Seven World Martial God

Chapter 118: Ended

   "Damn it!"

   "Damn it!"

   "Can't let this arrogant succeed!"

   "You brothers are suppressing their weapons, don't let this guy succeed!"


   At the same time the Seven Princes burst out of spear intent, the spectators around the ring exclaimed, one by one, the whole body erupted, and the weapon in his hand was firmly restrained.

   Obviously, because of the arrogance of the Seven Prince, everyone present was angered, and they involuntarily helped Ye Tian get up.

   However, all this was in vain. Except for some inner disciples whose strength exceeded the level of Wu Ling, those outer disciples could not suppress the weapons in their hands. One by one, they flew towards the sky and gathered towards the ring.

   "Ignorance!" The Seven Prince glanced at the people who suppressed their weapons with disdain, with a sneer on his face.

   As soon as the spear intent came out, it moved the power of heaven and earth, which has surpassed the power of man. If it wasn't for the Seven Prince's lack of strength and realm, otherwise, even the elders of the Divine Star Gate would not be able to suppress the weapons in their hands.

   "I don't know how Ye Tian should resist?" Some elders of the Star Gate looked at Ye Tian on the ring curiously.

   King Nanlin was also full of curiosity on his face, and said with a smile: "Old Burial, do you think this kid has a hole card?"

   "Don't you know after a while!" Old Zhang smiled faintly without answering.

   The king of Nanlin was startled when he heard the words, then touched his chin with a wry smile, and continued to look at the ring.

   Not far away, Xue Yuhao and Liu Hongwu also looked expectantly at Ye Tian on the ring. They knew that Ye Tian had the sword intent, so they were not worried.

   On the entire square, everyone's eyes converged, and Ye Tian became the focus of attention.

   But his face was extremely indifferent, and his eyes were very calm. He didn't seem to be afraid of the weapons hovering on the head of the Seventh Prince at all, and even put down the blood knife in his hand, as if he didn't care.

   "Ye Tian, ​​I'll give you another chance!" The Seventh Prince slowly floated up, standing proudly in the air, looking down at Ye Tian below coldly.

   "You have too much nonsense!" Ye Tian said coldly.


   The Seven Prince's complexion sank, no more words, only saw his heart move, countless weapons rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​like a rushing flood, as if to drown Ye Tian.


Ye Tian’s eyes exploded with cold light, and a majestic breath erupted from his body. At this moment, he urged the ten blood pills to their limit. The endless true essence surged out, building on his body surface. Out of terrible defenses.


   Weapons went down one by one, completely submerging Ye Tian. The already messy arena was completely turned into ruins at this moment. The bombarded weapons blasted Ye Tian into the soil.

   The earth trembled, cracked, and a series of terrible cracks, centered on the ring, spread out in all directions.

The crowd of spectators evaded quickly, and they greeted the eighteenth generations of the seven prince’s ancestors one by one. This hateful Seven Prince obviously included them in the attack range, otherwise the previous battle with Meng Shiyun would not See him so scary.

   Of course, it is also possible that the Seven Prince was afraid of Ye Tian's powerful strength, so he tried his best this time and burst out with all his strength.


   The entire fierce attack lasted for a long time, and Ye Tian was blasted into the soil. It was not that he could not stand the impact, but that the ground under his feet could not withstand the power he brought.

   At this time, Ye Tian's body's true essence is strong and hard, and the true essence of his body is still continuously emerging. The storage in ten blood pills is unimaginable. It is no wonder that the blood demon sword king can leapfrog and kill the powerful man of the Wuwang level.

   "The ten vein blood pill has been completed, and I don't need a sword intent from now on, it is also top-notch in the same rank!" Ye Tian thought about it calmly while resisting the impact of the torrent of weapons, full of excitement in his heart.

   He dare not say that he is invincible of the same rank for the time being. After all, the mainland of China is vast, who knows what the genius outside is? In fact, Great Yan Country is just a small place, and the geniuses here may be just ordinary people outside.

   Ten blood pills, which store endless true essence, are endless, providing Ye Tian with strong persistence.

   In terms of single-round attack power, Ye Tian, ​​who is only at the first level of martial arts, can't compare to the dream poetry rhyme of the fifth level of martial arts. Of course, this is in the absence of an outburst of sword intent.

   In that case, why would Meng Shiyun lose to the Seven Princes?

   This is because Meng Shiyun's true essence is insufficient, even though the true essence she burst out at one time is vast, and her attack power is very powerful. But without enough True Yuan support, in the end she could only run out of strength to block the flood of weapons.

   In contrast, Ye Tian is different. He has ten blood pills, and the true essence stored is ten times that of others, which is almost comparable to the true essence content of a seventh-level martial artist.

   Of course, due to the limitation of realm, the true essence that Ye Tian can burst out at one time is barely equivalent to the powerhouse of Wuling level three.

   However, these weapons are simply bombarded and are not powerful. Ye Tian could block it as long as he opened up the true essence defense, and he only had to keep sending true essence to the true essence defense cover outside his body.

   Therefore, until the torrent of weapons coming from the impact stopped, the body protector on the surface of Ye Tian's body was still extremely fierce, and he still had three blood pills left in storage.

   sighed slightly for the power of the ten-vein blood pill, Ye Tian's eyes flashed, and he moved upward.

   At this time, the entire ring has disappeared, a pile of weapons the size of a hill, and Ye Tian's figure is buried inside.

   Everyone looked at the hill piled up with weapons. They wanted to know if Ye Tian still had combat power left? Although this chance is very small, these people feel unhappy when they think of the Seven Prince's arrogant appearance, and they look forward to Ye Tian's turn of the game.

   However, after a while, the hills remained silent.

   "Ye Tian? How come? Why didn't he use the sword?" On the stand, Liu Hongwu looked confused and worried.

   "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Ye Tian deliberately hides the sword intent, there must be his intention, we can watch patiently!" Xue Yuhao next to him quickly whispered.

   In fact, he guessed in his heart that this was Ye Tian's plan to retain his strength, after all, the world of warriors was full of crises. Sometimes, keeping some hole cards is to leave a piece of insurance for yourself.

   Xue Yuhao had been in Great Yan Nation when he was young, and he had a deep understanding of this.

"Old Burial, why is this son's true essence so strong?" The Nanlin King not far away was full of doubts. Others could not see Ye Tian's situation, but as a powerful Wujun, he could clearly feel Ye Tian this Shi was still full of power, and I couldn't help being shocked.

   "Everyone has an adventure. If your old seven hadn't had an adventure, how could he have understood the meaning of the sword so early?" Old Zhang said lightly, but there was a trace of regret in his eyes.

   "Sure enough, the sword intent is not so easy to be born. It seems that God is going to make me regret it for life! But even so, with this kid, the **** star gate is expected to continue!"

   Old Buried sighed softly, his eyes flickering.

   in the field.

   "Let's announce the victory, he should be unconscious!" Not far away, the Seventh Prince saw that Ye Tian hadn't moved, and couldn't help but secretly relieved. Then he landed and shouted to the referee on one side, a black robe elder.

   The black robe elder sighed and shook his head. He glanced at the silent mountain of weapons and prepared to announce the outcome of the competition.

   But at this moment--

   Weapon Mountain trembled violently, and a tall figure rose into the sky, sweeping the entire square with a majestic breath. With sharp eyes, standing proudly in the void, he coldly looked down at the seventh prince below, and said, "Is this your gun intent? I have learned it, now you can pick me up!"

   Ye Tian stood up in the sky, before the Seventh Prince recovered from the shock, he blasted down with a palm.

   Suddenly, the three blood pellets in his body trembled violently, spewing out three thick true essences, three huge true essence palms condensed in the sky, and they pressed down against the shocked Seven Prince.

   "Ye Tian is fine!"

   "Show the hands of three stars at once? I didn't look at it, right!"

   "It's really unimaginable that he can still have such a strong true essence now. Is he really only the first level of martial arts?"

   "How can you use the hands of three stars at once? Even the hands of the stars of the Dzogchen realm can't do it, right?"

"It's possible... I heard that a genius in the inner gate can simultaneously use the hands of two stars, but this requires mastery of this martial art. It is hard to imagine that he is just one who has just entered the gate of the gods, only for three days. The outer disciple of was exclaimed, everyone was talking, and more people were excited and excited.

   Some people were even more gloating, looking at the Seven Prince who was suppressed by the three huge True Yuan palms with a sneer. By now, everyone knows that the Seven Princes will lose.

   The fact is indeed the case. The Seventh Prince was injured before, and after the gunshot burst out, his spirit was a little tired. After barely resisting the hands of two stars, he was vomited by the hand of the third star and passed out directly.

   "I hope this kid can remember this lesson!" In the stands, King Nanlin retracted his gaze, clasped his fist at the old man, and prepared to leave. He was not interested in watching the following competition.

   "Ye Tian——" Old Zhang murmured softly and turned to leave.

"Blood City Lord, you have done a good job. You are able to cultivate a genius like Ye Tian. You are indispensable." King Nanlin patted him on the shoulder with a smile as he passed by Xue Yuhao, encouraging him. The color.

   "This is the subordinate's duty!" Xue Yuhao trembling all over, his face full of excitement and excitement, lowered his head, and said respectfully.

   "Well! Let's go, I will have a good talk with you later!" King Nanlin nodded, and then left the Shenxing Gate with a group of Nanlin County City Lords.

   The other city masters looked at Xue Yuhao enviously, and many people came to him to get closer.

  Everyone knows that with Ye Tian's Blood Jade City, it will have a pivotal position in Nanlin County, and the status of City Lord Xue Yuhao will also increase.

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