Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1394: Footsteps

On the dim tomb path, there are only the sound of getting closer and closer, and nothing can be seen. One novel?????????

The footsteps were strange, as if they were stepping on the hearts of everyone, making people feel very depressed.

Everyone involuntarily shut their breaths, and stopped talking, all staring ahead, their faces full of vigilance.

The air was quiet and extremely tense.

"Hmph, pretend to be a ghost!" Ye Tian snorted coldly, stretched out his palm, brought up a golden light, and slapped it forward.


The force of horror shook the void, like a shocking wave, rushing forward.

Everyone around couldn't help taking a step back, and then stared at the front.

The huge golden palm print, carrying a terrifying power, raged in the space in front, looking very violent.

However, after a long time, until Ye Tian's palm power disappeared, there was no abnormal situation there.

Moreover, the sound of footsteps still exists, getting closer and closer.

"What the **** is this?" Lin Tao trembled.

Ye Tian squinted his eyes, his eyes were clear, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, a familiar voice rang behind them.

"Brother Ye!" This was the voice of Emperor Baiyunshan.

Everyone turned their heads, their faces suddenly full of surprises.

Sure enough, Emperor Yunshan had come.

Ye Tian realized that when the Great Emperor Baiyun Mountain arrived, the sound of footsteps suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared from beginning to end.

"What's the matter? Brother Ye, look at your complexion!" The Great Emperor Baiyunshan asked in confusion.

At this time, everyone was still immersed in the sound of footsteps just now, so there was something wrong with their expressions, which was revealed by the Great Emperor Baiyun Mountain.

"Brother, this is how things are." Zhennan Wang explained from the side.

The Great Emperor Baiyunshan groaned after hearing this: "As you said, this road slows down your speed, and there may be other effects. The footsteps you hear may be far away from here. ."

"But why did it suddenly disappear?" Ye Tian asked in doubt.

"I don't know this, but no matter what it is, the most important thing to us right now is how to leave this road." The Great Emperor Baiyunshan said that golden light appeared in his eyes, and he scanned the surroundings.

"It's useless, there are runes around it, I'm afraid the next master can't see it." Ye Tian shook his head and said, he had already seen it.

Because he became a soul pill, his spirit is not much worse than that of Emperor Baiyunshan.

Sure enough, the Great Emperor Yunshan returned without success, and he solemnly said: "It's really weird. I only heard that the ancestors of the pill demon had achieved very high achievements in alchemy, and I have never heard of his formation. Moreover, this A rune of this level is not something that a general ruler can arrange. Is it possible that this ancestor of Pill Demon is still an all-rounder?"

"Impossible!" Ye Tian shook his head, and said: "Formation, alchemy, and runes, no matter which of these three is difficult to be brilliant, let alone proficient in all three, I am afraid that there are few in the supreme, let alone Say it's dominated."

After all, a person's energy is limited. What's more, whether it is formations, alchemy, or runes, it is a vast ocean, and it is difficult for the Supreme to learn it all in his lifetime.

The ancestor of Pill Demon is just a middle-level master. How could he have achieved high achievements in all three of these. In that case, the Zhenwu Temple had long invited him to join, and he could not be trapped in the middle-level master state. .

"Maybe he invited a friend to arrange it. After all, the old ancestors of Pill Demon have a lot of friends." Ye Tian guessed.

The Great Emperor Baiyunshan nodded and said, "There is such a possibility!"

"Let's not talk about this. I have studied it for a while. If you want to break through here, you must first attack us and attract it to attack us, so that we can find the flaw." Ye Tian said.

"These runes are the key. We have to crack them first. Brother Ye, what are you going to do?" Baiyun Mountain said.

"The most stupid way, we attack this road. The ground material is very ordinary. The reason why it is so hard is because of the blessing of those runes. As long as we attack the ground, it will inevitably cause those runes to react." Ye The eyes of the sky are clear and clear.

"We thought of going together!" The Great Emperor Baiyunshan smiled slightly, and then let everyone back, while he took out the artifact and hit the ground with the strongest blow.


The ground trembled like an earthquake.

The power of the dominance level is very terrifying. The energy that swept through is enough to kill the upper master **** Dzogchen in a flash. Ye Tian and King Zhennan joined hands to support the defense and gather the divine power of more than 20 upper master gods Dzogchen. Can block this aftermath.

At this moment, everyone saw that the Great Emperor Baiyun Mountain in front was surrounded by countless golden runes. It was obvious that he attacked the ground and caused a counterattack.

The power carried by those golden runes was very terrifying, one blow after another, blasting towards the Great Emperor Baiyun Mountain.

Everyone was shocked, because they could kill it with a single blow.

It is also fortunate that Emperor Yunshan is the master, so that he can sustain it.

Ye Tian didn't dare to waste time. After all, he saw that Emperor Baiyunshan couldn't hold on for long, so he quickly released his spiritual thoughts and moved around.

At this time, the attention of those runes was on Emperor Baiyunshan, but it gave Ye Tian a chance to finally see the formation on this tomb passage.

"It turns out that this formation is simple, and the key is the runes."

For a moment, Ye Tian smiled.

He had already seen that this formation was neither a killing formation nor a defensive formation, but a formation that unintentionally affected people's hearts.

Under the operation of this formation, everyone feels that their own speed has slowed down, but in fact they have not slowed down, but they have always been walking in circles, so they have stagnated.

"Such a simple formation, combined with those runes, can actually wield such power." Ye Tian couldn't help being moved. He did not expect that the runes and formations could be combined, and the power would be doubled.

This is a new direction that will definitely shock the world of formations and runes.

It's just that, I don't know who will arrange this formation? In other words, it was arranged by a master of formation and a master of runes.

Without time to think about it, Ye Tian immediately broke the formation. Fortunately, the main function of this formation was to confuse the soul. As long as it was seen through, it was easy to crack.

Soon, Ye Tian cracked the formation.

The formation was broken, but there was no change in this tomb path, but Ye Tian knew that now they could rush to the main tomb room in front.

At the moment, he and the King of Zhennan and others rushed to the main tomb to protect everyone.

This time, they didn't stand still, but quickly passed the tomb passage and came to the main hall of the main tomb.

The Great Emperor Baiyunshan saw them safely arrived in the main tomb, naturally no longer entangled with those runes, and soon rushed to the main tomb.

The crowd met at the entrance of the main hall of the main tomb.

"After passing through the tomb passage, this hall will be the last pass." Song Haoyuan said with some excitement. He felt that he would be free again soon.

"The tomb is difficult to say, and easy to say, but this hall is the sleeping place of the ancestors of Alchemy Demon, I am afraid it will be very dangerous." King Zhennan said.

"Even if there is any danger, we can only go all the way, there is no way back." Ye Tian said lightly.

Among the people present, he was the most stress-free one, after all, he was only a clone of divine power, even if he fell, it would not be a big deal.

As for the Great Emperor Yunshan, he was not the deity who came in. After all, they, the gods of the kingdom, the deity must always sit in his eternal kingdom of God.

However, once you reach the realm of dominance, you can use some treasures to refine some clones. These clones are not divine power clones, but the second body of the masters, and the power wielded is very close to the deity.

Of course, this kind of clone is also very precious. The Great Emperor Baiyun Mountain spent so many epochs and cultivated this one. Once he loses it, he will probably feel distressed to death.

"Brother Ye is right, we can only move forward now, not backward." The Great Emperor Baiyunshan nodded, then took the lead and walked towards the hall.

However, when he walked to the door of the temple, his body stopped suddenly.

At the same time, a familiar sound of footsteps came from the hall.

"It's this ghost again!" A trace of panic flashed in Lin Tao's eyes. Unknown things are always scary.

Ye Tian said solemnly: "I want to see what's doing it!" After that, he strode towards the hall.

Ye Tian almost stepped into the hall with the Great Emperor Baiyun Mountain.

The space in the main hall is very large, like a small square, but it is empty and useless, only the strange sound of reverberating footsteps.

The footsteps came from all directions, and even the Great Emperor Baiyunshan didn't know that he could not find the source.

"I sensed a trace of aura, very strong, comparable to a subordinate master." Ye Tian said solemnly.

At this time, he finally determined that the owner of this footstep was a strong and also a subordinate master.

"It's the early stage of the subordinate dominance, but I don't know what it is, it can hide the figure, even I can't see it." The Great Emperor Baiyunshan said in surprise.

Ye Tian suddenly thought of the master of the footsteps on the tomb passage before now that he had come to worship the Great Emperor Yunshan and then retreated.

Now it seems that the master of this footsteps really only has the power to dominate the early stage realm, so he is a little afraid to worship the Great Emperor Yunshan.

"Emperor, even if he will be invisible, you should be able to force it out with a wide range of attacks." Ye Tian said.

The Great Emperor Baiyunshan nodded, and said: "You stand back, I will see how sacred he is."

As soon as the voice of the Great Emperor Baiyunshan fell, a black sharp blade appeared out of thin air behind a powerful master, Dzogchen, and killed him.

After killing this person, the black blade disappeared again.

The crowd suddenly went into a rush, and all faces were covered with fear.

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