"It was mine at the time, and then it will also be mine in the future. I will never just let it go."

Tang Yi shrugged.

Although Tang Siyi on the side could not understand what they were talking about.

However, when I saw that woman's stinky expression, I wanted to kick it over.

What kind of person dared to attack her mother.

Is it owed?

Tang Yi seemed to notice that she was unhappy, stretched out her hand, patted her little head, and motioned for her to calm down.

Although Tang Siyi was unwilling, she was still very obediently silent.

Tang Yi just looked at Su Jiayi and lifted her gaze to the ceiling unconsciously. This was... was scolded by Tang Yan, or it was cleaned up.

But ah, he was really willing.

Tang Yi smiled, hugged Tang Siyi and walked over without stopping at all: "Come on, I am optimistic about you."

Su Jiayi clenched her fist and looked like this again. From her point of view, all her counterattacks were so soft, with no attack power at all.


Tang Yi turned around, looked at her, and said, "If you can't take it away, it would be so awful."

Su Jiayi's face immediately deteriorated.

Tang Yi snorted, unfolded the book, reflected on it silently, and said, "Oh, I'm really sorry, has it hit your self-esteem? Even if you want to prove it to me, please do it harder."

"Catch it up."

In this way, she was liberated.

Su Jiayi's face was particularly ugly.

He stared at Tang Yi as he walked away.


Out of the hospital.

She hasn't calmed down yet.

The whole person's face was full of anger and haggard.

After a long while, she leaned against the wall and let out a sigh of relief.

Picking up the phone, hesitated, and dialed out.

"Last time, you said you wanted to help me. Does this mean?"

"...Do you want to understand?"

"Yes..." After a pause, she said confidently: "I want to understand."

"Help me, I want him."


hang up the phone.

Su Jiayi closed her eyes, tears still streaming down quietly.

She raised her head, looked at the gray sky, and squeezed her fist forcefully.

do not blame me.

Tang Yan, don't blame me.

I just... want you so much.

I like you.

It takes many years to like it so much.

You want me to put away all the feelings. How can I do it?

So, no matter what the consequences...I admit it.

As long as... as long as you can get Tang Yan, everything else doesn't matter.

She wouldn't care about it.

As long as you can get it.

It would be nice to get...


Tang Siyi's voice came before he even entered.

Tang Yan put down the tablet and looked at his daughter who ran in happily all the way, watching half of his body lying on the bed, his head digging on the quilt, not knowing what he was excited about.

Tang Yan touched her head: "What are you happy about?"

Tang Siyi raised his head, looked at him, and said grinningly: "Mom wants to accompany me out to play and go to the amusement park."


Tang Yan was a little upset.

"I never saw you so happy when I took you there."

Who brought up this guy?

I learned to turn my elbow outside so quickly.

Tang Siyi glanced at her lips and said, "Dad will kill me, but mother will not attack me. Mom treats me very well."

With her eyes rolling, the little girl said wittyly: "Dad, if you buy me a lot of sweets like mom, I will definitely be very happy."

It's owing.

Tang Yan raised his hand without hesitation and knocked her head: "The beauty of thinking."

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