Seven World Martial God

Chapter 115: Wuling Level 5

   In the lively square, everyone looked expectantly at the ten people who were drawing lots on the ring.

   There was no knockout in the top ten competition, so Ye Tian didn't care about it, so he grabbed a paper ball and opened it.

   "Number five!"

   When Ye Tian read out this number, there was a miserable cry next to him.

   Ye Tian turned his head and looked around, and saw that Prince Thirteen bitterly showed him a piece of paper-number five!

   "What a coincidence!" Ye Tian was taken aback.

   "What a fart! No need to fight, I just surrender!" The Thirteen Prince said with a gloomy face, and met Ye Tian in the first game, which made him feel that his luck was beginning to go downhill.

   Ye Tian smiled and shook his head.

   Soon, the others also showed their own paper balls, but all those who met Ye Tian, ​​Seven Princes, Meng Shiyun, and Yun Shuiyao gave up the competition and directly gave up.

   So, the top ten competition went very quickly.

   After five consecutive opponents gave in, Ye Tian finally ushered in a person who dared to fight him, and this person was Yun Shuiyao.

   I saw this girl standing arrogantly on the ring, pointing at Ye Tian, ​​and shouting: "Although it is impossible to be your perverted opponent, I still want to try."

   Ye Tian touched his nose, his face was speechless.

   Then, an extraordinary competition began. Ye Tian stood on the ring, directly propped the body protector, motionless, and greeted Yun Shuiyao's stormy attack.

   However, it turned out that Ye Tian was unscathed and Yun Shuiyao was exhausted.

   It's not that Yun Shuiyao is not strong enough. She has broken Ye Tian's body protector several times, but her small fist can't leave a trace on Ye Tian's body.

   "Little girl, give up!"

   "Don't fight, Miss Yun, you can't overcome this perversion!"

   "Hurry up and go home and wash your clothes!"


   Listening to the words coming from under the ring, Yun Shuiyao's pretty face flushed and she gritted her teeth with anger. In the end, she left Ye Tian and shot at a spectator who was not inferior in the arena. Now she looked at the black-robed elder who was the referee and hurriedly stepped forward to stop it. This prevented a **** incident from happening!

   Since then, all the battles Yun Shuiyao participated in have been watched from a long distance across the ring.

   Then, another battle attracted the attention of many people.

   Seven Princes vs. Dream Poetry!

   This time, even Ye Tian, ​​Thirteen Princes, and others are all dignified. The Seven Princes are well known by the public, and the dream poetry rhyme is not weak.

   More importantly, because there is no strong opponent to test, no one knows the true strength of Meng Shiyun until now?

   "This is a mysterious woman!" Lin Fei looked deeply at Meng Shiyun not far away.

   The thirteen prince nodded and said: "When participating in the assessment, the old man told me that among us, this girl is the only one who can fight with my old Qiyi."

   "Since King Nanlin said so, Meng Shiyun is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface." Lin Fei was startled.

   "You may not know that they belong to the same four major families, but sister Meng has not fought with the other three of us. Therefore, no one has ever known her true strength." Yun Shuiyao also looked serious.

   Ye Tian squinted his eyes and looked at the veiled dream poetry rhyme not far away. He faintly felt the cyan martial soul resonate in his body, as if it was beating. This feeling only happened after he came out of the spiritual pond.

   "Is it because my spirit has evolved to a blue spirit?" Ye Tian secretly guessed that after coming out of the spiritual pond, his biggest change was that the spirit had evolved from green to blue.

   However, his martial spirit has evolved, what does it have to do with Meng Shiyun? How can there be a sense of resonance?

   Just when Ye Tian wondered, Meng Shiyun and the Seven Princes were already on stage at the same time.

  Compared with the domineering Seven Princes, Meng Shiyun is dressed in a pale white dress, covered with silk and sand, just like standard show-girl makeup, very elegant attire. The wind blows, it looks a little thin, but it also contains a trace of elegance and grace.

   "Give up, you are not my opponent!"

   On the ring, the Seventh Prince was waiting to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by a loud voice. He turned his head and looked around, and suddenly saw the laughing crowd under the ring.

   It turned out that the person who was talking just now was the people watching the battle, no wonder it was so loud and neat. Moreover, what they said was exactly what the Seventh Prince was going to say!

   Ye Tian couldn't help but smile, Lin Fei and Yun Shuiyao also suffocated their smiles, the thirteen princes beside them laughed without any scruples, their faces full of mockery.

   However, everyone apparently underestimated the Seven Prince's domineering, or the thickness of his face.

I saw that the Seven Prince did not change his face, looked down proudly at the crowd under the ring, raised his head, and said loudly: "It seems that you understand this prince's heart very well, but it is a pity that you dull people are not qualified to follow this prince. "

   Everyone under the ring rolled their eyes suddenly, and they were all speechless.

   Even the elders of the Star Gate in the stands and the city lord of Nanlin County laughed.

   "Your seventh old man is really interesting!" Zhang Lao looked at the Nanlin King next to him with a playful expression.

   "Oh!" King Nanlin held his head, lowered his head, and sighed.

On the ring, the Seven Prince no longer paid attention to everyone, but looked at the opposite Meng Shiyun with a solemn expression, and said solemnly: "Those idiots made a mistake this time. I know you are very strong, except for Ye Tian. , You are qualified to witness the strongest me."

   Everyone around couldn't help being surprised. It's rare that the Seven Princes didn't arrogant once. It seems that this dream poem is indeed not simple.

   Then, the Seventh Prince turned his head to look in the direction where Ye Tian was, and shouted: "Ye Tian, ​​look good, I will let you know that surrendering to me is your best choice."

   The words fell, and the powerful aura of the third rank of Wu Ling erupted from the seventh prince. For the first time, he took out the spear and pointed at the dream poetry rhyme opposite, giving a breath of peerless edge.

The expression on Meng Shiyun's face was blinded by Sisha, but everyone still saw a trace of solemnity emerging in her eyes. Then, amidst everyone's exclamation, a majestic breath rose into the sky, shocking. Everyone.

   Ye Tian in the crowd couldn't help but shrink his pupils and his face was shocked.

   "So strong! It's over the seventh prince, it's not the fourth level of Martial Spirit, or the fifth level of Martial Spirit!" Ye Tian secretly smacked his tongue, and the cultivation of Dream Poetry made him feel terrified. When I first saw her in Black Blood City, she was only a half-step martial arts, how could she suddenly advance to the fourth and fifth martial arts level, is it possible that she had hidden strength?

   The thirteen princes, Lin Fei, and Yun Shuiyao were also shocked.

   Everyone around was shocked, especially after a disciple of the inner sect said that Dream Poetry Yun reached the fifth level of Wu Ling, there was a commotion suddenly startled, and everyone took a breath.

   Wuling level five!

   Even among the disciples of the inner sect of the Shenxingmen, this kind of cultivation is considered to be in the middle reaches.

   However, Meng Shiyun has only joined Shenxingmen for three days. If it waits three years later, the ten strongest innermen of Shenxingmen must have her place.

   "The talent is very strong, like your old seventh, there is a great chance to be promoted to King Wu!" On the stand, Mr. Funeral nodded in appreciation.

King Nanlin also nodded, his face full of envy, and said: "Meng Family has a baby this time. This girl has a blue martial arts soul, and the speed of cultivation is the highest in the same generation. Compared with my family’s seventh old man, I’m afraid it’s not much better. How long will it be thrown away by her."

"Don't be presumptuous. Although your senior seventh only has the third level of martial arts, it is enough to beat this girl. Moreover, on this occasion, your senior seventh's combat effectiveness has doubled." Old Zhang glanced at King Nanlin and said lightly. .

   "Thanks to the compliment of the old funeral, hehe!" Nanlin Wang smiled.

   The burial old was speechless.

   On the arena, the Seven Prince was completely suppressed by the powerful momentum of Meng Shiyun, shocking the surrounding spectators.

   From the arena to the present, when have they seen such a scene? The Seven Princes have always been a strong press, but now they are suppressed by others.

   Many people who hate the domineering and powerful people of the Seven Princes can't help but cheer.

   "It turned out to be the fifth level of martial arts, and now the Seventh Prince will suffer." Lin Fei smiled gleefully.

   "Hmph, see if he dare to be arrogant again in the future." Yun Shuiyao snorted, holding a pair of small fists, also looking gloat.

The thirteen prince on the side shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "Don’t be happy too soon, the old man said, in our current year, the seventh is the strongest, even the silver robe of the **** star gate The elders did not veto either."

   "But his strength is obviously two levels worse than Sister Meng, can he beat Sister Meng by the level?" Yun Shuiyao was puzzled when he heard the words.

   Lin Fei is also Although he is very convinced by the king of Nanlin, the gap between the Seven Prince and Meng Shiyun is too large, and it is impossible to defeat the strong by the weak.

   "This should be related to the Seven Prince's trump card, you see, although the Seven Prince was completely suppressed by Meng Shiyun, his face remained unchanged, and his face was still calm!" Ye Tian said suddenly.

   Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the ring.

  On the ring, the Seven Prince was holding a spear, staring at the mighty momentum of Meng Shiyun, proudly soaring into the air, and then stopped in midair, looking down at Meng Shiyun below.

   "The fifth level of martial arts?" The seventh prince looked domineeringly at Meng Shiyun, and said in a deep voice: "Your cultivation speed is indeed very powerful, but it is a pity that your cultivation level does not represent combat effectiveness. This time I will convince you of defeat.

   "Really? Then you can do it!" Meng Shiyun's cold voice came, with a hint of coldness in her tone.

   Obviously, facing the arrogance of the Seven Princes again and again, this fairy who said few words could no longer bear it.

   "Meng Fairy, beat him quickly!"

   "Let this arrogant look at you!"

   "Squash him hard!"

   The Seven Prince is obviously unpopular. Many spectators around the ring shouted, cheering for Dream Poetry.

   However, at this moment, a majestic will erupted from the Seven Prince, like a wave, sweeping the entire square.

  In an instant, everyone on the square felt that the weapons in their hands were shaking violently, as if they were about to let go.

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