Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1348: Ancient magic

On the battlefield of the gods and demon, the emperor of the blood demon god's domain stepped into the air, and actually flew to the depths of the blood sea by himself. One reading·1kanshu·

Surprisingly, the creatures in the sea of ​​blood did not take the initiative to attack him.

He flew all the way, never encountered a single danger wherever he passed.

Soon, he reached the depths of the blood.

He seemed to know the direction and flew straight. In the depths of the sea of ​​blood, he found a black altar floating on the sea, covered by a thick black fog.

"Found it, this is the ancient demon altar!" The emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain entered the black thick fog, and immediately looked at the black altar below with excitement.

"Ancient legend says that our blood demons are descendants of the ancient demons, and our ancestor is the only ancient demons of the ancient demons."

"This battlefield of gods and demons is the place where an ancient demon ancestor fell. As long as the altar is opened, the body of that ancient demon ancestor can be summoned, but I don't know the realm of this ancient demon ancestor's cultivation."

The emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain stared at the altar and thought to himself.

At the beginning of the universe, there were no seven gods or even human races in the universe. At that time, there were only two most powerful races in the entire universe, namely the ancient demons and the ancient gods.

Later, after countless epochs, the ancient gods and the ancient demons were in the ultimate battle, losing both, and both came to the brink of extinction.

Subsequently, other creatures began to be born in the universe, and then gradually replaced these two ethnic groups to form the current seven gods.

By now, the ancient demons and ancient gods have become legends for a long time, and even many masters do not know their past history.

The only traces of them left in the universe are the battlefields of gods and demons. These are the places where ancient gods and demons once fought.

Whether they are ancient gods or ancient demons, they don't have a godhead. All their cultivation bases are on the body and the soul. Their soul is very powerful and the body is indestructible.

Their immortal bodies are enough to keep their bodies for countless epochs without being destroyed. If you want to kill them, you can only destroy their souls.

The emperor of Blood Demon God's Domain also learned from his parents that this precious star has a battlefield of gods and demon, and sealed the body of an ancient demon in this battlefield. To, the value of the ancient demon's body is incalculable. For the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain, only a trace of essence and blood is enough to raise his strength and talent to the next level.

"I hope the corpse of this ancient demon ancestor is well protected!" The emperor of the Blood Demon God Realm immediately opened the black altar, and a beam of black light burst from the altar, rushing straight into the sky, tearing the sky, and piercing the entire treasure star.

"not good!"

The face of the Emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain changed suddenly.

With such a vision, I am afraid that the entire Baoxing people are attracted, and his actions will not be so smooth by then.

You know, originally he was going to come low-key, and even those geniuses who were also in the Blood Demon God's Domain did not tell, just to swallow this opportunity.

But now it seems that it is probably impossible.

"I hope that there are not many people near the battlefield of the gods and demons, so my chances are still great." The emperor of the blood demon god's domain secretly became anxious.

At this time, the sea rioted, and a black fuzzy figure gradually floated from below the seabed.


The sea of ​​blood is boundless and the waves are turbulent.

Ye Tian rode the warship, wandering aimlessly, sailing into the distance.

Suddenly, a stormy wave swept across in the distance, and Ye Tian was stunned.

Because the huge wave is very wide, I don't know how many miles it stretches, and it is getting higher and higher, as if the entire sea of ​​blood has turned upside down, very shocking.

"what happened?"

Ye Tian didn't care much at this time, so he put away the warship and flew high to avoid the blood wave that swept through.

The blood wave did not stop, rolling away from under Ye Tian, ​​continuing to wreak havoc in the distance.

Ye Tian looked over, and suddenly saw a huge vortex. A huge head slowly emerged from the vortex, which was bigger than an ordinary planet. I am afraid that only this huge precious star can hold this one. Head. What the hell? "

Ye Tian was shocked, such a huge head, bigger than the head of the dominator, it was simply impossible.

He had never seen such a huge creature.

With the emergence of that huge head, its shoulders, arms, and upper body gradually exposed to the surface of the sea. That huge body is really awe-inspiring.

An indescribable ‘giant’ rose from below the sea of ​​blood and floated in the sky above the sea of ​​blood.

At its feet, there is a huge black altar.

It closed its eyes tightly, without the slightest breath of life being exposed, only countless black magic energy burrowed out of the pores of his body, terrifying power, and the sea of ​​blood rolled around.

"It seems to be a mid-level master, but is the aura of the mid-level master so powerful?" Ye Tian wondered.

Judging from the aura emitted by this giant, it should belong to the upper dominator. After all, that aura is very terrifying, but Ye Tian has also seen the upper dominator and knows that the aura of the upper dominator is much more terrifying than this.

It's just that even the upper ruler's body is not so huge. Would a median ruler be so big?

You must know that among the seven gods in the universe, the creatures with the largest divine bodies must be the monsters of the gods of the sky, and the dragons of the gods of the dragons, they are born with huge bodies.

But the divine body of the giant in front of him was actually bigger than those of the demon race of the Sky Demon Divine Realm, which was simply impossible.

This is the first time Ye Tian has seen such a huge creature. He has never seen it in the ancient books of the Zhenwu God Domain.

With strong curiosity, Ye Tian speeded up and flew towards the ‘giant’.

On the road, Ye Tian also noticed many figures flying towards the'giant'. Obviously, many people of such a giant have appeared, and he is not the only one who is curious.

As the distance gets closer and closer, the devilish energy that flows from the giant is very spectacular and terrifying.

Ye Tian stood in front of him, as if he was an ant, and the feeling that shocked the soul filled his whole body.

"Ye Tian!"

Suddenly, a loud roar came from the sky. It was a bird shrouded in flames. It was a huge body, with its wings spread out, covering the sky and covering the sun. It swept a hot wave of fire and burned the sky red.

Is the genius of the Phoenix family.

He saw Ye Tian, ​​his eyes suddenly raged into the sky, carrying boundless power to kill him, the sky full of flames swept the entire world as his wings spread, whizzing in this space.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you broke in. Today is your place of burial!" The genius of the Phoenix clan was full of murderous intent. He was threatened by Ye Tian at the beginning. That was the biggest shame in his life.

Chi Chi!

The flames scorched the space, and the scorching temperature caused the seawater below to tumble.

The geniuses of the Phoenix clan shook their wings and rolled up two terrifying flame tornadoes raging in and fought Ye Tian from both sides.

At the same time, he covered the sky, covered the sky, with unparalleled power.

"Science don't treat each other with admiration for three days, do you really think I will still be afraid of you now?" Ye Tian smiled coldly when he saw it, and slashed across it without dodge or hide.


The dragon blood sword blared blazing light, and an incomparable blade light tore through layers of space, destroying the two oncoming flame tornadoes.

Boom... The ultimate sword intent rushed straight into the sky, sweeping in all directions.

Suddenly, many exclamations came.

Many geniuses who came here were all startled by the fluctuation and breath of the two of them, and they flew over one after another.

"Ye Tian!"

"It's the **** phoenix!"

The genius of the Kunpeng clan and the genius of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan came side by side, and the two big birds swept across the sky, bringing up a wave of blood.

Not far away, the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain stood proudly in the void with a cold face.

Vaguely, and still able to see, there are peerless geniuses in the Immortal Demon God Realm and the Dou Qi God Realm.

Of course, there is no shortage of geniuses in the Magic God's Realm and Dragon God's Realm. There are people from every God's realm in the Seven Great Realms.

Ye Tianze and the geniuses of the Phoenix clan stood proudly in the sky, and the two of them exploded in aura, facing each other with infinite murderous aura.

"You refined the primordial grass!" The genius of the Phoenix clan stared at Ye Tian, ​​his anger intensified.

With just one blow, he had already seen that Ye Tian's cultivation level had improved by one level, otherwise he would not have become so strong, no less than him.

Therefore, he guessed that Ye Tian had already refined the primitive grass.

You know, that was the primitive grass he was fancying, and it was snatched away by Ye Tian, ​​and he was forced to ask about the role of primitive grass by Ye Tian. Thinking about it, he was angry.

"Thank you for telling me the role of primitive grass, haha!" Ye Tianming knew the cause of the opponent's anger, so he stimulated the opponent even more.

Sure enough, when the genius of the Phoenix clan heard the words, his entire face was completely black, he killed him directly, and the battle started again.

The geniuses nearby were all watching and did not intervene, even the geniuses of the Kunpeng clan and the Golden Winged Dapeng clan who also came from the Celestial Demon Realm did not help.

The battle between Ye Tian and the geniuses of the Phoenix clan was very fierce. The two men hit the sea from the sky, shattered the void, cut open the sea of ​​blood, and it was still a matter of victory.

And the powerful strength of the two of them also made the faces of the surrounding geniuses solemn.

The genius of the Kunpeng clan said solemnly: "Ye Tian has become stronger again!"

"It's a pity that we didn't find the primitive grass, huh!" The genius of the Golden Wing Dapeng clan was very unwilling. The two fighting in front of him, no matter which one was better than him, made him very unwilling.

The geniuses of the Phoenix family are okay. After all, they are a realm higher than them, but Ye Tian is only in the same realm with them now, and they are actually stronger than them. This means that Ye Tian's talent is more powerful than them.

At the same time, the geniuses of the other gods nearby also all had heavy faces. They felt tremendous pressure from the geniuses of Ye Tian and the Phoenix clan.


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