Chapter 96 The Eye of the View Hundredfold Critical Strike, the Vision of God!!

"It's so tender, how can finfish be so delicious?"

Sleepy Satori sighed and let out an exclamation, his little face was slightly red and cute.

"It's a very common gargle finfish. "

The Jito Inland Sea is the traditional origin of finfish, and the system is not expensive.

"Common ingredients can also be made so delicious, worthy of Boss Chu." "

Poison Island Yazi, who had just eaten a fin fish roll, also showed a comfortable expression.

Enjoyment and coziness appeared on her delicate and beautiful face at the same time.

"As long as it's done right, it's not a hassle to make. "

This time Chu Feng was telling the truth, and Linyu Port was really not difficult.

The always simple poison island couldn't help but roll his eyes.

There are only cooking masters like Boss Chu.

In order to make something that is not difficult into food.

Finned fish rolls for two are fried together.

When the sound of 'clicking' chewing is endless.

The eggs of Benedict at night have just begun.

The girl's face was full of expectation.

The voice that sounded beside her had completely ticked her off

Perception simulated the whole process of Chu Feng's cooking in his mind.

Although it is only a shadow that is almost as unclear as the black-and-white TV screen.

But you can also see the relaxed style of the master chef in front of you.

The Benedict egg was quickly put in front of Inman Yueye, and Chu Feng was very intimate and handed over the knife and fork.

Even Kikuchi Gardeno, who peaked at the peak of the seven stars, could not resist the deliciousness of this dish, and only once ate the golden egg fried rice, and the Inaba moonlit night quickly sank into freshness and smoothness

Tender deliciousness.

It's not that Golden Egg fried rice is inferior to Benedict eggs, in fact, the former's recipe is higher than the latter.

It's just that Chu Feng is no longer the person he was ten days ago, and the nine-star cooking is not a decoration.

"What a satisfying meal, totally indescribably delicious. "

Inaba Moon Night Silky slowly ate Benedict's eggs.

Having experienced ascetic-like practice since she was a child, her willpower and patience far exceeded ordinary people, and she tried to stay calm all the time.

But those slightly shaky little hands were enough to confirm that she was not at the moment and the deliciousness of this dish was not flat, which almost made her lost.

"This one is also delicious, Satori has never eaten such a great fried gluten. "

Western food always seems to be very strange, but no matter what, Xiao Yue Ye feels delicious, and Satori can't wait!"

Compared to the quiet and elegant of the other two.

The bird is like a happy little wild cat.

The chatter seems to have endless words.

And then~

She was immersed in the sea of egg yolk and bacon gravy.


A hint flashed overhead.

The innate abilities of the sleeping birds have been improved.

Don't look into her eyes as if she never focused.

Observation alone.

Among the five swords, only Inaba Moon Night can steadily defeat her.

But the two men observe it in very different ways.

Because the moonlit night is purely based on perception and hearing.

But Izuku has an unusually wide field of view.

You can even see the flapping wings of a fly tens of meters away.

The green-haired girl who was holding the Benedict egg and nibbling hard was suddenly stunned.

Her eating appearance has always been rude, and she has nothing to do with a lady.

The face is stiff and the corners of the mouth are still sticky with egg yolks.

The expression of the sleeping bird suddenly became strange.


A warm current glides between your eyes.

Satori felt as if his eyesight had improved a lot.

Inaba Moon Ye finally opened his scarlet eyes, and a look of surprise appeared on his face

She is just blind in both eyes, her eyelids are not closed, and she usually closes her eyes tightly for practice.

So, the ghost tile segment lied!? A look of loss flashed on his face.

Inaba Moon Night doesn't feel anything now.

"Ghost Tile Wheel just told you recently?"

If memory serves.

When the other party eats egg fried rice, he gets a little benefit.


The competition between the five swords of the world has been so bad that the ghost tile wheel hides this kind of thing and keeps it secret.

No wonder that for so long, none of the five swords in the world came to the door.

Dare to love a few of them don't know at all.

But why didn't the ghost tile wheel come? a trace of doubt appeared under Chu Feng's eyes.

It's not that the other party is expected to become a repeat customer of the fast car.

Otherwise, he would have pulled the five swords of the world into the food group at that time.

Love-loving fighting maniac, many brains are a little abnormal.

At the beginning, Chu Feng didn't really want to provoke these guys.

Now ~ he's just a little curious.

"Ghost Tile is a fool, and I never noticed that her trick has become stronger. "

Sleepy Satori blinked his eyes and complained mercilessly.

Only then did Chu Feng recall it.

The Oni Wawa seemed to have improved the skill of 'Ichinotai Dao'.

So that's her strongest trick, usually don't use it?

But the improvement of his own strength, although it is only a little, it will not be noticed for so long.

Ghost mask girl, surprisingly a little dumb!

"Recently, Tianyu has begun to expand its power again, and the whole school has been made black, and a few of us fought with her yesterday. "

"But that guy has become stronger again, and no one can break her defense except Xiao Yueye." "

But Xiao Yueye's body is not good, and he pulls his crotch after a cut, and we are not at all.

The opponent of the Heavenly Feather Slash.

"Then the ghost tile wheel suddenly broke out, and the three swords broke the defense of the Heavenly Feather Slash, which can stun Satori at that time~~"

As if he had opened the conversation, he told the story of the war at that time.

"It should be cut in the same place. "

Recently, Tenwa has come to eat his dishes almost every day.

The two secret skills of the avatar knife and the hand knife have been improved to a certain extent.

The level of the ghost tile wheel can only be broken by hitting the same place multiple times, and the sleeping bird nodded hurriedly and continued.

"If that fool hadn't been forced out of the trick, she herself would still be in the dark, and Tianyu was surprised after being injured, and the fight would have ended. "

Later, we analyzed it carefully, and somehow thought of Boss Chu's egg fried rice.

"So, you came to me today to inquire about the news of the old version of Chu?"

Poison Island Yako gave Inaba a strange glance at Moon Night and Sleepme.

No wonder these five guys found the second-grade G class early this morning, and asked her about Chu Feng, daring to discover the magic of fast food truck cooking.

It was also the poison island who was kind-hearted, thinking that he could also pull guests for the fast food truck, so he brought the two over.

If you change to Tianyu Slash, you will definitely not be able to take care of these guys.

Chu Feng nodded slowly.

Originally, I was still wondering why Tianyu Slash didn't come yesterday.

It turned out to be an injury.

But look at her last night was still in the mood to speak in the group... It is estimated that the injury is not serious.

Actually, there was one thing he didn't know.

The five swords of the world almost fought in order to compete for the opportunity to come out to eat.

In the end, because Hatagetsuki proposed to guess the boxing to determine the winner, she and Sawu Maimu won

In order to maintain campus stability.

The student council must have at least three people sitting in a symbiosis with love.

This is also the purpose of 'the Five Swords of the World since its founding'.

【Congratulations on winning the skill: Kannomu!】

[Trigger a hundredfold critical return

【Congratulations on acquiring the skill: God's Vision】


A warm current gathers in the eyes.

The warm feeling even blinded Chu Feng temporarily.

But this phenomenon lasted only a few seconds.

When he returned to normal.

The field of view has become completely different than before.

It's like a 720P resolution TV suddenly upgraded to 4K.

At this moment, Chu Feng was even a little in a trance.

Everything in front of you becomes crystal clear.

You can even see the subtle pores on the white faces of the three girls in front of you.

Chu Feng was in ecstasy.

I didn't expect that 'God's Vision' was directly the top.

It was much higher than the Divine Taste level that he had brushed from Erina.

After thinking about it a little, Chu Feng understood the reason.

After all, the system returns critical hits on its own base.

With his current combined value of three hundred points, it was normal for God's vision to reach the top.

Chu Feng glanced at the sleeping bird.

Suddenly, I felt that this green-haired girl with different behaviors seemed to be good.

Once she looks pure, she is quite cute,

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