Seven Nights of Forbidden Love: Good Morning, Chief!

Chapter 1104: What should be done and what should not be done, have been done

In that case, um, she probably would go violently.

Ye Jun raised his eyebrows coldly: "What do you think?"

He didn't button the buttons on his clothes either. Anyway, he did everything that should and shouldn't be done.

He didn't care about the rest.

"Ji Shengge, you can say that the last time I was drunk and messy, this time, but you drank it yourself, hugged me and kissed and gnawed, these traces on my body are all your own This great masterpiece, if you dare to reckless, believe it or not, I will destroy you." Ye Jun threatened coldly.

The blue veins on Ji Shengge's forehead burst suddenly.

She almost squeezed her fist and asked: "I hold you and kiss and chew, you just watch, don't push me away, you just look at me... well, throw you down, strong Got it?"

"Ye Junshen, don't you feel that way."

If she was like this, she would doubt life.

Ye Jun shrugged and smiled naturally: "I will never refuse a beautiful woman."

"Also, shouldn't you know who is attacking and who is receiving?"

"That time, whoever lay in bed all day, I think you still have fresh memories."

by! Beasts!

Ji Shengge's teeth are itchy.

He secretly took Ye Junshen in his mind, as a sandbag, and threw it around several times.

She laughed furiously.

The sudden smile made Ye Junshen unable to help but lose consciousness. He coughed and asked uncomfortably, "What are you laughing at?"

Ji Shengge shook his head suddenly: "Isn't I responsible for it? Yes."


Now, Ye Junshen felt even more that Ji Shengge was talking nonsense.

How could this woman be so obedient?

She is a witch.

Can't believe it easily!

However, after Ji Shengge said these words, he calmly went to the bathroom.

Ye Junshen just answered the phone and went out.

When he reached the door, the assistant came over as soon as he finished talking on the phone. Seeing those traces on his body, he was immediately dumbfounded, and his small admiring eyes shot into the room: "As expected, Miss Ji, you are all vomiting so badly. You can actually throw Mr. Ye down."

Ye Jun gave a deep look and shot it coldly.

The assistant hurriedly coughed, and said solemnly: "Master Ye, the old man is looking for you back."

"What's the matter?" The old man hasn't looked for him for a long time.

The parents basically have nothing to do with him.

When he was very young, the two had divorced.

Since he was a child, he has lived a life of stocking.

Look for him at this time...

The assistant shook his head: "I am not very clear. The old gentleman came back suddenly and said that he wanted to see you."

"I see." Ye Jun waved his hand impatiently: "Go back to the old man, just say, I will go back in a while."


"Also." After a pause, Ye Jun squeezed his assistant's shoulders, and the strength of his hands gradually increased. He smiled unkindly: "What happened last night, you are the best. Give me a word. Don't reveal it, especially the half-dead thing that the dead demon girl Ji Shengge vomited."

The assistant's body got a little shorter, and he nodded very bitterly: "Yes, yes, I, I know, I understand, I won't say."

"Well, get out of here."

"Yes Yes Yes."

After the assistant left, Ye Junshen looked at the people in the room and thought, she vomited so much last night, she should be hungry, so she went down and ordered the kitchen to cook something.

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