Don't worry about the exercises.

During this time, several branches continued to provide a steady stream of points every day.

It was not difficult for Chu Feng to exchange exercises suitable for everyone.

Except for his women...

Kohei Sojin, Teruki Kume, Mai Sakurajima, Momoku sisters, Eiri, Kasumigaoka...

Almost all the people in the food group who were familiar with Chu Feng were pulled to this planet by him, and they were only divided into several batches.

Of course, Chu Feng was well aware that there were unknown risks on this nameless planet.

But in the face of the impending crisis, it is impossible to manage so much at this time.

After all, crisis and opportunity coexist.

The void on this planet is too vast.

With just a few people from Chu Feng, he couldn't absorb much at all.

Anyway, it's all stealing, it's better to steal enough at once.

Everyone was an old acquaintance of Chu Feng, knowing the seriousness of the situation, they were not polite with him, and they began to cultivate after getting the exercises.

A hundred times the speed is full, and one by one 837 is opened to inhale the void qi.

Chu Feng was also not idle, while maintaining the Time Secret Realm, while guiding more void qi to pour into it.

And every time he guided, a part of the Void Qi would enter his body and be transformed into the most suitable energy for himself.

Helping people and cultivating is not wrong, Chu Feng is not tired of it.

There are no years of cultivation, and time passes in a hurry.

I don't know how long it took ~

As Chu Feng's strength grew, the range of spiritual power that could be explored also increased dramatically.

Suddenly, strange creatures appeared within his spiritual perception.

The first thing that came to mind was a humanoid creature about three meters tall and slender limbs, covered with purple thunder and lightning, just like the legendary Lei Gong.

The individual strength of this creature is not strong, it is estimated that it is not as good as the three tigers, but its horror lies in the group, and there are hundreds of them as soon as they appear.

Strange creatures swarmed in groups, like a torrent of purple thunder and lightning (BJCE), overwhelming and powerful.

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly: "Could it be that the Void Qi was absorbed too violently, which caused the disgust of the original creatures?" "

Judging from the trajectory of the other party's behavior up to here, this group of strange creatures obviously did not come with good intentions.

At the same time, Sanhu's business also sounded not far ahead.

"Chu Feng, what did you do to cause the thunder beast to rage?"

The rough voice was full of fear, and the tall figures of the three tigers also appeared in the dense forest on the edge of the valley.

It's just that the other party's face is only frightened at this time, without the slightest demeanor of a former master.

Sanhu was indeed very depressed and panicked.

Thunder Beast was his own name for that strange creature.

After all, the other party's whole body is full of thunder and lightning, and although he has some human characteristics, his habits are no different from beasts.

The strength of a single thunder beast is limited, and the three tigers are not afraid, and even have the confidence to defeat.

But the horror of this thing lies in the group, every time it is a group of three or five, and it is almost impossible to meet the individual who is left behind.

And in a situation like now, which can cause the ground to shake just by hurrying, Sanhu is also the first time to see it.

His spiritual power was not as good as Chu Feng's, and he couldn't see that far.

But just by the sound, he knew that the number of thunder beasts would not be less.


What did this uncle in front of him do to cause the thunder beast to pour out?

Sanhu didn't understand, but when he came to Chu Feng's side, he had a little confidence in his heart.

With this person here, even if you encounter 20 thunder beasts, you should be able to deal with it.

Sanhu's idea is optimistic.

Chu Feng glanced at him lightly.

He didn't tell him that the number of thunder beasts had exceeded a hundred, and it was still growing.

The slightly squinted eyes slowly opened, and he glanced back behind him, and he already had a decision in his heart. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the next second, the Time Secret Realm was lifted, and thirty-six figures appeared behind Chu Feng very abruptly.


Sanhu was directly dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

How are there so many people in this place?

And one by one, the qi and blood are surging, obviously they have just received a huge improvement, and even their own qi and blood are still unstable.

Turning his stiff neck, Sanhu looked at Chu Feng speechlessly, and after a little thought, he knew what the other party had done.

This master really regards this place as his own back garden, even if he comes in to rub the experience, he actually leads the group? And the strength is not weak.

Obviously, Sanhu did not know that Chu Feng had mastered the law of time, but the people he brought were not weak in the original strength.

It's just that......

He only retreated for a few days, and this master brought more than thirty people over, how many times did he have to teleport to do this.

Fortunately, the other party did not leave suddenly, otherwise he would have to go through the previous cycle again and wander alone in the gray domain.

Seeing that the people behind Chu Feng were all strong, and a few of them were far beyond themselves, Sanhu's hanging heart finally relaxed.

With so many people, the thunder beast is definitely not a problem.

"In other words, how many thunder beasts came this time?"

After Sanhu was shocked, he finally remembered to ask the point.

"Not much, so far, a total of 156."



Are you sure you didn't say an extra 1?

Sanhu was confused again, could it be that something was wrong with his ears?

In his eyes, fifty-six thunder beasts were a lot.

One hundred and fifty-six?

Sanhu didn't dare to think about it.

So many thunder beasts rushed up, no matter how strong the strength was, they couldn't bear it.

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