Tang Yan frowned.

Even if it wasn't because of liking...somewhat kind of tendency.

Tang Yan's eyes were slightly startled because of these words.

Tang Yan...Do you like him?

In other words, do you want to start liking him?

"Don't believe it yet?"

Qin Muchen rolled his eyes, stood up, mixed a few bottles of wine that hadn't been drunk after opening, and then threw it in front of Tang Yan and said, "Try it."

"..." Tang Yan looked at the bottle of mixed wine, his eyes stunned slightly: "I'm crazy, using such a stupid method?"

Self-harm is simply sick.

Qin Muchen rolled his eyes again, and said coldly, "Don't you believe it? Facts speak louder than words, you will know the result by just looking at it."

The voice fell.

Tang Yan really grabbed the bottle of wine and drank it.

Qin Muchen: "..."

He is texting Gu Shinian.

Suddenly coming over in the middle of the night, Gu Shinian was shocked by him. He was about to tell her that Tang Yan was trapped by love, but when he saw that he really drank the wine, his lips twitched, deleted those words and replaced them with : Tang Yan will self-mutilate when talking about love.

Then he put the phone away and looked at the man who had poured a bottle.

The corners of his lips twitched twice.

The assistant on the side also looked at them embarrassedly: "Mu Shao...is it okay?"

"who knows."

Qin Muchen calmly raised his chin and said, "However, if we continue to make trouble like this, they are interested, and I feel tired when I look at them. If it is so exciting, maybe there is really any unexpected effect?"

Assistant: "But, Young Master Tang, is he... like this, is it really okay?"

"How could it be okay."

Qin Muchen picked up the bottle of wine and mixed it with six or seven kinds of alcohol. Tang Yan actually drank it, and even drank it all.

Really, rare.

Not only rare, but also terribly stupid.

assistant Manager:"……"


Tang Yi was awakened by someone.

She went crazy last night, and after hugging Tang Yan, she began to regret it.

She couldn't be more clear that she shouldn't give Tang Yan any hope anymore. If she didn't give hope, she wouldn't be so desperate.

But she just can't help it damn.

Damn it, I just love him.

Damn it, just couldn't hold back him.

Tang Yi suffered from insomnia all night, and fell asleep dazedly in the wee hours of the morning.

As a result, before she slept long, she was quarreled by a knock on the door.

Tang Yi's anger when he got up was very serious.

At this time, I was even more annoyed to the extreme.

She lifted the quilt and got up, almost opening the door with a rage.

As a result, when he saw the little girl at the door, he suppressed his anger a little bit.

Even with that, the voice became gentle.

"what's happenin?"

Tang Siyi cried.

Rubbing his eyes with both hands, it looked so pitiful.

Tang Yi always felt sorry for such a little girl. He picked her up, rubbed her head, and coaxed softly, "Who is bullying you? Tell me."

Tang Siyi's crying eyes were almost swollen, and she held her neck and refused to let go: "Dad, father is sick, father is in the hospital..."

Tang Yi's face sank: "What?"

"Aunt Gu called and said that my father was in the hospital, he was very sick, hehe."

Gu Shinian is a doctor.

And she is still a very good doctor, even she said it was very serious.

Isn't that...

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