Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1412: respectively

"Have you heard? The Scarlet Team was defeated by the Shenwu Team. Four people died. Only their captain escaped. ?????????"

"What? How is this possible? The Scarlet Team is so powerful, their captain is the strong next to dominate the mid-term, and the four players are all strong next to dominate the early stage. Is the Shenwu team so strong?"

"The original Shenwu team was not so strong, but not long ago, a person named'Shenzhou' appeared in the Shenwu team. This person has the strength to dominate the mid-term, and is stronger than the captain of the Scarlet team."

"In the current battlefield of God's Domain, the Scarlet Team is among the top ten teams in the Blood Demon God's Domain. It was actually defeated so badly."

"Fortunately, I got the news that the people of Team Shenwu have left the **** plains, otherwise we really can't continue here."


In the **** plain, there were talks about the battle between the Scarlet Team and the Shenwu Team.

The battlefield of God's Domain is big or small, and the two big teams are both top-notch teams and naturally attract attention.

Especially this time, the defeat of Team Scarlet really shocked the Quartet.

After this battle, Ye Tian's fame skyrocketed, and he had already stood at the pinnacle of the God's Domain battlefield, and received the attention of all the major God's Domain powerhouses.

The name of Shenzhou has spread throughout the entire battlefield of God's Domain. Everyone knows that there is another genius in Zhenwu God's Domain.


Zhenwu base.

The Shenwu team has returned from the battlefield of God's Domain, everyone entered the restaurant and began to celebrate.

After drinking halfway through the tour, Shenwu looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "The Shenwu team was established by me three hundred million years ago. From the original one-star team to the current nine-star team, we killed countless enemies during this period. Similarly, we Many teammates also died. In addition to Lao Yuan, Huatian and Feiyu, as well as Shenzhou, you all joined later. I am very grateful for your support over the years. Without you, there would be no today. The Shenwu team."

Everyone felt sad when they heard this.

They knew that the Shenwu team was about to disband today, and from then on, they would go to each other, not knowing when they would meet.

The veteran drank a glass of wine and said with a smile: "Captain, don’t say so sad. Although we disbanded the team, the True Martial Realm is so big. We can meet anytime we want to meet in the future. Moreover, after we become the master, we will With an eternal lifespan, at that time we will reorganize the Shenwu team again and go to the battlefield of the gods to kill the masters that are hostile to the gods."

"Old Yuan is right. We will continue to fight the battlefield of the gods. For the time being, we will just fix it. See you in the next era." Hua Tian also smiled.

Feiyu looked at Shenwu with gratitude and said, "Captain, thank you for saving me back then and allowing me to join the Shenwu team. It can be said that without you, there would be no Feiyu today. No matter where in the future, as long as With a word, Captain, Feiyu will be there anytime."

"Haha!" Shenwu waved his hand and smiled, and said: "Very good, everyone is very ambitious, then we will make an agreement. When the next era, we will reorganize the Shenwu team again and go to the battlefield of the gods together."

"it is good!"

"for sure!"


Everyone raised their wine glasses and drank them all.

Shenwu immediately looked at Ye Tian and said apologetically: "Shenzhou, your path in the battlefield of God's Domain has just begun, but it's a pity that we can't accompany you. I'm really sorry."

"Don’t say that, captain. I’m very honored to be able to join the Shenwu battlefield. Although the captain is gone, as long as I'm still in the Shenwu battlefield, the Shenwu battlefield will still be there, and it will become the strongest in the Shenwu battlefield. The team," Ye Tian said solemnly.

Shenwu's eyes brightened upon hearing this, and he was pleasantly surprised: "You mean, do you want to recruit new members so that the Shenwu team will continue to remain on the battlefield of God's Domain?"

"Shenzhou, is this true?" The veteran was also full of joy.

Hua Tian and Fei Yu also looked at Ye Tian.

They have been in the battlefield of God's Domain for many years, and they are very affectionate for the battlefield of Shenwu. Naturally, they don't want to see the battlefield of Shenwu disappear.

"Not bad!" Ye Tian nodded and continued: "Originally, I wanted to wait for you to leave and enter the battlefield of God's Domain alone. But over the years I have figured out that I can't be too selfish, just take care of myself. People, you should create a team to help other people in the True Martial Realm."

Having said that, Ye Tian continued: "Like Feiyu, like the veteran, and even Huatian, if they didn’t join the Shenwu team without the captain to protect them, they would have already died on the battlefield of God’s Domain. Today’s achievement."

The elders, Feiyu, Huatian and others all nodded when they heard this.

Shenwu waved his hand and said: "Don't say that, I'm not that great. Back then, when I founded Shenwu Team, I didn't have your ‘great’ idea."

"Perhaps so!" Ye Tian said with a smile, "But in the end, you did help them, and they also got to where they are today because of your help. Therefore, I also want to be a person like you. Possibly help more people."

Listening to Ye Tian's words, Shenwu and others were full of admiration.

Immediately, Shenwu said solemnly, "So from today, Shenzhou, you will be the captain of the Shenwu team, and you will shoulder its honor and responsibility."

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded heavily.

Soon after, Shenwu and others will take the Shenzhou back to the realm of Zhenwu God, and then they will find a place to retreat in peace, wait for the end of this era to come, and then attack the realm of dominance.

Ye Tian and Xue Yuanfeng came together to see them off.

Xue Yuanfeng looked at the Shenwu in front of him, and sighed: "Brother Shenwu, I have known you for more than half an era. Now I am really happy to see you come this far. With your strength, promotion to dominate is sure Yes, I will celebrate with you when the time comes."

"Okay, I will definitely be ready to wait." Shenwu laughed, then looked at Ye Tian on the side, and hugged Ye Tian without saying anything.

"Shenzhou!" Shenwu patted Ye Tian on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "After being promoted to dominance, we will celebrate together."

"Okay!" Ye Tian nodded.

"Shenzhou!" The veteran also came over, hugged Ye Tian, ​​and laughed: "I heard that your hometown is worshiping the Yunshan Divine Kingdom. I have lived for too long, and almost all my relatives have died. I will go to you soon. Worship the Kingdom of Yunshan God, find a place to retreat in your hometown, don’t be unwelcome."

"Of course I am 10,000 welcome!" Ye Tian said happily at once, "Just come, I still have a clone in the Kingdom of Baiyun Mountain. It seems that we will be able to meet again soon."

"What, do you still have a clone? Divine power clone?" Shen Wu said in surprise.

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "It should be regarded as a puppet clone, or else you all come to visit the Kingdom of Yunshan with the elders. Anyway, it is still early to the end of the era, so you don't need to rush to retreat for a while."

"Well, I'll go to you right away." Shenwu smiled and nodded.

Hua Tian and Fei Yu also came over to say goodbye to Ye Tian, ​​and then they boarded the Shenzhou and left the Zhenwu base under the leadership of a middle master.

Seeing them disappear into the depths of the starry sky, Xue Yuanfeng retracted his gaze, looked at Ye Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "Shenzhou, I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, you are alone. Time flies so fast."

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded, and the two chatted while walking back.

"I heard that you are going to reorganize the Shenwu team?" Xue Yuanfeng asked.

Ye Tian nodded and said, "Brother, you know a lot of people. Tell me some players. I'm alone now."

"All I know are newcomers, and they are too weak. As for the old people, they have already joined other teams, or they are alone in the battlefield of God's Domain. I really can't find a few people for a while." Xue Yuan Feng shook. Shaking his head, somewhat apologetic.

Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I will recruit myself. After all, the name of the Shenwu team is quite loud, and it is estimated that some people will come."

"Of course!" Xue Yuanfeng smiled bitterly, "Team Shenwu is a nine-star team, and your Shenzhou has a strength comparable to that of the next player to dominate the mid-term. Especially not long ago, you defeated the Scarlet team. Now who doesn't know the name of your team. Number? As long as you release the news and some people come to join, you just have to choose carefully."

"Okay, that's it. Brother, you've stayed here for a long time, and there are many channels. Please help me release this news," Ye Tian said immediately.

"No problem, leave it to me." Xue Yuanfeng nodded and smiled.

The two immediately parted, and Ye Tian returned to the headquarters of the Shenwu team, while meditating while waiting at ease.


The tomb of the ancestor Dan Mo.

It took Ye Tian’s spatial ghost clone for a while to stabilize the cultivation Then he looked at Emperor Baiyunshan on the side, and said, "Brother Baiyunshan, let’s keep going, although my The body is just a clone, but now it has the strength that is no less than that of the lower level dominating the early stage."

The avatar of the space ghost is naturally not as powerful as the deity, because Ye Tian's deity refines the blood of the Heavenly Dragon King and possesses the Heavenly Dragon King Body, which is much stronger than the space ghost system.

The system of space ghost is only suitable for cultivation and comprehension of the laws of darkness and space, but it is not as powerful as the Heavenly Dragon King.

Therefore, the strength of this clone is one level worse than the deity, but with subsequent cultivation, this body will gradually catch up with Ye Tian's deity, after all, this body has great potential.

"Okay, let's go in and see if there are any other tricks waiting for us." The Great Emperor Baiyunshan nodded, and then went to the innermost tomb with Ye Tian.

This tomb was guarded by a gate. The Great Emperor Yunshan checked it and found that there was no formation to guard it. He immediately waved his hand and brought a gust of wind towards the gate.

The next moment, the door was blown open, revealing a huge world inside the door.

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