Seven World Martial God

Chapter 127: Admit defeat

   Looking at the crazy knife coming straight, Ye Tian's eyes were like a cold electric, bursting out, his face was cold and fearless.


   There was a cold snort, and Ye Tian raised his sword, carrying the roar of the violent wind, directly facing the mad sword. The vigorous true essence rushed out like a river that had broken a bank, and flooded toward the front.

   "Huh?" Crazy Sabre didn't expect that Ye Tian would choose to fight head-on, and he was slightly surprised, but then his eyes were cold, and he clenched the machete in his hand, stimulating the thick essence of his body, causing the blade to skyrocket again.

"Ah..." Ye Tian's eyes were cold, his sharp eyes were like a blade, he shouted, ten blood pills in his body burst out, endless true essence, gathered in the blood knife, blazing light, like a sun The light is brilliant.

   The two knives finally collided head-on!

   The eyes of the two people are very crazy, full of warfare, like two meteors, colliding head-on.


   I saw the boundless light burst out, stabbing everyone to open their eyes. Then there was a loud noise, deafening.

   It was as if two mountains collided, and the terrible impact force drove the air current visible to the naked eye, forming a terrifying energy storm. It raged down from a high altitude, blowing apart the mountains and forests below, and the earth was in a mess.

   "Everyone, be careful!"

   "Defensive together!"

   The inner disciples who watched below were so scared that they yelled and hurriedly exploded their true essence one by one, heading towards those terrifying storms, for fear of being swept in.

   But even if everyone took the initiative, those terrifying storms were not completely resolved. Looking at the storm that was still raging, many inner disciples were full of horror.

   Fortunately, at this time, a black-robed elder took action. The Wuzong-level powerhouse is different. He directly expanded his own small world and swallowed up those terrifying storms, avoiding a catastrophe.

   "It is worthy of being a Wuzong-level powerhouse, and it is not at the same level as Wuling." Looking at the black robe elders in the sky, Lin Fei was full of yearning.

The thirteen princes beside    breathed a sigh of relief, put away his true essence, and said with a smile: "Then work hard. With your talent, it is only a matter of time before you get promoted to Wuzong."

   "That said, but if you want to be promoted to the realm of Wuzong, you don't know you have to wait until the year of the monkey." Lin Fei shook his head.

   "What are you two still chatting about? Look, Ye Tian is about to lose." Suddenly Yun Shuiyao's tender drink came next to him.

   The Thirteenth Prince and Lin Fei immediately looked up, and suddenly they saw an embarrassing sound, flying upside down from the blazing light, and finally stopped a few hundred meters away.

   This person is Ye Tian, ​​his clothes are ragged, golden skin is exposed in the broken place, and a golden light emerges from his body.

   Ye Tian was very embarrassed, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. He stared at the crazy knife not far away, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were still very sharp.

   "It's the pinnacle of the seventh level of martial arts...No, you should have been promoted to the eighth level of martial arts." Ye Tian's pupils shrank slightly and said in a deep voice.

   The strength of Crazy Sword surpassed his imagination, and if it hadn't shown the Ninth Revolution at a critical moment, Ye Tian had already lost. But even after using the Rank Nine battle body, Ye Tian still suffered serious injuries.

   The reason for this is that Ye Tian underestimated the strength of the crazy sword. This person has already been promoted to the eighth rank of Martial Spirit. Although he has just been promoted, he is far stronger than the seventh rank of Martial Spirit.

"Haha, Junior Brother Ye has won the award. The blow just now is 80% of my strength, and I haven't defeated Junior Brother Ye. In comparison, Junior Brother Ye only has a third-level martial arts cultivation base, and I'm ashamed of Senior Brother! "The endless light dissipated, the crazy knife came out with the knife, staring at the opposite Ye Tian, ​​and laughed loudly.

In fact, he was not humble, but was really shocked by Ye Tian's strength. If he hadn't been promoted to the eighth rank of Wuling not long ago, he might really be defeated today. Even if he is unbeaten, he will only win miserably. .

   "The talent of Junior Brother Ye is probably ranked first in the entire inner sect."

   Kuangdao sighed, thinking of Ye Tiancai's third level of Wu Ling, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. Compared with a genius, it is such an enchanting genius, that is really asking for a blow.

   "Forget it, I'm a normal person, I can't compare with this kind of abnormality."

   Crazy Blade quickly adjusted his mentality. He looked at Ye Tian on the opposite side and said loudly, "Junior Brother Ye, I will try my best next, you have to be careful."

   It was 80% strength just now, this time it was 10% strength, and Crazy Blade believed that Ye Tian would be defeated.

   Although only 20% apart, at the level of Crazy Blade, the strength of 20% is enough to change the situation of the battle.

   "Go ahead, this battle should be over." Ye Tian looked at the crazy knife not far away indifferently, his eyes full of confidence.

   Crazy Sabre was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect Ye Tian to be so confident at this time, he couldn't help but wonder, does this kid have any other cards?

   But soon, Crazy Blade dispelled this idea. He felt that this kind of confidence might be a special case of geniuses.

   At the moment, the mad knife closed his breath and concentrated, and his body began to emit terrifying waves. The thick true essence, like a volcanic eruption that has been silent for many years, made his body surface seem to burn with flames.

   "Be careful, Junior Brother Ye!" Crazy Sabre raised the machete in his hand high, staring at Ye Tian from a distance, with extremely blazing eyes.


   The sky seemed to think of thunder, which exploded out of thin air, and the air flow suddenly became confused.

   "Crazy Knife is going to make a full shot." The thirteen princes, Lin Fei, Yun Shuiyao and others watching the battle were all nervous, and the surrounding inner disciples were staring at the two people in the sky.


   High in the sky, Ye Tian slowly raised the blood knife. When the true essence gathered towards the blade, an intangible and mysterious force also dispersed with the blade.

   This mysterious power is the meaning of a sword.

   Ye Tian didn't explode the sword intent with all his strength, but controlled a little bit, was compatible with the true essence, and integrated with the blood knife as the carrier.

   At the same time, as Crazy Sabre's voice fell, his figure dashed forward.


   In almost a moment, the mad knife had appeared in front of Ye Tian, ​​a terrible burst of air, like a thunder, followed by a huge and incomparable sword light, slashing towards Ye Tian.

   This knife is extremely sharp, extremely domineering, like a peerless edge.

   "Huh!" Ye Tian's eyes were indifferent, and he snorted coldly. The blood knife in his hand was already lightly stroked in a mysterious trajectory. Although it seemed very slow, it seemed to have surpassed the limitation of space, and instantly reached the machete of the crazy knife.

   "Huh? Why is it so slow?"

   "No, it seems to be fast!"

   "It's weird! A closer look makes me a little upset."

   Those inner disciples may not be able to see anything, but the black robe elders are all moved, frowning, and their faces full of surprise.

   At this time, the machete of the mad knife had already slashed at Ye Tian fiercely, and the blazing blade light seemed to tear apart the void.

   But in an instant, a blood knife gently touched the machete.

   "A burial ceremony!" Ye Tian's expression was plain, and his indifferent face did not contain any emotions.


   An S-shaped pattern erupted from the tip of Ye Tian's blood knife. The blazing light resembled the sun in the sky, dazzling and dazzling, and suddenly blocked Ye Tian's front void.

   In fact, it is not an S-shaped pattern, but a Tai Chi diagram constructed from the true element and the meaning of a sword, but the meaning of the sword is invisible and invisible to people.


   The Tai Chi diagram revolved at extremely high speed, bringing up a terrifying storm, and the huge relief force relieved the pressure from the machete.

   "Huh? This is..." Crazy Sword's pupils shrank, and his face was shocked. With a terrifying stab, he couldn't move forward.

   The blazing and vast blade lights were finally removed from the Tai Chi diagram one by one, and scattered towards Ye Tian's surroundings, without hurting him at all.

   "How is it possible?" Crazy Dao's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe the scene before him was true.

   "Oh my God!"

"How is this going?"

   The inner disciples and several black-robed elders who watched the battle were all shocked, and their faces were shocked.

   It is hard to imagine that Crazy Blade's full-strength stab was unexpectedly resolved by Ye Tian lightly, as if he didn't use much effort.

   "This is the kind of sword technique Ye Tian practiced when he was enlightened!" Lin Fei's eyes widened, shocked.

"What a powerful sword technique, is it a ground level? But I have never heard of the defensive sword technique of the **** star Besides, why does Ye Tian have a ground level sword?" Thirteen The prince was also shocked, but more confused.

   "It's his personal adventure!" Meng Shiyun's eyes are clear, and her cold voice also carries a hint of wonder. She was so graceful that she was also impressed by Ye Tian's talent.

   High in the sky!

   Kuangdao shot two blazing light rays in his eyes, and he shouted loudly, "I don't believe it! Try another knife!"

   Before the words fell, the crazy knife slashed at Ye Tian again. The unmatched blade light was two hundred feet long, even more stunning than the talented one, traversing the void and breaking through the sky.

   "A burial ceremony!" Ye Tianqing shouted coldly. It was the same trick just now. His blood knife blocked him in a mysterious trajectory.

   The magical Tai Chi diagram reappeared, blocking the impact of the sword light, and the huge unloading force caused the fierce true essence that came to be unloaded all around.

   Crazy Sabre's pupils shrank again, the same result made him have to believe.

   But because of this, Crazy Sword was even more crazy. He slashed at Ye Tian one by one, without stopping, making people truly understand why he was called Crazy Sword.

   But such efforts were still in vain. Ye Tian stood there like this, and took off all the attacks of Crazy Sword.

   Finally, Crazy Sabre stood tired in the sky, breathing heavily. He took a deep look at Ye Tian not far away, and his low voice echoed throughout the sky: "I give up! Junior Brother Ye, you won."

   After finishing speaking, Crazy Blade turned and left, the figure looked a little depressed and lonely.

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