Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1380: Alien Beasts

"No, a herd of strange animals is coming to us."

Detecting the group of alien beasts rushing over, Ye Tian couldn't help but said suddenly.

"Huh?" Lin Tao raised his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​his face filled with confusion, "Brother Ye, you are not stupid, are there any strange beasts around here? Why can't I see it?"

Divine Sense was suppressed here, and he was in the same realm as Ye Tian, ​​as long as Ye Tian could see, of course he could see too far.

However, he didn't know that Ye Tian's divine consciousness far exceeded him.

"Be prepared for battle@猪@猪@岛@小说!" Ye Tian glanced at Lin Tao, kindly reminded him, and then looked away coldly.

Although the voice he spoke just now was not loud, the main gods on the battleship were naturally audible, and they couldn't help but look at him.

"There is a pack of alien animals?" Someone showed a surprised expression.

"Warm talk, where is there a pack of alien animals?" Someone looked disdainful and mocked.

Some people were more cautious, and began to release their spiritual thoughts and carefully explored the surroundings. Unfortunately, their spiritual thoughts were too weak to detect the alien beasts.

The general from Zhennan Prince's Mansion walked over, looked at Ye Tian with a majestic look, and said in a deep voice, "You really found the alien group? How did you find it?"

Although he doesn't believe in the existence of alien animals, Ye Tian is also a middle-ranked lord god, this level of characters will not make jokes, so he has to pay attention to it, after all, this is related to the safety of Princess Baiyue , He didn't dare to be careless.

"This kind of strange beast does not live alone, but in groups, so its ethnic group is nearby. It was killed by the princess before, and its blood has been spread out, presumably its ethnic group will come over soon."

Ye Tian pointed to the barbecue in his hand and said.

He is also guessing, after all, he can't tell the other party, my spirit is stronger than you.

In that case, it is estimated that the general at the pinnacle of the upper master **** would treat him as an idiot.

"Oh, how do you know that it belongs to a group of strange beasts? Do you know this kind of strange beast?" The general was a little surprised when he heard this. This is the first time they saw this kind of strange beast. It is not that they are ignorant, it is in the starry sky forest. There are too many alien beasts, no one can figure out the types of alien beasts in the starry sky forest.

"I don't know!" Ye Tian shook his head, and then said again: "Although I don't know it, it didn't run towards us before it was killed. If it is a solitary alien, it must be extremely ferocious. We will not be timid because we are crowded. Only a group of alien beasts can understand how to bully the less and understand the importance of unity, so it must be a group of alien beasts."

"It's so exciting, why didn't I find out just now, Brother Ye, you are so awesome." After Lin Tao on the side listened, his face was suddenly full of surprise.

The other people nearby also showed shock and appreciation, because they all understood that Ye Tian's inference was completely correct.

Some people who had ridiculed Ye Tian before, also put away their sarcasm at this moment, looking at Ye Tian's gaze, they became curious and surprised.

"Your observation is very careful. If you find anything next time, please notify me in time. Don't worry, I will report your credit to the princess. Our Zhennan Prince's Mansion will not treat you badly." The general looked deeply. Ye Tian glanced at it and said solemnly.

When the casual practitioners next to them heard the words, they suddenly looked envy and hatred.

Lin Tao gave Ye Tian a thumbs up secretly, full of envy.

Ye Tian smiled faintly, nodded and said: "I'm happy to help, but the group of strange beasts must be not far from us, general, you should hurry up and arrange defense."

"I know!"

The general turned and left, and first passed the news to Princess Baiyue and the general on the other silver warship, and then ordered the soldiers to hold up their defenses.

The casual cultivators are also ready to fight, and they look around seriously.

However, after a long time, the group of alien animals had not arrived, and the expressions of everyone could not help but become a little impatient.

Especially for those casual cultivators, some of them immediately looked at Ye Tian with suspicion, and started talking in a low voice.

"I think this guy is 80% made up, there is no alien animal group at all."

"A self-righteous guy who wants to attract the moon-being princess. I don't think this strange beast lives in groups at all. It just didn't find us before and was shot and killed by the moon-being princess."


Their voices were very small, but they passed into Ye Tian's ears clearly.

Ye Tian smiled faintly and ignored it.

Lin Tao beside him was not happy anymore. He shouted angrily: "What are you talking about?"

"Humph!" The few people snorted one after another. Those who dared to speak were the middle main god, and they were naturally not afraid of Lin Tao.

However, at this moment, the general standing at the bow suddenly shouted: "Be careful, everyone, that group of strange animals are here."

At this moment, the group of strange beasts was close to the range that the upper master **** powerhouse could detect, so he found out immediately.

At the same time, the powerhouses on the golden battleship also found out, and passed on the news to make everyone cheer up.

The general even looked back at Ye Tian and nodded secretly. He, a high-ranking god, had only discovered the group of strange beasts until now, but Ye Tian had already discovered through observation. This is a talent.

At this moment, those few who had just suspected Ye Tian's casual repairs were immediately full of embarrassment and a little embarrassed.

Lin Tao couldn't help but mocked: "Didn't you say that you were so happy just now? Why don't you talk now?"

Those few casual cultivators immediately blushed, smirked, and said: "Misunderstanding, it is our fault.", and quickly apologized to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian waved his hand and said to Lin Tao: "Hurry up and prepare for battle. There are a lot of these strange beasts, and their strength is not weak. I guess it will not be easy for us to resist."

Lin Tao had increased his trust in Ye Tian at this moment. Hearing this, he quickly urged the armor to its limit, and then held a divine sword with both hands, staring at the front.

After a while, the group of alien animals appeared.

Looking from a distance, the starry sky was boiling, and countless black shadows rushed forward, like a black cloud covering the sky and the sun, magnificent and violent.


The stars are shaking and restless.

Seeing the group of strange animals, the casual cultivators immediately clenched the weapons in their hands, and their eyes became serious.

At this time, they couldn't help but be very grateful to Ye Tian, ​​because Ye Tian's reminder made them ready for the battle, otherwise they would suddenly be attacked by this group of strange beasts, and there would be a lot of casualties.

"Arrow!" The general standing on the bow of the ship pointed at the sky and shouted.

In the next moment, a divine arrow flew out of the battleship and shot towards the group of strange animals. At the same time, countless divine arrows flew from the other two warships to kill the group of strange beasts.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The arrows of the gods are as dense as raindrops, and each one is extremely sharp, and one arrow will pierce a strange beast.

There was a rain of blood in the sky, and the bodies of countless strange beasts exploded, as if fireworks were rising in the dark starry sky.

The charm of blood and killing reached its extreme at this moment.

"Kill!" The general's loud voice came, and he was the first to kill the alien beast that rushed in with the sword.

At this moment, the herd of beasts had already rushed to the front, surrounded the three warships, and a strange beast defended and impacted the protective film of the warship undeadly. The light curtain trembled and trembled like everyone's heartbeat. Shaking, their hearts couldn't help but lifted up, for fear that the defense of the warship would be broken, then they would be dead.

"Get out of here!" Lin Tao shouted angrily, the divine sword slashed forward, and a fierce sword light blasted out, knocking a strange beast into the air.

Ye Tian was also taking action. He didn't use the artifact, but instead used his palm to replace the sword, shooting out bright blades, killing the rushing beasts.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The divine fire cannons on the warship sounded continuously, bombarding the surrounding alien beasts cleanly.

Those soldiers were not in a panic at the moment because they had been prepared before, and under the command of the general, all the attacking and defensive formations of the warship were put into operation.

Everyone cooperated very well, and the strange beasts that committed in the future would retreat in waves.

The battle lasted for about half a day, the offensive of the alien beasts gradually weakened, and the number also decreased. On that golden warship, a powerful figure flew out suddenly, and began to harvest the lives of these remaining alien beasts.

In a short while, the remaining group of strange beasts were completely killed, and everyone immediately flew out to clean the battlefield with excitement.

There are a lot of these strange beasts, and there are floating corpses everywhere in the starry sky. Whether it is the casual repairers or the soldiers of the Zhennan Palace, they all collect the nearby strange beast corpses.

The strength of these strange beasts is not weak, the worst is at the level of the gods, each of them is of high value, enough to excite the casual practitioners.

Ye Tian also collected a few tokens symbolically. After all, he saw this strange beast for the first time, and he planned to study it later.

At this time, the general came over again, and there was a white-haired old man with him.

This old man Ye Tian also knew him, it was Feng Lao, the steward of Zhennan Palace, who brought a group of casual training into Zhennan Palace before.

"Feng Lao, this is The general said to Feng Lao with respect.

Feng Lao looked at Ye Tian and said with admiration: "Boy, you are very good, because of your reminder, our loss this time is zero. Otherwise, if these strange beasts suddenly appear, even if we can defeat them, It will lose a lot."

"Since I have accepted this task, this is also my duty, Feng Lao doesn't need to be like that." Ye Tian said lightly.

Old Feng narrowed his eyes, took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​nodded and said: "Don't be arrogant or rash, kid, I'm very optimistic about you. Let's go, follow me to the main ship, the princess also wants to see you."

Lin Tao on the side was full of envy when he heard the words.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian said to Feng Lao: "Feng Lao, he is my friend, can he come with me?"

Lin Tao immediately looked at Ye Tian gratefully.

Old Feng frowned, but then nodded and said, "Well, let's come together." After all, he flew to the golden warship first.

Ye Tian and Lin Tao immediately followed.

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