Suddenly he was smashed, and the people who came in were obviously stunned. Looking at the pillows that fell on the ground, they silently meditated for several seconds.

Seeing that the people did not leave, Bai Hangjin's temper became even stronger: "I will let you..."

A word roll was held in the throat abruptly, and I wanted to vomit, couldn't spit it out, wanted to collect it, and couldn't bring it back.

Bai Hangjin was stunned for three full seconds.

Seeing the woman whose lower abdomen was slightly raised, the whole person's soul trembled. He was taken aback, tore off the needle in his hand, stood up quickly, walked over, wanted to touch her, but didn't dare: "You ……how come……"

How come here?

Moreover, he was... smashed?

Bai Hangjin took a deep breath, his face even more ugly: "Are you injured?"

An Xu promised his face was a little pale, and shook his head: "I didn't."

"No." Bai Hangjing interrupted him, hugged her in his arms, and quickly walked over to Su Mo's office: "We still have to let Su Mo take a good look."

The fetus moved or something... That time, I was lucky that I didn't hurt her.

If it was because of his temper tantrum, if something happened to her and the child, then he would not forgive himself anyway!

Bai Hangjin was startled in a cold sweat.

When I arrived at the door of Su Mo's office, without even thinking about it, he kicked it away.

"Su Mo, here's..."

Once again, Bai Hengjin was stuck in his throat, unable to spit out.

He took a deep breath, looked at the ambiguous postures of the men and women in the room, and when the woman was half undressed, he stared intently for two seconds.

There was no movement of the four people inside or outside the house.

The blue veins on Su Mo's forehead burst suddenly.

He curled his lips with grace, smiled, and asked patiently, "Are you two staying to see how I got on her?"


The woman screamed, pulled her clothes quickly, pushed Su Mo away, and ran out, covering her face.

An promise: "..."

Bai Hangjin: "..."

What an innocent girl.

The two people had a tacit understanding in their hearts.

Su Mo pulled up his clothes and put on them, yawned, and said, "What's wrong with her?"

"Let her see first." Bai Hangjin put An Xu on the chair: "I accidentally hit her just now."


Su Mo frowned: "Did you move your hand?"

Bai Hangjin didn't speak.

This is... the default?

Su Mo suddenly became dissatisfied: "I said you, I don't know if she is still pregnant with a child? How can you do it? No matter how angry you are, you should endure it. "

Bai Hangjin bowed his head and looked at An promise.

There was a touch of unnaturalness across his face.

Where did he know that it was an promise.

If he knew it was her, he would just hit himself on the head, and would not hit her.

Bai Hengjin asked worriedly: "How is she? Does it matter, did she hurt anything?"

Su Mo just watched it for less than a minute, and Bai Hangjin couldn't help asking.

Every word is about an promise.

Su Mo couldn't help but ridicule: "Don't worry, your baby is very healthy. This is not going to be three months, and you will soon feel him. He estimates that after a while, he will move around in his stomach. of."

"Don't worry, he was fine even in the car accident, but he was frightened for a while, surely nothing will happen."

Bai Hengjin frowned, almost roaring out: "I'm asking how your adult is, who asked you about your baby?"

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