.

Aren't we here to set up a stall?

Why do you suddenly have to eat halberds with others?

Spent some time on earth.

She is no longer a little white who doesn't understand anything.

Nature understands what the halberd represents.

It was a duel between chefs who gambled everything.

Boss Chu, who has always been indisputable in the world, why did he suddenly launch a challenge?

Thor never figured it out.

But that's okay.

Boss Chu's decision was absolutely correct.


It must be that four-eyed field chicken that is too annoying.

Boss Chu wanted to find an excuse to teach him a lesson.

Thor did not doubt Chu Feng's character in the slightest.

She now just wants to taste the fantastic fruit.

"Boss Chu, can you let me eat this fruit?"

The maid Dragon Niang's eyes lit up and stared at the rainbow fruit deadly.

"That's not okay, this is tomorrow's bet, I'll give you food when I win the halberd."

"Uh-huh, then I'm looking forward to Ming Wan's coming soon~~"

Thor seemed to have seen the Rainbow Fruit waving at her.

As for losing the halberd?

She hadn't thought about it at all.

With Boss Chu's ability, how could he lose~


A high-rise of the Far Moon Hotel.

As soon as Xianzuoweimon got the news, he rushed over with the current Shijie.

On the huge oval-shaped conference table, the guest lecturer and the current Shijie sat in a row each, waiting for the commander of Yuanyue to speak.

"So, why did Boss Chu fight with the Four Palaces Halberd? And still a leapfrog challenge? "

After a long silence, Xianzuoemon finally said the question in his heart.

Erina, Xiaolin Gentian and other people who know Chu Feng better.

At this moment, I was also full of doubts and a little confused.

"He must have done this for another purpose, definitely not for the stars."

Erina said sonorously, with an extremely resolute tone.

Although Chu Feng often scolded her with nothing to say.

But she knows very well that the other party is a person who is indifferent to fame and fortune.

If you really want stars, you can go to IOG certification, there is no need to provoke guest lecturers.

The members of the Ten Masters who were familiar with Chu Feng nodded one after another, agreeing with Erina's statement.

Silver Dojima and other guest lecturers were very curious.

This year's ten masters, it seems that many of them know the food truck owner?

After asking, they learned that there was such a mysterious person in the city of Weijing.

"Taking out the dream ingredients casually, you can also improve the skills of diners, what is the origin of this Chu Feng?"

Dojima Silver subconsciously sat up straight, feeling that things had become a little tricky.

I thought that it was just a nobody, who wanted to rise to the stars quickly, but who knew that in the blink of an eye, it would become a mysterious and powerful existence.

Dojima Silver suddenly became a little worried, can Shinomiya Kojiro win in the end?

"Anyway, the halberd has been established, the three executive officers of IGO have already set off, and they will arrive in Chiba Prefecture tomorrow, and there is no possibility of cancellation."

Senzoemon sighed helplessly, took a deep look at Shinomiya Kojiro, and then said: "You don't have to participate in tomorrow's study (good money), prepare for the battle, and come out with the best state to deal with this halberd." "

Shinomiya Kojiro nodded solemnly, and there seemed to be a cold light flashing on the lenses.

The words of Erinai and the others made him a little more interested in Chu Feng, the opponent.

Cancel the halberd? Losing the contest?

Shinomiya Kojiro never thought about these issues.

Wandered alone in France for many years.

How is it possible to lose to a twenty-year-old imp.

Tsundere pushed the frame, and Shinomiya Kojiro said confidently: "Don't worry, Commander, I won't lose." "

Xianzuoemon nodded slightly and said no more.

In fact~

He is a little unoptimistic about Shinomiya Kojiro.

The unfathomable Chu Feng.

He also wondered about the other party's true level.

At least nine stars~

This Yuanyue commander is extremely determined.

As for Chu Feng's true intentions.

Senzoemon can't guess for the time being.

But he believes in the character of the other party.

There should be no trouble deliberately looking for Yuanyue.

The four palaces have lived too smoothly over the years.

It's good to take on the unknown.

What if you win.

Rainbow fruit is a rare ingredient.

To be honest, Senzoemon is a little moved.

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