Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1317: Kill array

Under a big tree, Ye Tian was counting his harvest.

At this time, he had already beheaded the strong man in the magical realm and obtained many treasures.

"This guy's attack power is not weak, I didn't expect that the treasures on his body are not as good as Zhepu..." Ye Tian whispered while counting.

In fact, he also knew that although this Tannker had amazing offensive power, he was probably better than Zhepu if he really fought with Zhepu.

The powerhouses of the Magic God’s Realm usually have powerful attack power, far exceeding the same level, but they have a fatal weakness, that is, they need to chant spells to activate these powerful magics. The more powerful the magic, the more difficult the spells. Read.

Although they have become familiar with these spells and can no longer be familiar with them, it takes a while, and this time is when they are weakest.

However, once these powerhouses of the Magic God's Realm gather in groups, the destructive power is very terrifying.

Ye Tian once searched in Skynet, knowing that the famous magic army in the magic **** realm is composed of countless magicians. Once they jointly activate magic, the power can even kill a master in a second.

Even the powerhouses of the Blood Demon God's Domain and the Sky Demon God's Domain must be cautious and not careless when facing the magic army of the Magic God's Domain.

As for the single magician, as long as the opponent finds a chance to sneak attack, basically there is no need to worry.

Because when these magicians are chanting spells, even if you can't beat him, you can escape early.

"Hey, there are actually some magic books." Suddenly, Ye Tian's eyes lit up.

Among Tannker's ‘relics’, he found some magical books, which recorded some powerful magic spells and some experience in magic practice.

"These dark magics, although I don't need them, they can be handed over to Rutis." Ye Tian thought of his servant Rutis and couldn't help but smile.

These things are of no use to him, and they won't sell for much money. After all, the gods of Zhenwu Divine Realm are not needed at all.

However, for Rutis, it is a treasure.

Rutis now no longer follows Ye Tian, ​​but stays in the God Capital of the Kingdom of Baiyun Mountain, helping Ye Tian's wives to take care of the "household" in the God Capital. It can be said that he is his "big housekeeper".

This guy has toiled even if he has no credit...

Ye Tian thought, so he put away these magic books alone, ready to go out and then give them to Rutis.

Continuing to check the harvest, Ye Tian shook his head. There was nothing in it that made him particularly interested.

Most of them are some treasures of heaven, material and earth, which were collected by Tannker in the treasure star, as well as obtained by hunting other geniuses, and some magical artifacts, although they are some powerful main artifacts, But for Ye Tian, ​​who possesses the dominating artifact, they are all tatters.

Moreover, the cultivation systems of the two parties were different, and Ye Tian could not exert the power of these magic artifacts.

Right now, Ye Tian just sorted these treasures of heaven, material and earth, and continued on the road, flying towards the snowy field ahead.

After flying all the way for a week this time, Ye Tian never encountered an enemy again, and there was no one around him.

"The treasure star is too big. The first batch of people who entered the Seven Gods Realm adds up to only about a thousand people. After a period of fighting, I am afraid that there are not even five hundred people."

"Now they are all scattered, it is difficult to meet them!"

Ye Tian thought while flying.

Immediately, Ye Tian took out the last map sent by Xiao Panpan, watched it carefully, frowning.

Since he couldn't meet the enemy, Ye Tian put down the hunt for a while, planning to find Xiao Panpan first, after all, if he procrastinated for a minute, Xiao Panpan would be in danger.

It's just that the map sent by Xiao Panpan really doesn't have any characteristics, it's just a white snowfield, but this is the situation all around, so how does Ye Tian look for it?

"This is simply looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Looking at the snowfield in front of him, Ye Tian couldn't help but smile wryly.

"It seems that I can only look for it a little bit!" In the end, Ye Tian sighed helplessly, sacrificed a hundred drops of essence and blood, manifested a hundred clones, and explored in all directions towards the snowy field.

Generally speaking, a **** can be transformed into ten million, let alone Ye Tian, ​​the main god.

But here is a treasure star. The pressure of heaven and earth is too strong. Ordinary incarnations can't hold on for a moment at all, and they will automatically be crushed. Let alone find someone, they can't walk a few steps.

But Ye Tian's avatars manifested with essence and blood already had 10% of the strength of his own deity, enough to support them in the treasure star.

However, Ye Tian could only consume a hundred drops of essence and blood. No matter how much he was, his vitality would be greatly injured.

Although he has a lot of treasures to restore his essence and blood, who knows when those top geniuses from other gods will come, what if he happens to meet him?

Therefore, Ye Tian did not dare to spend a lot of essence and blood, he had to maintain his peak state in order to deal with the war that came at any time.

Moreover, a hundred clones are enough to explore this snowy field, although this snowy field is a bit big...

Time passed bit by bit.

When Ye Tian explored the snowy field, he did not forget to follow the situation of other friends in Mainland China through Skynet.

First of all, after the reunion of Zhuang Zhou and Emperor Three, Zifa and Son of Evil, as well as Ye Sheng and Reincarnation Tianzun, also successfully gathered together.

Not only that, Taichu Tianzun and Xingyu, as well as Jian Wuchen and Zhan Wuji, the two pairs of men and horses were about to rendezvous.

There was only Ye Tian alone. He couldn't even see half a person around him, only the boundless snow field.

Of course, Baoxing is Baoxing after all, even in the endless snowfield, there are many treasures here.

Ye Tian collected many treasures of heaven and earth, such as snow field ginseng, iceberg snow lotus, snow soul spirit stone, and so on.

"Finally see the margin!"

On the eleventh day, Ye Tian's spirit could finally explore the edge of this snowy field.

This shows that this snowfield has been almost explored by him.

However, Xiao Panpan's sleeping place has not been found yet.

"Pan Pan should be sleeping underground, and in order to cover up his breath, he will definitely be underground several hundred miles below." Ye Tian continued to search, while thinking.

Except for his special existence who has been trained into the soul golden core, most of the geniuses who came to Baoxing can only probe for a few hundred miles.

Therefore, in order to protect himself, Xiao Panpan would definitely choose his sleeping place to be underground below a few hundred miles.

In addition, the scenery of this snowfield is almost the same, it is very difficult to find his sleeping place.

Even if Ye Tian separated 100 clones like this, he would have been looking for more than ten days. If he changed to someone else, I would have been looking for a few months.

You must know that every day on the treasure star is very precious, and many treasures can be found. Who will delay a few months to hunt down Xiao Panpan?

Therefore, Ye Tian could be sure that Xiao Panpan was not in danger for the time being, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as there is no life-threatening danger, plus the Dragon Blood Treasure Liquid he has prepared long ago, it is enough to wake up the seriously injured Xiao Panpan and recover.

"One more time, you can find it."

Looking at the snowfield in front of him, Ye Tian gritted his teeth, once again sacrificed a hundred drops of blood, manifested a hundred clones, and explored in all directions.

Because Bao Xing's heaven and earth pressure is too strong, even if he uses the blood to manifest the clone, he can only last for three to five days. This is the third time he has performed the clone technique.

Three hundred drops of blood were consumed before and after, and the loss was very large.

This is also to find Xiao Panpan, and to replace it with someone else, he wouldn't do it.

Fortunately, only this last area is left in this snowy field. This time, Xiao Panpan will definitely be found.

In fact, Ye Tian expected it well. On the third night, he was five hundred miles underground in a snow hill, and he found a faint breath, very familiar.

This breath comes from Xiao Pan Pan.

Ye Tian is naturally no stranger to the aura of his big apprentice, and he immediately beamed with joy.

"Found it!" Ye Tian smiled slightly, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then retracted all the clones and dived into the ground.


Just as Ye Tian just dived into the ground, huge black beams of light suddenly rose up on the surrounding snowy ground. One after another, they penetrated the sky and penetrated the sky, forming a huge light prison purgatory, bringing Ye Tianhe Xiao Panpan was trapped inside together.

The surrounding ice and snow were melted, and the sullen aura suddenly grew, and countless ghosts roared in it.

The rumbling of the wind.


Ye Tian raised his brows and was startled.

His achievement in the formation is not low, he has already cultivated the heart of the formation, which can be regarded as a small achievement, but even so, he has not found this formation before.

It can be seen that this must be a dominating formation.

"One, two, three... eleven, twelve, is this the famous twelve ghost evil spirits of the Blood Demon God Realm?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes ~ ~ a pair of dark eyes transmitted through Two golden divine lights came out, looking towards the black beams of light.

Under the twelve black beams of light, there are towering figures sitting cross-legged, one by one with majestic aura and unparalleled power.

Ye Tian knew that these twelve were ghost ghost kings, but they were just ghost ghost kings summoned by the formation, not real ghost ghost kings.

You know, the ghost king is a powerful king-level master under the command of the evil ghost saint master of the blood demon gods, a total of twelve, together, they are stronger than ordinary monarchs.

And these twelve ghost evil spirit killing formations are the peerless killing formation created by the evil ghost holy master for his twelve men. If the twelve ghost evil kings jointly arranged this formation, even Emperor Ouyang must be careful response.

However, even if this was not the Peerless Killing Array set up by the Ghost Sha King himself, Ye Tian did not dare to underestimate it, because there would definitely be more than one enemy, at least twelve of them.

This is a prepared and purposeful ambush.

The goal is his Ye Tian.

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