Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1309: Ouyang Pintian

"Unexpectedly, the high level of the mercenary world would actually grab a group of wild beasts as the tempering objects of these geniuses. One Reading ▲.Book 1_―n◇s One h Book u Reading. Book c︿" Ye Tian stared seriously at the starry sky in front of him. In the purple gravitational prisons.

At this time, under the attack of the wild beasts, all the thirty-six geniuses in the mercenary world exploded with powerful strength, making the crowd onlookers exclaimed.

Ye Tian’s son, Ye Sheng, is also one of the dazzling beings. He blasted out with a punch, and the dilemma was between life and death. Among them, he blended the way of yin and yang changes, causing the wild beasts to fly out one after another. The masters were amazed.

"Brother Ye, your son's talent is amazing. It's definitely not inferior to the son of evil and Qin Changfeng." Lord Lei Meng admired him.

Master Wang Bo was also full of shock.

Ye Tian, ​​the father is already strong enough, claiming to be the strongest genius of this era, he did not expect that there is a son who is not much different, and it can be said to be a good story for the generation.

Jian Wuchen nodded and praised: "Ye Sheng's life and death fist is very good. He incorporates the way of yin and yang. In fact, yin and yang are the foundation of life and death. This combat skill is simply tailored for him."

Listening to their admiration, Ye Tian seemed very happy. After all, as a father, he certainly hopes that his son is better.

"Sheng'er's progress, coupled with the follow-up training of the mercenary world, is enough to be promoted to the dominance state at the end of this era." Ye Tian secretly thought.

In addition to him in the Ye Family's line, Ye Sheng also had the opportunity to be promoted to the dominance level at the end of this era.

For the rest, although a few more powerful geniuses emerged, it is estimated that it is impossible to be promoted to the master due to time constraints.

Even with the talent of Xiao Panpan, it is difficult for him to advance to the dominance level, unless there is some adventure in the future.

There is also Zhang Xiaofan, this kid has inherited the godhead of the third generation of the emperor, already perfect, and has walked out of his own road of the emperor.

Over the years, Xiao Panpan and Ye Sheng worked together in the mercenary world, gradually rising from the bottom. However, Zhang Xiaofan did not choose to enter the realm of mercenaries. He traveled alone in the Realm of True Martial Arts. Starting from the Kingdom of Worship of the Cloud Mountain, he traveled from one galaxy to one galaxy, and he has already traveled half of the Realm of True Martial Arts. ▲Read the book. ◇1◇k to read

For his second apprentice, Ye Tian didn't have any requirements, but respected his own choice and let him go his own way.

The most important thing in Zhang Xiaofan's road to the emperor is to cultivate his heart, so he travels to many places to sharpen his soul.

After so many years, Ye Tian didn't know how his apprentice was. They rarely contacted Skynet because Zhang Xiaofan rarely logged into Skynet.

However, Ye Tian felt that his apprentice either had no accomplishments, or was very likely to create miracles and had the opportunity to be promoted to the realm of dominance at the end of this era.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian continued to look at the starry sky battlefield in front of him.

At this time, the number of wild beasts in the purple gravity prisons began to increase again, each time increasing by ten, a total of four times.

It took Ye Sheng a long time to solve the seven wild beasts. As a result, there were still thirty-three wild beasts. The increase in the number of the wild beasts made it more difficult for him to kill the wild beasts.

As for the others, they were not much better than Ye Sheng, and some even only killed one or two wild beasts.

Finally, not long after, the voice of Hongjie's rule resounded throughout the starry sky battlefield.

"Someone gave up, and now there are thirty-five people left," said the master Hongjie.

Ye Tian swept his gaze over, and suddenly found that the wild beasts in one of the purple prisons had disappeared, and the purple prisons had also disappeared gradually, and a young man rushed out of it, panting heavily with a look of embarrassment.

Just now he yelled out the two words ‘Admit defeat’.

With one surrender, there was a second surrender, as if it had a chain reaction. In the following time, several people chose to give up.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender!"


As time passed, more and more people gave in. △One reading. _1―k see a︿

Hongjie Domination's indifferent voice sounded: "There are twenty-three others."

Twenty-three geniuses in the Starry Sky Battlefield heard the sound, all were secretly startled. It seemed that they did not expect that there would be so many people who persisted to this point like themselves, and they gritted their teeth one by one and continued to persist.

Ye Tianxian Ye Sheng's pressure gradually increased, a lot of sweat appeared on his forehead, and there were more and more wild beasts around, so Ye Sheng could only choose passive defense.

However, the good news is that until now, the geniuses of Shenzhou University 6 have not chosen to surrender, Zifeng and Di San each clenched their teeth and persisted.

Reincarnation Tianzun and Zhuang Zhou are the most relaxed, these two guys have the help of the law of time and the law of space, and they are very efficient in dealing with the beasts. Moreover, they are not like Ye Tian who can't expose their talents for the laws of time and space, so they are unscrupulous in displaying them and are not afraid of being revealed.

Like Reincarnation Tianzun, he created the six reincarnations that year. Regardless of his talent and aptitude, they are not comparable to ordinary people, and even Ye Tian dare not look down upon it.

At this time, Samsara Tianzun integrated the law of time into his attacking combat skills, which made his power soar, and every attack could severely damage the desolate beast, and soon beheaded it.

This time, although the number of wild beasts increased, more than half were killed by the reincarnation heaven.

There is also Zhuang Zhou. His space laws are the most suitable for dodge and attack. They are simply the nemesis of wild beasts. If the space rules he comprehends are too weak, he would have killed these wild beasts long ago.

Even the Lord Raymond on the side was admiring: "It's worthy of a first-level rule, it's really amazing!"

"Nonsense, the first-level rule is the rule that the supreme enlightenment, of course it's terrible." The master Wang Bo snorted, then looked at the reincarnation Tianzun and Zhuang Tuueren in the starry sky battlefield with envy.

"These two people have the best chance to win the first place in this competition." Jian Wuchen also said, staring carefully at the reincarnation Tianzun and Zhuang Tuueren.

Ye Tian squinted his eyes, but didn't speak.

You know, he understands the laws of time and space at the same time, and his achievements in these two laws are much stronger than Zhuang Zhou and Reincarnation Tianzun.

At this time, Ye Tian watched Zhuang Zhou and Samsara Tianzun display the law of space and time, and gained a lot of experience and insights, and couldn't help but look more carefully.

Although Ye Tian's laws of time and space cannot be used openly, he has learned the experience and experience now and will be more handy in future use.

"There are still seventeen people left!" Hongjie's dominating voice came again.

There are only seventeen purple gravitational prisons left on the starry sky battlefield, and eight of them are Emperor San, Zifeng, Reincarnation, Zhuang Zhou, Zhan Wuji, Ye Sheng, Xingyu, and Taichu Tianzun.

Moreover, their performance is very eye-catching, and the masters are amazed.

"There are fifteen people left!"

"There are still thirteen people left!"


The voice of Hongjie's dominance kept coming.

By this time, the number of wild beasts in these purple gravity prisons had increased to more than one hundred, and the remaining geniuses had difficulty killing a wild beast. Most of them could only passively defend against the surrounding wild beasts. Attack and continue to hold on.

"There are twelve people left!"

"Eleven people are left!"

As the voice of Hongjie's dominance came, the people who were still insisting were all frantic. They tried their best and wanted to keep going.

"There are ten people left!"

Another person gave up, and there are ten people left, and they are the top ten in this internal competition.

In addition to the eight members of Zifeng, there are two "outsiders". They are a man and a woman. The talent of that woman is slightly worse than that of the eight members of Zifeng, and she is about to be unable to hold on.

But that man is unusually dazzling, his talent is similar to that of Zifeng. But what is important is that his cultivation has already reached the lower level of dominance and Consummation, which is not worse than Zhuang Zhou and Reincarnation Tianzun, and even deeper.

"This kid is called Ouyang Pintian. He has a strong background, a great background, and a strong talent. If his ancestor was a high-level mercenary world, I'm afraid he would choose to enter our Zhenwu in the last Celestial War. The temple is here." Lord Raymond said, pointing to the man.

Ye Tian squinted his eyes, and at this moment, Ouyang Pintian was as relaxed as Zhuang Zhou and Reincarnation Tianzun.

After the ninth woman surrendered, Zi Feng and Di San also reached their limits one after another.

First, Zhan Wuji and Zifeng, they were very good at attacking, but they were a bit worse at defense, and basically conceded one after another.

After they surrendered for a while, Taichu Tianzun, Xingyu, Di San, and Ye Sheng also surrendered one after another. There was not much difference in time, after all, their talents were similar.

On the huge starry sky battlefield, only Zhuang Zhou and Samsara Tianzun were left, and Ouyang Pintian continued to persist.

They are the top three in this internal Now to see who can hold on to the final win, everyone around is watching with wide-eyed eyes and looking forward to it.

"Ouyang Pintian, the ancestor of Ouyang Pingchao, the ruler of the kingship level, is known as the king of Pingchao." Ye Tian opened Skynet at this time, searched for this Ouyang Pintian, and got the news. He couldn't help but feel surprised. Ouyang Pintian's background is such a big, his ancestor is actually a master of the king.

Pingluan King Ouyang Pingluan is a well-known strongman in the True Martial God Realm. His prestige is stronger than the King of Long Eyebrows. He is one of the strongest people in the king-level ruler and is also one of the powers in the mercenary world. , Second only to the founder of the mercenary world.

"This Ouyang Pintian talent is amazing, he has been favored by King Pingluan since he was a child, so he focuses on training. Moreover, he has been practicing for a lot longer than you, so don’t look at him as a lower-level master of the Consummation Realm, but he is better than Zhuang Zhouhe. Reincarnation Tianzun, a person who has just been promoted to the next level to dominate the Consummation Realm is much stronger." said Lord Leimen.

Ye Tian frowned. He knew that Lei Meng ruler was telling the truth. After all, the opponent had a famous teacher since he was a child, and he was not weak in cultivation or combat skills.



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