Seven World Martial God

Chapter 133: Trophy

   The intent of the sword pierced the sky, killing the world, weeping ghosts, unparalleled power, filled the entire mountain forest, the world was shaking.

   This is the power of the black iron sword, which is beyond reach, and can only be looked up.

   At that time, Zhao Yun dominated the realm of Wuzong, relying on this knife, this is a superb spiritual weapon, some martial masters may not have it.

   Now, although Ye Tian still can't exert the full power of the black iron sword, it is still enough to shock people.

   Yi Xuehan yelled, he was horrified, that vast blade of light, with Ling Lie's murderous intent, was eroding his body. Even though he became the first level of the Nine Revolutions battle body, he still couldn't stop this incomparable knife.

   The world trembles, the sword is invincible.

   Ye Tian's eyes were shining brightly, and his sword intent merged with the profound iron sword, reaching the realm of the unity of human and sword. A peerless edge, soaring to the sky, trying to rush to the nine heavens.

   Yi Xuehan was desperate, his Ninth Revolution battle body was shattered by this peerless edge, and the terrifying blade then shattered his long knife and chopped it from his neck.


  The blood burst out, and Yi Xuehan screamed horribly. His dark eyes were dim and dull, leaving only a desperate gaze, staring at the opposite Ye Tian.

   "Don't stay here for long!"

   Ye Tian put away the mysterious iron sword, feeling the unmatched sword intent around him for a long time, his eyes flashed, he immediately grabbed Yi Xuehan's corpse and headed away.

   Soon after, several old people appeared in the sky, all of them gazed down sharply.

   Farther away, there are still some strong people coming.

   However, Ye Tian had already gone to the building and disappeared.

   These people had no choice but to return in the end, but their hearts were very shocked. The breath just now was definitely a spiritual weapon, and it was also a superb spiritual weapon.

   In the Great Yan Kingdom, and even in the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, a superb spiritual weapon is enough to make the Wu Jun strong to **** it desperately.

This is also the reason why Ye Tian has not dared to expose it. Those martial lords of the God Star Gate discovered it, but they only thought it was an ordinary spirit weapon, plus Ye Tian was a disciple of the God Star Gate, so they did not use it. Bullying the small.

   Of course, if they knew that this was a superb spiritual weapon, then even if Ye Tian was a disciple of the God Star Gate, they would not be jealous.

   At the most, it will give Ye Tian some benefits and let it go.


   After flying at high speed and low altitude for most of the day, when Ye Tian was sure that no one was chasing after him, he randomly found a relatively hidden place. He opened a cave and hid in with Yi Xuehan's body.

   "Wu Ding actually invited a disciple of Baidu Sect, and this guy is Wuzong level, he should be a true disciple of Baidu Sect, I must have many treasures."

   There was a faint light from outside the cave, Ye Tian looked at the corpse of Yi Xuehan who had been dead for a long time on the ground, his eyes flashed with hot light.

   Like Ye Tian's mysterious iron sword, geniuses like Yi Xuehan generally have some adventures, so there must be some treasures with them.

   After thinking about it, Ye Tian fumbled on Yi Xuehan's body, but after a long time, he only found out a token of Baidumen and some silver tickets.

   "Huh? How come there are only these things?" Ye Tian was puzzled, a true disciple of the Hundred Poison Sect, and a genius, there is only no treasure, this is absolutely impossible.


   At this moment, the little golden mouse came out of Ye Tian's arms, as if it had just woken up, shook its head, blinked its two big eyes, and looked around curiously. Finally, it stared at Yi Xuehan's corpse, as if it had seen some baby, its eyes lit up suddenly.

   "Little thing, show me what baby is on this guy?" Ye Tian saw the little golden mouse, his eyes moved, he knew it was a treasure hunter, maybe it has some strange ability.

   Little Golden Mouse didn't know if he understood Ye Tian's words, it tilted its head, and cast Ye Tian a look of contempt.

Correct! Just despise, this little thing is very smart, and his eyes are very humane, so angry that Ye Tian gritted his teeth and prepared to grab the little golden mouse for a ‘punishment’.

   But at this moment, the little golden mouse disappeared out of thin air, leaving Ye Tian rushed into the air.

   "Huh? What's the matter? What about the little things?" Ye Tian was startled at once, and hurriedly looked around, but couldn't find the little golden mouse.

   "Invisibility?" Ye Tian thought in shock, but felt that it was impossible. He hadn't heard of the magical power of invisibility in this world.

   "The little things will come out soon, I won't punish you."

   "Little things, there are delicious ones!"

"small things……"

   After searching for a long time, but did not find the little golden mouse, Ye Tian couldn't help but became anxious and shouted anxiously.

   If someone is here, I see Ye Tian yelling by himself, thinking he is crazy.

   About half an hour later, a strange wave caught Ye Tian's attention. He looked at Yi Xuehan's corpse, and suddenly found the little golden rat stepping on Yi Xuehan's head.

   Not only that, Ye Tian also saw the little golden mouse's two small paws grabbing a rope and dragging it toward the outside.

   When the little golden mouse saw Ye Tian, ​​he gave him a dissatisfied look, and squeaked with a paw pointing at the rope.

   Ye Tian was already stunned at this time, and at the same time he understood where the little golden mouse had gone, and why he couldn't find Yi Xuehan's baby.

   turns out to be a small world!

   Wuzong powerhouse opened up his own small world, this small world can not only be used for fighting, but also for storing things. After all, with such a large space, who would want to carry things with them is inconvenient and unsafe.

   What shocked Ye Tian even more was that the little golden mouse could actually get into the small world of Yi Xuehan, which had to shock him. Worthy of being a treasure hunter, he still has this ability.

   thought in his heart, but Ye Tian's hands were not slow, he quickly helped the little golden rat to grab the rope and drag it out.

   was really heavy, Ye Tian was taken aback, and then he yanked out a big package. However, in the process, the little golden mouse was knocked over, so angry that it ran on top of Ye Tian's head and turned his hair into a bird's nest.

   Ye Tian didn’t have time to worry about it at this time, instead he immediately opened the package and checked it curiously.

   There are a lot of things in the package. There are some books, some small bottles of medicine, 500 pieces of spiritual stones, and some clothes, silver tickets and other sundries.

   Ye Tianxian opened the small bottles and looked at them again, and found that there were some low-level medicines such as Tongmai Pill and Chongqiao Pill, and some of the remaining medicines had strange smells, and he didn't recognize any of them.

"You can't eat the pills of the Hundred Poison Sect. I'd better stay away from these things. However, these bottles of Tongmai Pill and Chongqiao Pill can be given to Uncle Ye Feng and the others." Ye Tian thought for a while and combined these pills. The medicine was put away.

   Then, Ye Tian excitedly collected five hundred spirit stones again. He was indeed a true disciple. There were only five hundred spirit stones on his body. Now Ye Tian has no shortage of spirit stones.

   "It's no wonder that the inner disciples of the God Star Gate have to come out and practice. If I stay in the God Star Gate to practice, there is no danger, but I won't get these treasures."

   "Crisis and opportunities coexist, and the warrior should go upstream, without experiencing the temper of death again and again, how can he reach the top of martial arts?"

   Ye Tian couldn't help but sigh.

   Then he looked at the books and found a lot of martial arts below the profound level, and was very disappointed, so he put them away and prepared to bring them to the Ye Family.

   "Huh? This is..." Suddenly, Ye Tian's eyes lit up and he stared fiercely at the two primitive books in his hands.

   These two ancient books are very common, but the words on the cover are extremely dazzling.

   "Nine-turn combat body, first floor!"

   "Nine-turn combat body, second floor!"

   Ye Tian was full of excitement, and he quickly opened the first floor and checked it, and suddenly found that the content inside was exactly the same as the first floor of the Nine Revolutions battle body he had seen at the Star Gate.

   Continue to open the second layer to check, Ye Tian's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. Although he has not seen the second layer, he is sure that it is definitely the second layer of the Nine Revolutions battle body.

   "I really didn't expect that I would have nowhere to look after I pierced through the iron shoes, and it was all effortless!"


   Ye Tian was extremely pleasantly surprised. He never expected that he would get the second level of the Nine Revolutions Battle Body so quickly. If he could successfully cultivate him, his physical body would be able to rival the Wuzong powerhouse.

   In this way, he can definitely break into the top ten in the inner door.

Tucked away the second layer of the Nine Revolutions Battle Body, Ye Tian looked at the last remaining book. This book is very thick, not like martial arts, but like a miscellaneous Tian Picking it up curiously and looking through it, his eyes suddenly showed surprise.

"On XX day in XX year of the Great Yan calendar, the weather today is dry, but the night is very cold and cold... Today I finally can't help it. I want to kill that **** and avenge my mother... That **** returned Dare to taunt me, what an idiot, I tied her up, covered her mouth with cotton cloth, and cut off her meat piece by piece... Haha, I finally got revenge. I want to write down these and enjoy it later."

"On XX day of XX year of the Great Yan Calendar, I found that my sword seemed to come alive, just like my arm, driven by an arm... An uncle found me and he told me that I had understood the meaning of the sword, although it was only The first level of agility, but definitely a genius in a million, he wants to take me to a place to practice and make me stronger."

   "On XX day of XX year of the Great Yan Calendar, today I became an inner disciple of Baidumen..."

   Seeing this, Ye Tian has determined that this is a diary.

   "I didn't expect that this guy still has a good habit of writing a diary. Wouldn't he travel here like me?" Ye Tian glanced at the corpse of Yi Xuehan not far away, secretly surprised.

   Then, Ye Tian continued to watch. From Yi Xuehan's narrative, he found a lot of information about Baidu Sect, which made him very interested.

   "On the XX day of the XX year of the Great Yan Calendar, the master found me and said that I should go to the secret area of ​​Chilin City and use the Poison Pond to successfully cultivate the second level of the Nine Revolutions Battle Body..."


   Ye Tian's pupils shrank, two brilliant lights shot out from his eyes, and he stared at the diary in his hand.

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