Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1364: 3 treasures

Zhenwu Temple moved very quickly, and it didn't take long before the rewards were already sent to Ye Tian.

It was a spatial ring, and Ye Tian directly dipped his blood to recognize the Lord, but his divine spirit penetrated into it, and his face suddenly became excited and excited.

Because this space ring contains some heavenly dragon blood, it was a senior who gave him the heavenly dragon blood at the beginning to train himself into the body of the heavenly dragon, so that he could be promoted to the realm of the lower Lord God and already had a body comparable to the upper Lord God.

And now, Ye Tian sensed in these heavenly dragon blood a breath that was stronger than the heavenly dragon blood he had obtained at the beginning, obviously this is a more advanced heavenly dragon blood.

Ye Tian couldn't help but control Divine Sense to probe, and then he got a piece of information about these dragon blood.

This information made Ye Tian plunged into extreme excitement.

These are indeed not ordinary Heavenly Dragon blood, but Heavenly Dragon King blood extracted from a Heavenly Dragon King. Using this Heavenly Dragon blood, Ye Tian's Heavenly Dragon Divine Body can be promoted to Heavenly Dragon King Body.

Ye Tian knew exactly what the Heavenly Dragon King's body was, so he was so excited.

Once trained into the Heavenly Dragon King's body, his divine body will be comparable to the divine body of the lower master, and his divine power will also be raised to a terrifying level, comparable to the lower master.

Moreover, when Ye Tian is promoted to the realm of dominance in the future, his divine body will be even stronger, and will even be comparable to the real Heavenly Dragon King.

What level is the Heavenly Dragon King? That is equivalent to the realm of kings, the king among the rulings, the world-class powerhouse at the level of the long eyebrow king.

This is why Ye Tian was so excited. This reward alone was enough to raise his strength to a terrifying level.

"With my current strength, as long as I train into the Heavenly Dragon King Body, it is enough to fight against the powerhouse of the lower dominating level." Ye Tian's eyes were exquisite and excited.

He is only in the realm of the middle master god, and he can actually fight against the lower master. With such talent and combat power, looking at the entire universe, it is difficult to have one in countless epochs.

There is no doubt that when he becomes the real master, his strength will rise to a more terrifying level.

Ye Tian has heard that as long as he accumulates in the master **** realm, once he is promoted to the master realm, there will be an explosion period, when his strength will continue to improve, and even become a super power in the master realm in a short time. Maybe.

"Look at what other rewards!"

Ye Tian carefully collected the blood of the Heavenly Dragon King, preparing to refine it and integrate it into himself after a while. Immediately, his eyes swept toward the ring and saw a pool of green liquid.

"What is this?" Ye Tian couldn't help being astonished. He drew his mind and immediately received a message about the green liquid in the pond.

"Tianyuan Shenye has the effect of condensing the soul's soul. It cannot be swallowed, but can be refined directly."

It is actually a treasure of heaven and earth to enhance the soul and soul.

Ye Tian's face was immediately happy.

Because of his cultivation of the Soul Book, he has already practiced a soul pill, combining the soul and the soul. But because of this, he wanted to make a little progress, but it was very difficult.

Although he is still cultivating the Soul Book, the progress is very slow, and he wants to break through to the next level, but it is far away.

But if you have this pool of Heavenly Origin Divine Liquid, then you can make rapid progress if you cooperate with the soul collection.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian waved his hand and collected this pool of Tianyuan Divine Liquid into his God Realm and kept it well.

Next, Ye Tian looked at the third and last reward.

This last reward is not a treasure of heaven and earth, nor a artifact, nor a special treasure, but a book, a thick book that exudes the charm of ancient times, and it is not known how many years ago it was an item.

Ye Tian was very surprised, because the gods rarely used books to record their appearance, because this was a mortal method.

As for the gods, just find a stone tablet to record a combat skill in it for future generations to learn.

There are also jade slips, runes, etc., which can record knowledge.

And books like this, after Ye Tian left the mainland of China, he had rarely seen them.

He couldn't figure out how the senior officials of Zhenwu Temple would give him such a treasure?

"Is there any combat skills recorded in this that are not successful? No, if it is some powerful combat skills, they have been promoted long ago and will not be passed on to me alone. It should be a secret technique, but how can the secret technique be used by mortals? Books to record?" Ye Tian was full of doubts.

He carefully looked at the ancient book in front of him. This ancient book was still somewhat different from mortal books. First of all, the material was different.

I don’t know what this ancient book is made of. Each piece of paper is made of a black metal, with white words on it. These words are also known by Ye Tian and they are ancient divine writings. , Belongs to the original version of the universal divine text in the universe.

Such ancient divine writings are no longer in use, and many people don't know that Ye Tian only saw it when looking through the classics in the Zhenwu Temple, so he also knew it.

Through these divine texts, Ye Tian knew that the name of this ancient book was "Time and Space Essays". He couldn't help but opened it curiously. As a result, when he saw it, he was immediately fascinated.

Time passed unconsciously, and ten thousand years passed in a blink of an eye.

This was the fifteenth senior brother coming to him and awakened Ye Tian.

"Little Junior Brother, it's been a thousand years, when are you going to leave the Supreme Holy City? There is a lower master named Leimeng looking for you at the bottom of the mountain."

Senior Brother 15 said.

Ye Tian opened his eyes and his face was shocked: "What! Ten thousand years? Didn't I just take a look at it? How come ten thousand years have passed?"

Although for Ye Tian now, ten thousand years is no more than an instant, it is not worth mentioning, after all, he is already several billion years old.

But Ye Tian remembered very clearly before, that he only watched this space-time essay for a while, how come ten thousand years passed? This is incredible!

However, when it comes to time and space essays, Ye Tian was shocked, because this ancient book contains a lot of knowledge about the laws of time and space, which is a treasure to help people understand the laws of time and space.

You know, Ye Tian has already mastered the laws of time and space, but he has been making slow progress on top of these two laws.

But reading this space-time essay can improve his perception of these two laws, which to him is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, Ye Tian was so fascinated that he didn't know it for the past ten thousand years.

"It turns out that the younger brother is watching the essays of time and space. No wonder he will stay for ten thousand years. I didn’t expect that the Supreme Holy Master will pass this to you now, but your cultivation level is too low now, and you have not been promoted to the realm of dominance. It is suitable to watch this book, and you should put it away quickly, and then watch it after you are promoted to the realm of dominance. At that time, with your talent, you may have the opportunity to understand the laws of time or space when you dominate the realm."

Senior Brother 15 saw the ancient book in Ye Tian's hand and said with a smile.

"Senior brother also knows this ancient book?" Ye Tian said in surprise.

"What's all the fuss about, in our Zhenwu Temple, as long as it is a super genius who is valued by the above who does not understand the law of time or the law of space, they will be taught this book, hoping that they will understand one of the first-level laws, so that My talent is stronger."

Senior Brother 15 smiled, and continued: "Especially a genius like you, Junior Brother, hasn’t seen a genius of your level for hundreds of thousands of epochs. But what’s amazing is that you don’t. One of the first-level rules, you must know that with your talent, if you are comprehending a first-level rule, then your talent will be stronger. This is why the Supreme Holy Master preached your time and space essays."

"So that's it!" Ye Tian shook his head secretly in his heart, he had already understood the first-level law, and he had understood both the law of time and the law of space.

Of course, Ye Tian didn’t dare to say these things. He looked at Senior Brother 15 curiously, and asked: "Brother, do you know who wrote this ancient book? The law of time and the law of space are written in such detail. The Zhenwu Supreme from our Zhenwu God Realm wrote it?"

"The supreme also understands a first-level law. How can it be possible to write a book like space-time essay, in fact, I don't know who wrote it. However, I once heard Master said that the book was written Man is a super strong among the **** rebels, his strength is very powerful, much stronger than the average supreme." Senior Brother 15 said, shaking his head.

"God rebellious?" Ye Tian's heart moved, but his face showed doubts.

"God rebels are a group of aliens in our There are **** rebels in the seven great realms. They are very small in number, but each of them is powerful and cannot be underestimated. For our seven great realms Apart from the group of wild beasts, these **** rebels are our greatest enemy."

Senior Brother Fifteen said in a deep voice: "These **** rebels are rebellious. They think that the universe we live in is actually a prison. They want to break this prison, but in fact they are destroying the universe. Isn't this a joke? If the universe is destroyed by them Now, can we still survive? Because of their crazy speech, they have been under the siege of our seven gods. Now they can only hide in the dark, ready to move, and don't know when they will recover."

Ye Tianjing listened quietly, but his mind turned extremely fast.

This was the first time he heard about the **** rebellious after he left the Chinese mainland.

However, unlike the fifteenth brother, Ye Tian learned the information of the seven worlds from the ancient **** Pusi. He knew that this group of rebellious people was right. Only by breaking the universe and being promoted to the Lord of the universe can he create a new world. , It was an unprecedented new world.

Ye Tian admired this group of rebellious people very much, because these rebellious people are a group of revolutionary fighters. Although the major races in the universe do not understand them, one day, hundreds of millions of races will know that their remarks are right.

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