Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1343: Battlefield


The three golden ants' faces suddenly sank upon hearing this!

Who are they?

They are the strongest geniuses of the Heavenly Demon God's Realm, and they have rivals among their peers. Each and every one of them is the pride of the heavens with high hopes in their respective clan, and their status is comparable to those of the masters. No one has ever dared to reject them.

However, thinking of the strength of the young man in front of him, the three Golden Ants were silent for a while.

Although their strength is strong, it is impossible to kill Ye Tian. After all, they are in their realm. If it is not for @猪@猪@岛@小说, the difference in strength is too large, otherwise they will not kill each other. .

Just like when Ye Tian encountered the genius Dark Blue in Blood Demon God's Domain, although he was stronger than the opponent, it was difficult to kill the opponent.

"Ye Tian, ​​you are too arrogant. I really think we can't help you?" The genius of the Golden Wing Dapeng clan couldn't help but shout. This task was given by the ancestors of their clan. If it fails, even the ancestors Don't blame him, he himself felt shameless.

The same is true for the geniuses of the Kunpeng clan. He stared at Ye Tian coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Ye Tian, ​​although the three of us can't help you, but when the Tianzhu Turtle, Qilin, and Sky Swallow Rat come back, we will With human strength, you can’t fly with your wings."

"At that time, you can still find me and talk about it!" Ye Tian sneered.

He was not afraid at all. After leaving this time, he certainly wouldn't be so stupid as to fight the six geniuses of the Sky Demon God's Domain.

Moreover, it is impossible for these six great geniuses to stay together all the time, as long as they are not together, does he need to worry?

"You!" The genius of the Golden Wing Dapeng clan stared at the words, his face full of anger.

The genius of the Kunpeng clan said with a gloomy face: "Even if we can't help you, but I guarantee that our geniuses in the Heavenly Demon God's Domain will do their best to kill your geniuses in the True Martial God's Domain in the next time."

"Not bad!" The genius of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan brightened when he heard the words, and then stared at Ye Tian, ​​smiling gloomily: "Among you geniuses in the True Martial Realm, apart from you, I am afraid that everyone else will be dead when they encounter us. , You just wait to collect their corpses!"

This is a complete threat.

Ye Tian looked at them with cold eyes, and snorted coldly: "Do you think this can threaten me? Kill if you want, they have nothing to do with me. Besides, there are so many geniuses in the True Martial Realm, even if They will not cause much harm to our True Martial Realm when they die, huh!"

The geniuses of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan and Kunpeng clan were stunned when they heard this. In their opinion, the people of Zhenwu Shenyu have always attached great importance to feelings and are very united. They still rarely see Ye Tian like Ye Tian, ​​who do not care about Zhenwu Shenyu. The life and death of other people.

In fact, Ye Tian didn't care about the life and death of those people, but he only cared about the geniuses in the mainland of China. As for the others? It doesn't matter to him again, he doesn't need to worry.

Ye Tian didn't admit that he was a good person. Among these geniuses, he only cared about a group of people in the mainland of China. He didn't know anyone else, and didn't care at all.

Moreover, there are countless geniuses who died in the Zhenwu Divine Realm in one era, so why bother about this?

On the contrary, if one of these geniuses can survive, then there is definitely a chance to be promoted to dominance at the end of this era, and even higher in the future.

Therefore, Ye Tian hoped that the people of the Heavenly Demon God's Domain would do this, just to sharpen their geniuses in the True Martial God's Domain.

"So, I can't talk about it!" The Golden Ant spoke, and smashed it with a punch. The golden fist lightened the sky.

He didn't have as many thoughts as the geniuses of the Kunpeng clan and the Golden Winged Dapeng clan. Since Ye Tian didn't compromise, then he shot.

And this time, they were obviously not going to be one-on-one, but three-on-one.

The geniuses of the Kunpeng clan and the geniuses of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan shot together, and the three powerful men killed Ye Tian together. Although they knew that the chance of leaving Ye Tian was small, they wanted to give it a try.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the geniuses of the dignified Sky Demon God's Domain would not even deceive their faces, but it is a pity that Ye has no time to play with you. Let's meet again next time!"

Ye Tian sneered, focusing on defense and dodge, slowly leaving the battlefield.

He is not an idiot. Through divine consciousness, he has discovered that Tianzhu Turtle, Sky Swallowing Rat and Qilin have rushed here together.

Obviously, the other party has notified these three geniuses and plans to keep him.

At that time, the six geniuses will join forces. Unless Ye Tian really exposes the laws of time and space, he will definitely die.

Therefore, Ye Tian naturally chose to run away.

In terms of strength, the three people in front of him are no different from Ye Tian, ​​but if Ye Tian wants to run, these three can't stop Ye Tian at all.

Ye Tian opened the way with the ultimate knife path, and that peerless edge made the Golden Ants unable to contend at all, making Ye Tian abruptly opened a path and left here.

"Ye! God!"

"I won't let you go."

"Your geniuses in the True Martial Realm are dead."


The roar of the three golden ants came from behind.

Obviously, they are very angry.

However, Ye Tiancai didn't care about them. He flew away from here and disappeared into the sky, leaving only three angry geniuses of the Heavenly Demon God's Domain.

Soon after, Tianzhu Turtle, Sky Swallowing Rat and Qilin arrived, but they did not see Ye Tian, ​​only three golden ants with angry and gloomy faces.

"What about people?" Qilin couldn't help asking.

"I won't let him run away!" The Sky-Swallowing Rat on the side said with some glee. After all, he suffered a loss in Ye Tian's hands. Naturally, I don't want them to get better, otherwise, wouldn't it bring out his incompetence?

It's all right now, everyone suffers together, so that he won't be ridiculed by others.


The genius of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan gave a cold snort, without speaking.

The Tianzhu Tortoise opened his mouth wide and his face was full of disbelief: "You three joined hands and let him run away?"

Qilin was also shocked, the True Martial Realm had never been put in their eyes, and they did not expect that such a powerful genius would appear this time.

"That guy is indeed very powerful, I am not his opponent, you are a step late, otherwise there is still a chance to keep him." Golden Ant said.

He didn't feel ashamed of his defeat, because Ye Tian did possess that kind of strength, and he didn't lose injustice.

Hearing the words of the Golden Ant, the Qilin, Tianzhu Tortoise, and the Sky Swallowing Rat were all shocked. How proud of the Golden Ant? Even he was convinced, can you imagine Ye Tian's strength?

At this moment, the three of them deeply remembered this Zhenwu God Realm genius named'Ye Tian'.

"It seems that your mission has failed. If that's the case, then I will go first. After all, this precious star still has many adventures waiting for me." The Sky Swallow Mouse said, and went into the ground first and disappeared.

Upon seeing this, the genius of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan couldn't help but snorted: "It's really a rat, huh!"

"This mouse is also right. Grandpa Turtle has to take a step first. But if Grandpa Turtle is needed, just contact me." Tianzhu Turtle said in a muffled voice. Their clan and the Kunpeng clan have a good relationship, so they are right about this time. The task is to help as much as possible.

Afterwards, Qilin and Golden Ants also left. After all, regardless of their business, this mission is already saving face, so naturally it is impossible to wait here.

In the field, only the geniuses of the Kunpeng clan and the geniuses of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan were left. The two looked at each other and saw the unwillingness and gloom in each other's eyes.

If this mission fails, even if their lives are not in danger, their impression of the ancestors will be weakened, which is a huge loss for them.

"Bao Xing will not stay for less than five years. Only three years have passed. We still have time to regain the incense of the soul." For a long time, the genius of the Golden Wing Dapeng clan spoke.

The genius of the Kunpeng clan shook his head and said: "It is difficult. With the strength of the two of us, it is difficult to find Ye Tian on such a big treasure star. Even if we find him, it is impossible to keep him. It's useless."

"Then what if our strength goes further?" The genius of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan said, his eyes bursting with fiery golden light.

The genius of the Kunpeng clan froze for a moment, and then his eyes brightened: "If our strength is further, then it will be easier to kill him, but it is difficult for us to go further now, unless there is something against the heavens that can improve us. The cultivation base and realm."

"Have you forgotten? Before leaving, the ancestor told us that above this precious star, there is a battlefield of gods and demons, where countless fragments of gods and demons are scattered. These fragments of gods have evolved over countless years. Thus formed the treasure that can improve our cultivation and realm-primitive grass!"

The genius of the Golden Winged Roc family said with shining eyes.

"Primitive grass? I've heard this kind of treasure is very rare, it's rare to see, will there be it here?" The genius of the Kunpeng clan said with surprise.

"Yes, there have been geniuses from other gods who have obtained this kind of treasure and have raised a realm. And this is just the primitive grass scattered in other areas of the treasure star. There must be more primitive grass in that battlefield of gods and demons. With our cultivation as the realm, even if one primordial grass cannot be improved, what about two or three?" said the genius of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan.

"If there are so many primitive grasses, then we will even have a chance to be promoted to the realm of the upper master **** here." The genius of the Kunpeng clan couldn't help but feel excited.

There is not much time until the end of this era, and there is very little time left for them. Although they have confidence in themselves, they will naturally not miss it if they can improve their cultivation as soon as possible.

It can be said that the purpose of their coming to Baoxing this time is to improve their cultivation and strengthen their strength as soon as possible.

"Let’s go, the battlefield of gods and demons is said to be very dangerous, but the strength of both of us is top among this group of geniuses, and we one masters the law of time and the law of space, we can definitely break into this battlefield of Gods and demons together. "The genius of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan said, eyes full of expectation.

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