Seven Nights of Forbidden Love: Good Morning, Chief!

Chapter 1500: (Xiaodoubao) Good skill, move the Qin family

Oh, I will definitely be caught.

Her son is not a simple character!

To provoke him, there is nothing to end.

Besides, it was Tang Siyi who was injured this time.

And not to mention, the injuries on her body...

Gu Shinian's face sank, staring at her wound, a sneer evoked at the corner of her mouth, and muttered: "Good skill."

"The Qin family dared to move."

Bo Zhiting's spirit has always been highly concentrated.

Everyone knows how stupid Gu Shinian is.

However, everyone knows that on the operating table, she has the ability to bring people back to life.

At this moment, when she heard these words, she suddenly fell silent.

He raised his head and looked at Gu Shinian incredulously. It turned out... In their minds, Tang Siyi was already a member of the Qin family?


Isn’t the person identified by Qin Yu equal to the person identified by the Qin family?

After all, this man is enough to make any decision for the Qin family.


Gu Shinian has not been on the operating table for many years.

Only this time, or for his son.

Out of the operating room, she looked tired.

Looking up, he didn't see Qin Yu.

"What about others?"

Qin Muchen walked over, handed her a glass of water, opened her hair, and said, "My son is older, I can't control it anymore."

"Who knows what he is doing."

But no matter what you do, it won't be too gentle.

Gu Shinian's heart trembled, looked at Qin Muchen, bit his lip slightly, and said, "Aren't you going to stop it?"

Qin Muchen didn't want to care at all.

It stands to reason that he has been ignoring sec's affairs for a long time.

Qin Yu also had enough ability to hold up those things.

However, there was such a big movement, but he did not move at all, which is really surprising.

Qin Muchen smiled, held her hand, smiled lowly, and explained: "Your own person has been tortured like this, you don't know his temper."

"Tonight, someone will see blood, right?"

The voice fell.

Qin Gu coughed.

Qin Muchen stopped, turned around, and saw Qin Yu walking in from outside.

He was still wearing a black trousers and a white shirt, as he usually did, there was no dust at all, and his sleeves were habitually rolled up, looking neat and clean.

There was no **** aura on his body, it seemed that all the violence disappeared without a trace the moment he entered.

He is still the person in everyone's memory.

Clean and indifferent.

"What did you do?"

Qin Muchen asked with a faint smile.

His eyes fell on his left hand.

There is a very clear scar.

Qin Yu answered unabashedly: "I went to meet someone."

"I heard that you are making a lot of noise." What he did, someone reported to him the first time.

Therefore, he will stand by.

Originally thought that Qin Yu would know a little bit, but... now it seems that he is out of control.

Qin Muchen stared at him curiously.

He could actually change his clothes and come back again.

It must be blood stained.

Qin Yu glanced at his father, his lips moved, and only uttered a word: "I want him to die."

Directly, understand.

Qin Gu's face changed accordingly.

No matter who Qin Yudong's person is, his status and status will not be too low.

But, even so, he moved.

It can only explain... he really doesn't care about anything.

One second of violence, the next second, it returned to calm.

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