"Why don't you say that you want to eat the moon?" Jingyu said viciously.

This woman really knows how to slap her nose!

Qin Yi thought deeply and nodded solemnly: "Okay, it's okay if you have it, does it have a matcha flavor?"



Rely on! ! !

Jing Yu gritted his teeth viciously and slammed the door out.

What is he going to do?

How do you feel that you are here to find abuse!

This woman, how does she seem to be a frustrated person.

She can only frustrate others!

Jing Yu kicked **** the door with a bang.

The door is broken.

Qin Yishen was sitting on the carpet, laughing uncontrollably, and when he turned his head, the door was gone.

Jingyu also stood at the door in astonishment.

Four eyes face each other.

Jingyu raised his hand and glanced left and right to see Qin Yishen staring at him in a daze. Once again, he said viciously: "What do you look at? I will pay you a door!"

After speaking, he walked away proudly.

Qin Yishen lowered his head and laughed.

Jingyu, you second fool!


Qin Yishen was in the bedroom, dealing with some things, and when he went out, the living room was already smelling of fragrance.

Qin Yi smelled it twice and ran to the kitchen, and he saw Jing Yu was cooking, although he didn't prepare any of the things she said.

Qin Yishen glanced twice.

Jingyu disliked her; "You will?"


Qin Yishen replied innocently.

If she could, would she still go for takeaway every day?

Jingyu's eyes were even more disgusting.

As a woman, she doesn't know how to cook.

Is her hand a hand?

It's just a claw.

No, the paws are more flexible than she wants.

Qin Yishen was disgusted by the look in his eyes, and vowed to stretch out his ten scallion fingers: "My hand is used to point the country, and it is too fussy for cooking."

Scenery is very suitable for the scene, haha: "Rare, who is not."

Is his hand used to play with mud?

Qin Yishen smiled slightly, opened the refrigerator and took out a box of yogurt: "Fry a yogurt, this is delicious."

Eat your sister!

Jing Yu looked at Qin Yishen speechlessly, this woman...


A meal, eat very quietly.

Qin Yishen has no special hobbies, only a foodie.

Moreover, she especially likes the meals that Jingyu cooks.

Every time, I can eat a lot.

After dinner, Qin Yishen offered to wash the dishes.

Jingyu did not object.

Sitting on the sofa, listening to the crackling sound coming from inside, my hand flipping through the news shook, and finally, I couldn't stand it anymore, I got up and walked to the kitchen.

He pulled Qin Yi out deeply and started to wash the dishes by himself.

Qin Yishen probably also felt embarrassed, picking up the broom and starting to sweep the debris.

Jing Yu snatched it over and invited her out strongly.

Qin Yishen is a housework black hole!


Qin Yishen held the fried yogurt, nestled on the sofa, watching the bubble show on TV.

While watching, vomit.

"This screenwriter is brain-dead, right."

"How did you write such a bad line?"

"It's too dry, too."

"A misunderstanding, can you still shoot 70 or 80 episodes?"

"The whole play can barely see the appearance of the male and female protagonists."

Field of view: "..."

Just look good.

Do you have to complain like this?

"Aren't you leaving?"

Qin Yishen spoke suddenly.

Scenery almost didn't kick over.

Is this still human?

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