Chapter 86 Toyonosaki Gakuen, Kohei Joichiro!!

[At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, in front of Toyonosaki Gakuen, stir-fried meat slices! ] 】

At half past seven in the morning, Chu Feng, who had finished his morning run, simply edited a message and sent it to the group, which immediately stirred up a thousand waves.

Kohei Sojin: Stir-fried meat slices? Just listening to the name of the dish, you can't see anything special at all?

Megumi Field: I'm so sad, I didn't eat yesterday's vegetable jelly and five-eye fried rice, and today there are new dishes.

Yoshino Yuhime: There are still two days left before the accommodation study is over, and oh my God, I urgently need Boss Chu's cooking now!

God's Tongue: Toyonozaki Gakuen seems to be in Chiyoda Ward, not far from our school.

Ryoko Kami: The students there have a good time today.........

Cute little peach: Chong Chong Chong, I will kill Xiao Lin Zi in the afternoon!

Kohei Sojin: I envy, Senior Sister Tao's proper rich woman, she can enjoy Boss Chu's cuisine every day.

Gourmet Gummard: Huh? Is the junior running out of money? Then call your dad money!!

Kohei Sojin:.........

Hotel room.

Kohei Sojin, who had already washed up, lay back on the bed without love.

He only had more than 4,000 pieces left in his card, and he couldn't afford even the cheapest food truck.


Boss Chu was the same as the day when the stall was set up in front of the hotel, and his kindness dropped to a thousand yuan.


Think of the dad who refused to continue to give himself money.

Kohei Sogen's heart was even more uncomfortable.

But in any case, the residential study has to continue.

With two days to go, he must find a way to get the money.

During the day, Thor takes Connor out to play.

Chu Feng was at home preparing today's ingredients.

After finishing the busy time, I watched the remaining two movies, and soon it was time to sell out.

"Connor-chan, you stay home obediently, and we'll be back in three hours."

Before going out, Thor patiently instructed, rubbing Connor's head as he spoke.

"Uh-huh, I ate a little full just now, I'll sleep for a while first~~"

Connor nodded obediently, then turned and jumped onto the sofa, half of his face landing comfortably on the pillow.

Chu Feng smiled heartily.


Humans are completely defenseless against cute things.

The private Toyonosaki Gakuen was established less than ten years ago.

But the popularity is not bad, and the school spirit is quite free.

On the surface, the area here is not as large as the far moon.

But compared with ordinary high schools, it should be considered relatively large.

The curriculum of Toyonosaki Gakuen is relatively loose, and school usually ends at five o'clock.

Most of the students who remain in school are students who participate in club activities.

"I wonder what kind of guests will come today?"

Looking at the school in front of him, Thor began to look forward to the work that was about to begin, although she was mostly idle.

"Toyonozaki has a lot of ordinary students, and there shouldn't be many diners who come to visit."

Vague memories told him that this might not be a good place to set up a stall.

"That's a pity, it's rare to prepare an extra dish today."

That's right!

There are always diners who complain that there are too few dishes.

So in addition to the system today designated braised meat slices.

Boss Chu also specially prepared galactic noodles and golden section roasted wheat.

It was just beyond his expectations.

Today's first customer was not from Toyonosaki.

A man with long red hair wearing a cyan T-shirt and carrying a kit in his hand walked unhurriedly towards the food truck.

"10,000 servings of stir-fried meat slices and golden section roasted wheat, 5,000 servings of galactic noodles, the price set by the boss is a bit high."

The red-haired man with a circle of stubble on his face slowly spoke, and the look in his eyes that looked at Chu Feng seemed a little special.

In other words, he would never patronize this high-priced fast food.

He opened restaurants for civilians, and prices were always affordable.

Fifty-one million fast food is really not ordinary black.

But the first glance at Chu Feng.

He felt that the young boss in front of him was very special.

It seems to have met an opponent of equal rank!?

After awakening the chef's heart, the chef's perception is generally not bad.

The higher the level, the stronger the induction.

"My name is Kohei Joichiro, what do you call the boss?"

He held out a hand, but did not cross the window.

Kohei Joichiro is well aware of the rules of the culinary world and generally does not easily offend his peers.

The kitchen is the domain of a chef, and it is better not to trespass without permission.

"Chu Feng."

Looking at the medicine king who looked like a dust servant, his father.

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

According to the original plot.

The other party should still be abroad, why did he suddenly appear here? Looking at the direction he came, he should be preparing to go to the Far Moon Academy.

Shaking his head secretly, thinking about things he couldn't understand, Chu Feng was generally too lazy to use his brain.

Then, with a professional smile, he asked, "What would you like to eat?" "

"Braised meat slices or golden section roasted wheat, which one is your signature dish?"

Kohei Joichiro did not order food immediately, but asked with interest.

"Probably every one can be considered a signature dish, but today's main dish is stir-fried meat slices..."

Chu Feng did not hesitate to recommend the dishes specified by the system.

Only this dish has a chance to brush up on skills.

"Oh? The little boss looks confident, so I'll try it first. "

Kohei Joichiro pulled over the plastic stool and sat down, staring at Chu Feng with full attention.

He was quite interested in the young chef's cooking.

Comparable to the prices of high-end restaurants, the calm attitude, and the feeling of almost meeting an opponent...

Kohei Joichiro used to have this strong feeling when he met Silver Dojima and Thistle Nakamura.

The oil pan is already hot.

Chu Feng in the fast food truck began to burst the meat slices.


A peculiar fragrance wafts out.

Kohei Joichiro, for a while, couldn't tell what kind of meat this was? This meat is not ordinary!

He made a judgment instantly, but did not mean to ask.

Nine-star chefs have their own pride and will not ask such superficial questions.

What kind of ingredients will be eaten in the mouth will naturally know.

Green peppers, red peppers, and onions were put into the pot, and the peculiar aroma was even stronger, making him involuntarily surge in his throat.

B Rao is Kohei Joichiro, who is accustomed to eating high-end cuisine, and his throat is also surging at this moment.

"Such superb skills, simple stir-frying, can actually burst out such a wonderful aroma, Boss Chu should also be a nine-star chef."

Kohei Joichiro finally couldn't help but speak.

"Well, I just got the nine-star qualification."

Chu Feng did not deny it.

"It is rumored that the fast food truck chef who defeated Shinomiya Kojiro two days ago and won the nine-star qualification won't be Boss Chu, right?"

Kohei Joichiro finally reacted, no wonder he felt that the name Chu Feng was a little familiar just now.

This incident caused a great sensation in the culinary world, and it spread to beautiful countries beyond the ocean, and major food columns rushed to report it.


Chu Feng's expression was calm, as if defeating the fourth palace Kojiro was not worth mentioning at all.

"Uh......... Boss Chu is good at it, then I'll taste your cuisine first. "

The other party frankly admitted that Kohei Joichiro really didn't know how to answer.

But Chu Feng's confident look made him seem to see that his young self-fried meat slices and rice had been placed on the board.

Juicy sliced meat, oily onion and green pepper, and overflowing aroma.

The appearance and aroma of this dish, Yukihei Joichiro can't fault the slightest.

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