Seven Nights of Forbidden Love: Good Morning, Chief!

Chapter 423: During the months she was hiding from me, she was in prison

Only Ye Junshen could calm down.

He was calm and gentle, as if talking about things that had nothing to do with him.

"That child will be born in eight months and two months."

"Then, you know, what was she doing during the five or six months of hiding from me?"

"You are looking for her, the SEC people are looking for her, the underworld is looking for her, everyone will kill her."

"She hides herself, penniless, and always has to eat and dress. Then, do you know where she is hiding?"

"She's very smart. She went to hide in prison."

Outside the corridor, it was quiet.

My heart seemed to be stabbed by something, it hurts, and I almost couldn't breathe.

Qin Muchen was stunned. Prison... She stayed in prison... and stayed there for five or six months?

Ye Junshen was still smiling, but no one knew that his heart was already riddled with holes.

"Hiding in jail, I can’t find her anymore. There is food and clothes to wear. She is a pregnant woman and the jail will give special care, but no matter how special she is, she is not much better. She is very bullied. Tragedy, the female prisoners saw her as a newcomer, and she was so beautiful, she often bullied her. In order to beg for food, she knelt down for people, washed their clothes and socks, and picked up food that fell on the ground. Eat... When I found her, it was in the coldest period of time in winter. She was still helping people to wash clothes. All ten fingers had frostbite, and the nails were about to rot. She was still helping people to wash. Clothes, no washing, no food to eat."

The day he found her was the most emotionally out of control day in his life.

He hugged her and made her stiff.

He swallowed, then continued to steady his voice, and said, "Do you know how she got into the prison?"


"She killed for the first time in her life."

"Her hand has saved countless people, but only one person has been killed."

"That person is not dead, but she is scared enough."

"She is timid, and she doesn't know how she was frightened yet."

"In order to hide from me, or hide from you, she did this."

She was alone with a big belly, in that cold place of the prison, while watching the child, while begging for something to eat...

Maybe in the middle of the night, I will wake up from a nightmare, and then I can only hold myself...

What about her?


I exhausted all my strength to hate her.

He didn't stop any of those people who chased her or sought her.

Where's her?

What is it like to be scared?

For so many days and nights, she hid in prison...he actually hated her?

There was a sudden pain in my heart.

Qin Muchen's body suddenly bent down, and a smear of blood came down from the corner of his mouth.

"Three brothers!"

Jingyu's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't bear to walk over. After taking two steps, he suddenly felt that his steps were heavy, and he couldn't move on the third step.

Qin Muchen pressed his heart firmly, and suddenly felt pain.

It hurts.

It hurts.

He didn't feel any pain when he was whipped.

He didn't feel pain when he was beaten in a group.

He felt pain when he saw Gu Shinian shooting himself.

He felt even more pain when he heard what she had experienced before.

Qin Muchen half-bended, panting violently, and everyone else could see how much he was suffering with their eyes.

A person can vomit blood because of heartache...

It turns out that in this world, there are really...

Ye Junshen looked at him, suddenly a little happy for Gu Shinian.

Well, the man she had loved for so many years finally hurt herself to this point for her.

And he? After all, something is missing.

"Qin Muchen, do you know why I want to take her child away?"

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