[Congratulations on completing the temporary mission.] 】

[Challenge nine stars successfully, the chef level is increased by one level.] 】

[Congratulations on obtaining the legendary kitchenware: the Yongling Knife. 】

The food truck maintained an even speed and ran towards the center of Weijing.

Hearing the prompt sound ringing in his mind, a bright smile appeared on Chu Feng's face.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the Yongling Dao, the system also deliberately raised his level.

Could it be that this is to be the same as the star rating of IGO certification?

In fact, the chef stars in this world are divided into very general categories.

Cooking is not a competition for strength.

Power can ~ be clearly translated into numbers.

Cooking doesn't.

Sometimes random themed halberd-.

The lucky chef draws what he is good at - cooking.

Eight stars also have the potential to overturn nine stars.

The system is different, with a clear hierarchy.

For example, three skills related to cooking that have reached the top are nine-star chefs.

Previously, Chu Feng's knife skills and white cases were top-notch.

Just now, the system has intimately raised Chinese cuisine to the top.

Cooking skills are upgraded to one level, and the Yongling knife is added to 100 million yen.

Leapfrogging challenges is still very profitable.

I heard Anne say that for a while, she will also give out special chef's clothes with nine stars.

I don't know what it looks like, but he is still looking forward to it.

Of course, when setting up a stall usually, Chu Feng would not wear a nine-star chef's uniform.

That would be too high-profile and not in line with his restrained personality.

"Boss Chu, after we go back, can we eat the rainbow fruit and sleep again?"

Seeing Chu Feng's smile, he didn't know what the other party was happy about.

But Thor did not forget that the other party promised her to eat the rainbow fruit tonight.

"No problem."

Chu Feng nodded quickly, today's big profit is enough to exchange several fruits.

"Uh-huh~Boss Chu is so good~~"

Thor, who was sitting in the passenger seat, rubbed his fists, and the dragon's tail stretched out of the window unconsciously swinged from side to side, obviously happy to the extreme.

"Thor, please take your tail back, what if you hit another vehicle?"

"Don't be afraid, ordinary cars can't hurt me."

"Am I worried that you will get hurt? I'm afraid that you will poke someone else's car and lose money~~"

Glancing at the dragon maid who was a little carried away, Chu Feng's head was full of black lines.

Along the way, he was much less sleepy, and the two quickly returned to the cherry blossom apartment.

Chu Feng didn't seem to notice that since Thor's arrival, he had spoken a lot more than before.

Number 303, in the kitchen.

A colorful fruit sparkles and exudes a strange fragrance that makes people swallow saliva unconsciously.

The dragon maid had already shed her hara without arguing, and shouted excitedly: "Can I eat it?" Can it be eaten now? "

"Don't worry, wait for me to cook, just make a colorful jelly, so that if you can't finish it, it is suitable for preservation."

The home is not as fresh as a food truck.

Rainbow fruits will also break if left for too long.

"Uh-huh~~ all listen to you."

Thor nodded hurriedly.

Such a fragrant thing, it is too wasteful to eat it at one time.

When watching Chu Feng's competition earlier, she specifically asked Erinai.

A rainbow fruit is worth at least a few hundred million.

Such an expensive thing, of course, you have to keep it and taste it slowly.

Thinking that Boss Chu was willing to take such a valuable thing to share with himself.

Thor's eyes were full of emotion when he looked at Chu Feng.


Boss Chu is really good!

The preparation of colorful jelly is simple.

Because the rainbow fruit itself is like a bouncy jelly.

It only needs to be processed slightly.

Fifteen minutes later.

Several jelly-like pieces appeared on the plate.

It seems to radiate seven colors.

The rich scent instantly fills the entire living room.

Thor's saliva kept coming out of his mouth. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

No way~

It tastes so fragrant.

She couldn't control herself at all.


Thor's stomach made a sound without fighting.

"Wow~ it's so beautiful~~ What is that? Why is there a rainbow above the jelly? "

"It's just a rainbow formed after the juice evaporates, eat it quickly, the pulp is in contact with the air for too long, and soon the whole evaporation will be lost."


Thor nodded hurriedly, hearing Chu Feng's words, where did he dare to stay, he picked up a piece of jelly and stuffed it into his mouth.


An indescribable delicacy exploded in the mouth.

"Hmm~~ so soft, like pudding, but so heavy, the tongue can feel a sense of oppression."

Thor did not dare to bite with his teeth, afraid that he would swallow the colorful jelly in two or three strokes.

I can only keep it in my mouth, and my voice is a little slurred.

Chu Feng said with a smile: "That's because the colorful fruit itself is softer than pudding, and it combines the sweetness of hundreds of fruits, making it the weight of gold equal. "

"This sweetness does not burst out at once, but is divided into a full twelve times. Each change tastes different, and even if swallowed in the stomach, this sweet explosion will continue for a long time. You can try it, the ultimate sweetness flows throughout the blood, it is definitely a supreme enjoyment. "


Thor obediently took a few bites, and then swallowed the whole colorful jelly into his stomach.


A sweet chestnut-like aroma quickly spread throughout the body.

Thor couldn't help but make a sound that was enough to be locked up in a small dark room.

With a flushed face, her whole body couldn't stop trembling, and the green tail swayed unconsciously.

"Seaweed, seaweed, swaying in the wind..."

Somehow, looking at the excited Thor.

This BGM song sounded uncontrollably in Chu Feng's mind.

Different from the dragon maid who is so delicious that she almost cried.

Chu Feng's resistance to food is much stronger.

At least one colorful jelly will not affect him.

Rainbow fruit with simple handling though.

The deliciousness is far beyond the twenty-four layers of French vegetable jelly.

After all~

That's the equivalent of a fantasy ingredient that blends hundreds of fruity flavors, far from being comparable to ordinary ingredients.

Not only that.

Three tiny jellies.

This caused Chu Feng's body to change greatly.

"Sure enough, it is a dream ingredient, but this point, the growth of the comprehensive index is actually more than that provided by that group of athletes."

Anyway, there was still some inventory, and Chu Feng simply gave all the remaining three jellies on the table to the gluttonous Thor.

After returning to the room, he quickly clicked on the system interface.

[Name]: Chu Feng

[Age]: 20 years old

[Number of positive reviews]: 325/500

【Composite Index】:300 (average for ordinary people is 10)

[Chef Level]: Nine stars

【Kitchen Heart】: Harmony is precious

【Kitchenware】: Yongling knife

【Skills】: Chinese cuisine (top), knife work (top), white case (top), painting (top), dessert (proficient), cooking (proficient), divine taste (advanced)...

[Secret Technique]: Fierce Bull Green Dragon Slash (Lin Level), Sun Breath Method (Dragon Level), 100% Empty-handed White Blade (God Level), No Slash and No Knife (God Level)...

【Recipe】: Galaxy noodles, soul noodles, golden egg fried rice, golden section roasted wheat, French vegetable jelly...

[Note: In order to avoid too much procrastination, in the future, skills will only be displayed above the advanced level, the secret skill level or above, and the recipe above seven stars... Child].

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