Seven Nights of Forbidden Love: Good Morning, Chief!

Chapter 1188: Who will extinguish my fire

"This sister paper, give you one minute, take the initiative to leave?"


Picking up a glass of red wine, Qin Yishen took a sip, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and his eyebrows were raised around the coquettish woman, "I won't leave, are you?"

The woman hasn't reacted yet.

I saw Qin Yishen picking up the phone and shooting her face.

Then after sending the photo, she made another call and went out.

"Ten minutes, figure out her name and background, and then, without telling me, just use my name to make her miserable."

"As for how to rectify it, let me give you a standard, the kind that wants her to be ruined."

She still did something like this.

Women also know Qin Yishen.

It is said that Qin Yishen is the older sister of Qin Muchen.

In the SEC group, it is also considered the talker.

Moreover, in recent years, news about her has emerged in endlessly.

This woman is simply a legend.

Thinking about this, the woman suddenly panicked

Pulling Jing Yu's arm, seeking shelter: "Yu Shao, look at her, she wants to bully me."

Jingyu sneered: "Is this scared?"

He didn't believe it.

Qin Yishen would attack a woman who had no power to restrain the chicken.

She is still somewhat principled.

However, this time, he made a mistake.

Qin Yi leaned deeply on the table with his hands in his pockets, with a cool posture. At a glance, he could understand what he was thinking. He raised his lips and said coldly, "I won't attack innocent people, but is she innocent? The marriage certificate is for you to talk about, and I am now your wife. It’s just right to abuse the mistress in the house."

"It turns out. Do you also know what a mistress is?" Jingyu yin and yang cynically mocked and said: "I thought you Qin Yishen didn't know what a mistress was."

What is a junior?

She herself is the eldest junior.

If it weren't for her, he didn't know how good he had been now. ,

It's not that I bet on my marriage.

Qin Yishen felt a tingling pain in his heart, but on the surface, he was still calm, and even the smile at the corner of his mouth never faded: "Go, or not?"

His gaze crossed the field of view and fell directly on the woman's face.

The woman saw that the atmosphere was not right between the two of them, gritted her teeth, stood up and walked outside. When she left, she gave Qin Yishen a vicious look!

Blame her.

So I missed the opportunity to hook up with Scenery!


Inside the house.

There are only two people left.

The smell of wine in the scene.

Qin Yishen glanced indifferently, walked over, and poured him a glass of boiling water.

A hand waved over.

Tap the cup down.

It fell to the ground and became fragments.

Qin Yishen was wearing these pair of trousers, a piece of glass **** jumped up and scratched her ankle, leaving a trace.

She just bowed her head and glanced.

He shook his body and was forced by Jingyu to press on the sofa.

The man has great strength.

It made her hurt.

Qin Yishen didn't change his face, looked at him quietly, and smiled: "Why, murder?"

most of the time.

The sceneries are all carefree.

When in front of her, it was even more rude.

But there has never been such a thorough or obvious injury as it is now.

He lifted his lips, and under the radiant light, the way he laughed was particularly ecstatic.

"Qin Yishen, drove the young lady away, who will extinguish my fire, are you?"

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