Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1358: Mortal enemy

"It's so powerful that even time and space have been annihilated." Feeling the terrifying suction behind him, Ye Tian couldn't help but his heart tightened, and then he screamed, speeding up, and flying out of this collapsed world.


The space behind is constantly collapsing and annihilating.

Ye Tian flew extremely fast, constantly urging his divine power, pouring it into the dragon blood sword in his hand, causing this divine sword to burst out with brilliant light.


A horrible sword intent rose to the sky.

It is the ultimate knife!

The blazing blade light cut through the sky, leaving a terrible crack in the void, and the unparalleled edge burst out, smashing the sky and tearing the universe, with terrifying power.

Ye Tian's sword intercepted the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain in front of him, and the opponent had to stop and fight.

"Looking for death..." The emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain didn't expect that Ye Tian would choose to fight in such a dangerous place. He couldn't help but shouted angrily, and a blazing black light broke out. The devilish energy rolled in, shaking the sky and the earth.

"The ancient demon body!"

The emperor of the Blood Demon God Realm screamed, and his body suddenly rose up, like a giant of several hundred feet, standing upright on the ground, all black, exuding boundless devilish energy, rolling, sweeping the world.

The ancient demon body evolved from the blood demon body, if it were not for the emperor of the blood demon god's domain to integrate the essence and blood of that ancient demon clan powerhouse, it would be impossible to practice this genius.

At this moment, the blood demon god's emperor who turned into the real body of the ancient demon, his strength skyrocketed again, and the terrifying atmosphere of the ancient demon clan shattered the laws around him.

"Come on, let me see your true skills." The emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain blasted out with two fists, and the terrible demonic energy came out vigorously. Two huge black fists dragged two long tails in the void. Like two black dragons roaring up to the sky.

The black dragon roared, the mighty power was like a prison, the energy fluctuations of the vast sea swept in all directions, and the world trembled.

Ye Tian's eyes condensed, this ancient demon body is really terrifying, whether it is attack power or defense power, it is more than one level stronger than blood demon body.

What moved Ye Tian even more was that the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain was clearly inherited from the strong of the ancient demon clan, because he used a powerful boxing technique that matched this ancient demon's real body. Complement each other and multiply their power.

"Ultimate thirteen knives!" Ye Tian held the divine sword high, the blazing golden light shone all things, an incomparable blade light tore the world, countless sword energy reversing nine days, bombarding the ancient demon body before him. go with.


The two black dragons were roaring, and the mighty dragon was as vast as hell, but it was difficult to stop this incomparable sword light, which was cut and shredded by the fierce sword energy.


The emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain snorted coldly, and was not surprised or surprised. After all, he had seen Ye Tian's strength, and even the three geniuses of the Heavenly Demon God's Domain could not join forces.

Although he has integrated the essence and blood of the ancient demon clan powerhouse, his strength has skyrocketed, but he is equivalent to the strength of the Phoenix clan genius, at most a little stronger, naturally it is impossible to defeat Ye Tian in a short time.

After thinking about it, the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain sneered and said: "Ye Tian, ​​is this your sword way? Very powerful, but it's just like this. It's your dream to kill me."

Ye Tian looked at the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain coldly, and the dragon blood sword in his hand was constantly splitting out, and a series of terrifying blades tore through the world and slashed into the void.

The emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain roared, his fists went out to sea like a dragon, and the terrifying devil energy swept the world. Every punch he punches is very terrifying, with the blessing of the real body of the ancient demon, and his power is extremely powerful. One punch after another, the space in front of him was shattered like glass, countless space blades rolled out, and he slammed Ye Tian with his fist, with terrifying power.


Ye Tian's dragon blood sword burst out with an incomparable golden light, and even his Tianlong suit was also radiant, like a golden **** of war, breaking the world and tearing open the long river of time and space.

The Ultimate Dao Dao is the most powerful Dao Dao in the universe, Ye Tian's supreme knife mark is integrated into it, and the terrifying power of this Dao Dao has been fully demonstrated.

The blazing blade light tears through the space, whether it is speed or strength, it is very terrifying.

Qiang Qiang...

A knife slashed on the ancient demon body of the emperor of the blood demon god's domain, making a harsh metal sound. Each knife carried unparalleled power. The collision between the two is like two planets colliding together, terrifying energy Annihilated all matter.

"Ah..." the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain yelled. The speed of his fist attacks became more and more terrifying, and his power became more and more terrifying. The stalwart body like a mountain exploded with astonishing power. Fang universe is broken.

No matter if his strength is strong, he has two wings added, which makes him very fast, which makes Ye Tian a headache.

The strength of this person is one point stronger than the geniuses of the Phoenix clan.

Although Ye Tian's ultimate swordsmanship is powerful, the ancient demon clan boxing techniques displayed by the opponent are equally good, even surpassing the ultimate swordsmanship at this stage.

After all, the ancient demons are life races in the higher-level world. The super powers in their clan can destroy a universe at will, and the power of combat skills created is naturally very terrifying.

But Ye Tian's ultimate swordsmanship is still in its infancy, and it takes a long way to go if you want to compete like this.

However, Ye Tian did not fall into the disadvantage, his strength is also very strong, the ultimate blade is the sharp edge that makes the blood demon god's domain emperor's fists return without success, and each blade can tear the opponent's body, with There was a black blood mist, the devilish energy rolled, and the painful emperor of the Blood Demon God Realm roared again and again.

"This ancient demon body is really powerful. It seems that at this stage, the ultimate sword can't defeat this ancient demon body..." Ye Tian narrowed his eyes slightly. He thought that the ultimate sword was enough to deal with. The emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain, but he didn't expect that the ancient demon inheritance that the other party got was so powerful.

"It seems that only eighteen magic hands can be used!"

Ye Tian thought secretly.

The Eighteen Demon Hands were created by the ancient gods super powers to specifically restrain the ancient demons. The emperor of the blood demon gods has accepted the inheritance of the ancient demons. Now it is no different from the ancient demons. It is used to deal with him. Better results.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian forced the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain back with a single knife, and then violently retreated, and quickly distanced himself from the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain.

"What? Do you want to escape?" The emperor of the Blood Demon God Realm suddenly sneered and said mockingly.

In fact, he knew that Ye Tian would not run away. After all, Ye Tian's strength was not below him, so he couldn't help Ye Tian at all.

But he wanted to provoke Ye Tian with this mocking tone, so that Ye Tian lost his footing in the rage, then made a mistake, and he seized the opportunity to take a heavy hit.

It's a pity that Ye Tian didn't pay attention to the ridicule of the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain. Instead, he quickly pinched his handprints and displayed eighteen magic hands. Between his palms, the boundless golden light swept out.

"Your ultimate sword can't help me. What's this? New combat skills? It's ridiculous. No matter how talented a person is, it is difficult for a person to achieve the same high achievements in multiple combat skills. Seeking death, hum!" The emperor of the Blood Demon God Realm couldn't help sneering when he saw this.

Ye Tian ignored him, with a sneer on his face, the speed of the pinch between his hands was faster, and a fiery golden light gradually bloomed from between his hands.

"Pretend to be a god, huh!" The emperor of the Blood Demon God Realm snorted coldly, took a big leap, and the huge demon body rushed over. The terrifying aura was shaking, and the boundless demon energy swept the world.

"Go to hell!" He yelled, his fists burst out with dark light, as if an endless dark abyss swallowed everything, swept from above the sky and flooded the entire sky.

Obviously, this was his peak blow, very scary.

However, Ye Tian's handprint was completed at this time, and a golden "Feng" character flew out of his palm, and it became bigger and bigger, exuding endless golden brilliance, illuminating the entire sky.

The golden word "Feng" continued to rise, flying high into the sky, and squeezed it towards the opposite emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain. The powerful force seemed to solidify the void, making this world banned.

"Blow me away!" The emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain showed no fear on his face. He roared, and his fists applied force again. The terrifying black demon energy surged like a flood that broke the embankment, stirring for nine days.

"Give me a seal!" Ye Tian also roared, his eyes as cold as a blade, and between his palms, the golden word "Feng" bombarded with the majestic power that overwhelmed everything, and the fiery golden light blasted the surrounding The darkness was all dispersed.

As if the night met the sun, even the surging demonic energy was completely suppressed, a golden word "Feng" appeared above the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain, and his unparalleled might suppressed his ancient demon's real body.

"What!" Seeing this, the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain couldn't help being shocked, his face full of disbelief.

The eighteen demon hands restrained him too strongly. The breath of the golden "Feng" made him feel very uncomfortable. The power made his whole body tremble, as if he couldn't bear this power. Of suppression.


His huge ancient demon body was also The boundless demon energy rolled in his body, but he couldn't rush out at all. He flushed anxiously and roared wildly, but it was of no use.

"It seems that you are nothing but that!" Ye Tian sneered.

The same thing was said from the emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain before, but now it was said by Ye Tian. The latter suddenly looked ugly and his eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

The emperor of the Blood Demon God's Domain roared: "Ye Tian, ​​don't be too happy, next time I will kill you."

Having said that, his huge ancient demon body suddenly exploded, and countless black flesh and blood exploded out in all directions, dragging a long rainbow of devilish energy.

"Want to go?" Ye Tian snorted coldly, pinched his handprints, and a golden word ‘Mie’ came down suddenly, carrying the boundless killing intent, and the power of destroying everything made people palpitation.

In an instant, a large piece of black flesh was destroyed, and it was mixed with the roar of the emperor of Gorefiend God's Domain.

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