Seven World Martial God

Chapter 169: Joint storm

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Have there been an earthquake?"

There was turmoil inside the God Star Gate, and many people started to exclaim with all doubts. 【First Release】

The sudden and powerful aura made the entire land of the God Star Gate tremble, and an angry flame rushed straight into the sky from the elders.

"What the **** happened?"

"It's the breath of Wan Yunxia... where is Elder Star?"

Some of the elders at the Star Gate originally wanted to check it out, but when they saw that it was the residence of the elders, they dared not go.

The five elders have the supreme status in the God Star Gate, and the Sect Master must also be afraid of three points.

"It's Junior Sister Wan? Who offended her?" In a palace, Lang Fantian was instructing his younger brother Lang Tianjiao to practice. He suddenly felt this powerful breath and couldn't help but frown.

Like the elders of the Divine Star Gate, as soon as he saw that it was the residence of the elders, he didn't pursue it, but his expression was a little gloomy.

"Junior sister has always been kind, so why would you get angry with Elder Stars?" Lang Fantian felt deeply puzzled. He still didn't know that this anger was directed at him.

At this time, the residence of Elder Stars.

Wan Yunxia looked like a female devil, her long black hair turned into white after a while, her long hair danced wildly, and her anger was boiling.

"Huh?" Elder Xingchen was closing his eyes to rest his mind, he was suddenly awakened, and his will came to discover this scene.


Elder Xingchen's complexion changed drastically, and he appeared in Ye Tian's room instantly, with a palm blasting towards Wan Yunxia's back.

"Master!" Seeing Elder Stars coming, Ye Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect Wan Yunxia's reaction to be so big that she would be directly enchanted.

"I'll settle accounts with you later!"

Elder Xingchen glared at Ye Tian, ​​then his face was full of solemnity, and the extremely thick true essence exploded from his body, gathered toward the palms, and forcibly suppressed the devilish energy in Wan Yunxia.


Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled bitterly. Elder Stars misunderstood him.

"Ah..." Wan Yunxia was still immersed in the raging anger at this moment, unable to extricate herself, her eyes shot out two **** lights, almost substantive murderous, and Ye Tian trembled.

If Elder Stars were not here today, then the God Star Gate would be a great demon, and Ye Tian himself would be the first to be tragic. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"Brother Liu, you have no regrets with this confidante!" Ye Tian sighed in a low voice. Seeing the sincere relationship between Liu Yunfei and Wan Yunxia, ​​he couldn't help but remind him of Lin Tingting. He has not heard of Lin Tingting until now.

"Even if I travel across the entire Shenzhou Continent, I will definitely find you!" Ye Tian's eyes were full of firm light.


Suddenly, Elder Stars breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly put his palms away, and the powerful True Qi fluctuations gradually dissipated.

Ye Tian looked at Wan Yunxia. At this time, this senior sister had her hair all white, but everything had returned to its original state. The blood in her eyes had disappeared, leaving only a deep sorrow.

"Thank you elder!" Wan Yunxia bowed to Elder Xingchen and saluted.

"Little girl, what happened?" Elder Xingchen asked curiously. In her impression, Wan Yunxia had never been angry. How could she be so angry today that she was so angry?

"..." Wan Yunxia was silent when she heard the words, her face was full of sadness, but there were no tears in her eyes, maybe it was drained.

"Oh... it doesn't seem to be the cause of the old lady's disciple. Don't take care of yourself. Don't get angry anymore. The old lady can only suppress your demons, but they can't eradicate them. Once it breaks out again, there will be endless troubles." Reminded, turned and left.

Inside the house, Ye Tian finally stood up from the pressure of Wan Yunxia's powerful aura.

"Sister, please be sorry!" Ye Tian said softly, and he didn't know how to comfort him.

"If you have anything in the future, even if you come to me, I can do it and I will definitely help you!" Wan Yunxia said indifferently, and then prepared to leave.

"Sister, wait!"

When Ye Tian saw Wan Yunxia turn around, there was a strong killing intent in his eyes, and he was suddenly shocked and hurriedly shouted.

"Say!" Wan Yunxia said indifferently without turning around.

"Senior Sister, this is Hailan Lankui, Brother Liu found it for you..." Ye Tian took out a crystal box. Inside the box was a blue flower that eclipsed all the flowers, emitting a brilliant light.

"Hailan..." Wan Yunxia turned around and took the crystal box excitedly, the murderous aura in her eyes suddenly weakened a lot.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian quietly breathed a sigh of relief and took the opportunity to say: "Senior Sister, I know you want revenge, and I can understand your feelings. But for people like Lang Fantian, if you are not sure that you will kill with one blow, It's best to wait for the opportunity, otherwise you will start to stun the snake. In the past, Big Brother Liu didn't know the true face of the wave, and he was attacked by him in collusion with the Hundred Poison Sect. You must be careful, and Big Brother Liu definitely hopes you can calm down."

After Ye Tian finished speaking, he stopped talking. He could only do this. If Wan Yunxia insisted on not listening to persuasion, then he could only helpless.

However, I don't know if it was because of Liu Yunfei's blessing. After listening to Ye Tian's words, Wan Yunxia calmed down. The murderous intent in her eyes disappeared, leaving only a deep light.

She took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​nodded, then held the crystal box and walked away.

"Finally solved one thing, and then I just need to concentrate on improving my strength." Watching Wan Yunxia go away, Ye Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After many years, he finally completed Liu Yunfei's request.

"As for the waves to turn the sky..." Ye Tian's eyes flashed, and a hint of coldness appeared on his face, "If there is a chance in the future, I will kill this person and avenge you."

In fact, even if it is not to avenge Liu Yunfei, it is only the relationship between Langtianjiao and him. Sooner or later, he and Lang Fantian will be on opposite sides. It is difficult for the two sides to get along peacefully, and one of them must fall.


The following days of Shenxingmen were very calm, Wan Yunxia did listen to Ye Tian's persuasion, and did not immediately deal with Langshaantian.

During this period of time, the most talked about in the Shenxingmen was Ye Tian, ​​because his information about killing Yi Xuehan has been confirmed. For this reason, the Baidumen and the Shenxingmen had a hard time fighting in Nanlin County. Both sides suffered heavy losses.

Because of this matter, many disciples of the Divine Star Gate didn't talk about it on the surface, but secretly they were complaining about Ye Tian. Because of his involvement, the disciples of the God Star Gate now dare not go out, because it is very likely that they will be ambushed by the Hundred Poison Gate.

Hundred Poison Sect sent almost all the disciples out, only some elders did not send out.

The Divine Star Gate also restrained itself, and did not send elders, but instead used the elite disciples under the sect to attack and kill the Hundred Poison Gate.

However, as the corpses of the disciples of the Divine Star Clan were transported back, the disciples' complaints against Ye Tian became louder and louder, and some even shouted for the Zongmen to surrender Ye Tian.

Otherwise, if this continues, even if the Divine Star Gate eventually defeats the Baidu Sect, there will not be many disciples left in the end.

Ye Tian also felt the seriousness of the matter. He had no intention of continuing to practice. He asked for news from the thirteen princes while thinking about countermeasures.

It is difficult to say whether the Divine Star Gate will compromise in the end. After all, the Baidu Sect is indeed planning to lose both sides as the Divine Star Gate.

He knew that the Divine Star Gate definitely didn't want to lose both to the Hundred Poison Sect, so even if it wins, it will fall apart.

this day--

"It's not good, Lang Tianjiao brought some strong stars on the star list to lobby around in the sect. He said that he wanted everyone to join the letter and ask the sect to hand you over to the Baidu Sect to resolve this grievance."

The anxious voice of the thirteen prince came.

Lin Fei, Yun Shuiyao, Meng Shiyun and others also rushed over with the thirteen princes.

"This despicable and shameless guy!" Ye Tian was furious when he heard this. Lang Tianjiao's doing this was simply adding fuel to the fire.

After all, public opinion is heaven, and if Lang Tianjiao really encourages everyone, then even the elders of the stars will not be able to refute it, and Lang Fantian is still the deputy master.

Ye Tian suddenly felt a crisis approaching.

"I heard that if Langtianjiao had not offended too many people in the past, almost everyone is public enemy, I am afraid that everyone has really joined him in a joint name." Lin Fei said solemnly.

According to the information obtained by the Thirteenth Prince, the reason why the disciples of the God Star Gate did not co-sign the letter was because Ye Tian had not offended anyone before, and everyone did not want to offend him as a genius.

In addition, I would also like to thank Lang Tianjiao who had offended too many people before. The disciples in the God Star Gate dared not say anything about him, but they absolutely did not have a good impression, so naturally they would not join him in a joint name.

Of course, judging from the private discussions of the disciples of the Star Gate, most of the disciples did start to complain about Ye Tian, ​​after all, this matter had already affected their lives.

If Lang Tianjiao is replaced by another person to initiate the joint letter, it is likely to succeed.

This is what everyone is worried about.

After Ye Tian listened, his face was dignified and his eyes were gloomy: "You go back first. I will figure out how to do this. I will notify you if I have news."

"Then take care!" The Thirteenth Prince and others comforted They knew that Ye Tian needed to calm down now, and they left together now.

Ye Tian closed his eyes, forcibly pressed the nervousness in his heart, calmed his breathing, and calmed himself down.

"Joint name? I'm afraid that the idiot Lang Tianjiao can't think of this strategy. It must be Lang Fantian instructing him to do it, but he didn't expect him to get rid of me so soon. Humph!" Ye Tian looked gloomy.

He did guess right, the joint thing was done by Lang Fantian commanding Lang Tianjiao.

The reason why Lang Fantian prepared to get rid of Ye Tian so quickly was only because of the crazy behavior of Baidu Sect, which gave Lang Fantian a good opportunity. Coupled with the help of his younger brother Lang Tianjiao, Lang Fantian did so easily.

In the final analysis, it was because of the madness of the Baidu Sect. If it weren't for such a good opportunity, Lang Fantian would definitely not risk the danger of turning his face with Elder Xingchen to get rid of Ye Tian.

"Apprentice, quickly pack up your things, as a teacher, I will send you out of Great Yan Nation now." At this moment, the old voice of Elder Star came.

Ye Tian's heart sank after hearing this.

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