Seven World Martial God

Chapter 145: Harvest

This was the first time Ye Tian saw the Bodhi of the Devil Tree. The huge body looked like a war fortress and looked very horrible. (Starting)

He was very shocked, where is the big tree, this is clearly a tree demon, and it feels like the thousand-year tree demon seen in the movie in the previous life, and it is only strong or not weak.

I saw the thick trunks, like the tentacles of an octopus, piercing the void, very fast, and slaughtered toward the dozens of disciples of the Hundred Poison Sect.

On the main trunk of the Devil Tree Bodhi, a big mouth was opened, roaring ferociously, which made Ye Tian more sure that this was a tree demon.

"Well, even I can fly. It's not a big deal to have a tree monster!" Ye Tian thought secretly, feeling that this continent of China is getting more and more exciting.

The Devil Tree Bodhi is very powerful. Although its main stem cannot move, the countless branches, like sharp swords, stab towards the disciples of the Baidu Sect.

However, Ye Tian found that these tentacles were slowly decayed and their attack power was getting weaker and weaker.

"Could it be..." Ye Tian saw not far away, a disciple of the Hundred Poison Gate threw a black ball at the Devil Tree Bodhi. The ball exploded at a distance from the Devil Tree Bodhi, and black emerged from it. Venom, all branches that have been provoked, are rapidly decayed.

"This kind of poison specializes in restraining the Devil Tree Bodhi, and the Hundred Poison Sect really has methods!" Ye Tian couldn't help but admire.

Although the Devil Tree Bodhi has many tentacles, there is also a lot of venom from these Hundred Poison Sect disciples. As time goes by, Devil Tree Bodhi will definitely not be able to hold on.

In fact, the Bodhi of the Devil Tree is already under the wind, otherwise it would not roar in anger.

Ye Tian quietly advanced some distance, secretly paying attention to the entire battlefield, ready to take advantage of the fisherman's profit, it is so cheap, it is strange not to grab it.

More than a dozen disciples of the Hundred Poison Sect did not know Ye Tian's arrival. In fact, they didn't think anyone with the Divine Star Gate would dare to break into the second area.

At this time, the dozens of disciples of the Hundred Poison Sect were enthusiastically attacking the magic tree Bodhi in front of them, and their faces showed excitement, as if they had already seen blood Bodhi.

"Let you be proud of it for a while!" Ye Tian sneered secretly and continued to wait for the opportunity.

The Devil Tree Bodhi is very powerful. It takes root in the earth and absorbs the spiritual power of the earth. Even if it suffers from poisonous erosion, it still resists in anger.

A disciple of Hundred Poison Sect did not check for a while, and was entangled by four or five tentacles. He roared bitterly, but couldn't get rid of it. Finally, his body was torn apart abruptly and his flesh and blood filled the sky.

When other disciples of the Baidu Sect saw this scene, they backed away in shock.

"What are you afraid of? It's just the end of the crossbow. If the brothers add more strength, it will die." A half-step Wuzong-level disciple of the Baidu Sect shouted coldly. He slashed out a black sword with venom. Cut off several tentacles directly. 【First Release】

The disciples of Baidumen saw him show his great power, and their morale immediately increased. They reorganized and besieged the Devil Tree Bodhi.

During this period, the disciples of the Baidumen also suffered a lot of casualties. One person fell again and five were seriously injured, which directly caused ordinary people to lose their combat effectiveness.

At this time, the Devil Tree Bodhi was also dying, and was pierced through the trunk by the half-step Wuzong sword.


The surrounding Baidumen disciples shouted with excitement.

"It's now!"

Ye Tian's eyes exploded, he didn't hesitate, his body soared into the sky, and he struck out a star's hand at the still-combat disciple of Baidu Sect.

Three giant palms of true essence, suppressed from the sky, enveloped the seven Baidumen disciples who still had combat power left.

But Ye Tian himself flew to the side of the Demon Tree Bodhi, swung the blood knife, ending its last life, and quickly took off the three blood bodhi.


"It's from the God Star Gate!"

"Damn! Dare to break into our territory!"

A dozen disciples of the Baidu Sect screamed. They worked hard for a long time, and they also paid the lives of two brothers, but in the end they were taken advantage of by the fisherman, which made them angry.

Especially that half-step Wuzong, with red eyes, a sword split the hand of the stars, and then headed towards Ye Tian.

"Dare to grab something from my **** wind, you are tired of living!" He swung his sword, and the unparalleled sword light seemed to cut through the void. During the period, there was still a black poisonous mist that enveloped Ye Tian's place. area.

"I think you are the one who is tired of life!" Ye Tian's eyes shot out two golden rays of light, he punched out, and the whole body burst out with golden light, which directly shattered the sword light.

But those poisonous fog surrounding Ye Tian couldn't invade.

The second layer of the Nine Revolutions battle body greatly increased Ye Tian's defensive power, and he was also immune to the poisonous mist, specifically restraining the disciples of the Baidu Sect.

Ye Tian, ​​like a golden God of War, rushed directly to the half-step Wuzong and slashed at him.

"Nine-turn combat body!"

The half-step Wuzong of the Baidumen was shocked. He could only use his sword to resist in a hurry, but the result was a click. His long sword was smashed by Ye Tian's blood knife, and he was huge with himself. The force of blast vomited blood and flew.


"He actually became the second level of the Ninth Revolution!"

"How can it be!"

The half-step Wuzong obviously had a high status. Seeing that he couldn't even support a single face, he was severely injured by Ye Tian. Each of the other Baidu Sect disciples were shocked and ran away.

"Want to go now?" Ye Tian sneered, and walked out, struck out a hand of stars towards those running away from the Baidu Sect disciples. The vast palm strength, with unmatched true essence, seemed to flood the entire forest.


The earth trembled for a while, several of the Hundred Poison Sect disciples died tragically on the spot, and the rest were also severely injured. The two sides were not on the same level.

In fact, Ye Tian, ​​the second-tier Dzogchen of the Nine Revolutions battle body, is already comparable in strength to those Wuzong powerhouses. Except for the half-step Wuzong who can resist him with one move and a half, the other Baidumen disciples cannot compete with him. contend.

Wu Ling and Wu Zong are two completely different realms. These disciples of the Hundred Poison Sect are not like Ye Tian and Yi Xuehan, who have the sword intent and the Nine-turned Battle Body.


"Our Hundred Poison Sect will not let you go!"

"This is the second area, you wait for our people from the Hundred Poison Clan to chase down!"

The remaining Baidu Sect disciples saw that they couldn't escape anyway, they rushed towards Ye Tian frantically, some even violent themselves, fighting Ye Tian desperately.

That half-step Wu Zong was very unrighteous, and wanted to escape alone, but Ye Tian stared at him firmly and cut him to death with a single knife.


"Unfortunately you will never see it again!"

With a sneer on his face, Ye Tian grabbed the blood knife and chopped off the roots of the Devil Tree Bodhi.

Afterwards, Ye Tian fumbled around with these Hundred Poison Sect disciples, and found out some books and poisons, some medicinal materials, and other sundries.

"It's really a bumper harvest!"

With a large bag of things, Ye Tian carried it on his back and found a safe cave to live in according to the marks on the map.

This is a cave hidden in the grass. It is very hidden. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it. I really admire Fu Xuedao for finding such a good place.

Ye Tian entered the cave, put down a large bag of things, and started searching one by one=looks.

"The Poison Ceremony?"

"Wanbao Grand Ceremony?"


Ye Tian looked at the two books in his hand questioningly, and when he opened them, he discovered that they were actually books that recorded various poisons, poisonous weeds and various precious herbs.

"This thing is not bad, check it more when you are fine in the future, otherwise it would be bad if you don't recognize those precious medicinal herbs in the future." Ye Tian was overjoyed and put them away.

Later, Ye Tian found a few martial arts, but unfortunately, he needed to practice the inner strength of the Baidu Sect to practice. Does this make him give up the Gorefiend?

That is impossible!

Ye Tian just threw them aside.

Continuing to search, Ye Tian found a lot of useful things, but the most important thing was a piece of parchment.

"That's it!" Ye Tian stared at the parchment, his face full of excitement.

Not long ago, he heard from the disciples of the Hundred Poison Sect that the Bodhi root of the Devil Tree Bodhi could be used with several herbs to extract a kind of medicine even better than the Blood Bodhi.

The prescription is recorded on this parchment paper.

Ye Tian took a closer look and found that it is not difficult to refine this treasure medicine, just follow the steps above. After all, this kind of precious medicine is boiled directly with medicinal herbs and does not need to be refined into a pill, as long as there is a prescription, anyone can refine it.

Moreover, Ye Tian took a look. These disciples of the Hundred Poison Sect had already prepared, and they had already prepared other herbs, and he didn't need to go out and look for them.

"I don't know how much this precious medicine can improve me?" With a glimmer of expectation, Ye Tian followed the prescription on the parchment paper and started to play around.

Soon after, a faint fragrance of medicine came.

According to the records on the parchment, it will take another week for the treasure medicine to take shape.

Ye Tian didn't want to waste the time of this week, so he picked up the three blood bodhi, swallowed them, and began to refine.

Just like last time, the blood bodhi melts at the entrance, and a hot energy spreads through Ye Tian's ten main meridians, and then flows into the ten blood pills.

Originally, Ye Tian's ten blood pills had reached their limit, but at this moment they could still absorb the energy in the blood bodhi. I have to say that the blood bodhi was really amazing.

After completely digesting a blood bodhi, Ye Tian's cultivation was promoted to the middle of the sixth level of martial arts.

The second one, the late stage of Wuling Sixth The third one, the peak of Wuling Sixth level.

It was just a little bit before he could be promoted to the seventh rank of Martial Spirit. This was a big hurdle. If he could step over, Ye Tian's combat effectiveness would double.

"It's up to you next!"

A week later, Ye Tian put his gaze on the pot of treasure medicine in the corner of the cave, with a look of anticipation on his face.

At this time, a refreshing medicinal fragrance spread throughout the cave. Ye Tian took a hard breath, feeling his whole body full of comfort.

The poison and poison pills of Baidumen are very famous, but in fact, the pill that they refine is also very powerful, and it is the largest pill producer in Nanlin County.

Ye Tian didn't believe it before, but now Ye Tian believes it.

Uncovering the lid of the pot gently, the fragrance came out, a touch of emerald green liquid flowing in the pot, exuding a strong spiritual wave.

Even if Ye Tian didn't understand pill, he knew that this thing was a treasure!

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