Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1706: who am I

"Zhang Xiaofan!"


   When Jian Wuchen and the others came to the spaceship, a ball of light floated in the void, and a word came from it.


   "Huh?" Jian Wuchen frowned, his eyes fixed on the light ball.


Zhang Xiaofan on the side of    quickly said: "This is the spirit of the spaceship!" When he hit the supreme realm, he retreats in the spaceship, so he is familiar with the spirit of the spaceship.


   "That's it!" Jian Wuchen nodded.


   Zhang Xiaofan said to the Spaceship Spirit: "The situation has changed. We have to hide here for a while."


   "I've seen it all. It's a pity that you were defeated. You are dead this time." The Spirit of the Spaceship said, his words were very straightforward and very rude.


Xiao Panpan next to him was suddenly unhappy. He roared at the spirit of the spacecraft: "Who said that we are dead? My master must have a way. He was the one who led us out of the mainland of China. This time he can definitely take us. Out of the universe."


Spacecraft said in a flat tone: "Ye Tian? He is indeed very talented, but unfortunately there is no time for him to grow up. He has just been promoted to the Supreme Dzogchen realm, and wants to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe realm again. You think it is possible. ?"


   Xiao Panpan was choked immediately. He also knew that Ye Tian couldn't be promoted to the Master of the Universe immediately, but he was very confident in Ye Tian, ​​because in his heart, Master is omnipotent.


   "Anyway, my master will definitely win!" Xiao Panpan said finally.


The Spirit of the Spacecraft said lightly: "The Eye of Destiny has sealed off the entire universe. No one can become the Lord of the Universe in this universe. If you do not reach the realm of the Lord of the Universe, you cannot defeat the Eye of Destiny. Originally, Wang Feng might To succeed, it is a pity that some people are afraid of death and dare not sacrifice themselves like the soul master."


   "Well, don't say these cold words anymore, take us in and hide." Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly urged.


While leading the way, the spirit of the spaceship said: "What I said is the truth. Moreover, you can only hide from me for a while, and there is no one to escape. Sooner or later, the Eye of Destiny will find you. of."


   "Anyway, it can be delayed for a while, I believe Master will be able to succeed." Zhang Xiaofan said solemnly, he is full of confidence in Ye Tian just like Xiao Panpan.


   "Yes, Ye Tian will definitely succeed." Jian Wuchen also said.


   "Hehe, that guy always feels like a hero at the last moment. He must be like that this time." Zhan Wuji laughed.


   "He has the ability to change the world." Evil Son said lightly.


   "He has reached the height we look up to."


   "It will definitely succeed!"


"I believe in him!"




   The Tianjiao from the mainland of China all trust Ye Tian very much.


   And Ouyang Emperor and the others needless to say, Ye Tian has created one legend after another in the Seven Gods Realms, and every time Ye Tian will surprise them.


   The Spirit of Spacecraft looked at everyone in shock. It seemed that they didn't expect these people to trust Ye Tian so much. It was silent for a moment, and slowly said, "Let's wait and see!"...


   Above the sky of the universe, the Eye of Destiny is still repairing the gaps in the universe.


   "A group of ants!"


  The Eye of Destiny had already discovered that the people below had escaped. It didn't care at all, because as long as the universe was repaired, no one could become the master of the universe, and it would not fear anyone.


   Even Wang Feng can be killed easily.


   As for those who ran away?


   joke, the entire universe is blocked by it, where can these people escape?


   Moreover, even the world of Gods and Demons has collapsed now, and the entire universe is under the envelope of the Eye of Destiny. It can be found no matter where it is hidden.


   Eye of Destiny only regards these as a game, and only waits for it to repair the universe, and ends the game.




   At this time, the Lord of the Universe fell into dead silence, and the supreme princes who had fled, all restrained their breath and hid. After all, they are all supreme, they all have their own means, hidden, it is difficult to find.


   Even, some supreme directly put themselves into a deep sleep, hiding themselves in the void space.


   One by one, all the Supremes have displayed the means they can use, just to escape this disaster.


   As for dealing with the Eye of Destiny, they have already given up. They only hope that until the next era, let another character like Wang Feng deal with the Eye of Destiny.


   At this moment, the Nine Colors of Light River, which originally traversed the void, turned from color to jet black, completely blending into the void and sinking into the void.


   If someone is here, they will find that the Nine Colors of Light is gone, as if it has disappeared out of thin air.


   In fact, it was Ye Tian who swallowed the entire Nine-Colored Light River, and every one of his cells merged into a Nine-Colored Light. The Nine Colors of Light is the power of the Lord of the Universe, which can fit into the origin of the universe, and these cells of Ye Tian are now integrated into the origin of the universe.


"who am I?"


   "Where is this again?"




   In the origin of the universe, a voice sounded, but it gradually weakened.


   is Ye Tian, ​​his cells are integrated into the origin of the universe, and his soul still exists because it is immortal. It's just that there is his soul in every cell, and his soul has divided so much, which not only leads to memory confusion, but also weakens the power of the soul.


   It can be said that Ye Tian is indeed an immortal existence. As long as this universe still exists, he will not die, and no one can kill him.


   However, the souls are divided into billions, and each soul carries a memory, which gradually makes Ye Tian's consciousness disappear.


   If he can't get out of it, he will become a feelingless, mechanical existence. Just like Tiandao, he can only maintain the operation of the universe, and no longer have his own emotions.


   By then, Ye Tian would no longer be Ye Tian, ​​he was just the spirit of the universe.


   This is the same as the Eye of Destiny, but also different.


   Although the Eye of Destiny can draw on the power of the universe, it only draws on it after all, and it can only be regarded as the guardian of this universe. Before this universe has its own consciousness, it can control this universe, but when this universe has its own consciousness, then the Eye of Destiny cannot control this universe.


   And Ye Tian swallowed the Nine Colors of Light River and accidentally merged into this universe, but it made it possible for this universe to give birth to its own will.


   This kind of will is the way of heaven.


   A unique way of heaven that belongs to the universe itself, selfless, fair, and indifferent.


"who am I?"


   "Who am I?"


   As Ye Tian merged into the universe the origin of the universe rapidly increased, as if it had swallowed a master of the universe, and immediately became stronger than ever.


   At this moment, there is no need to repair the Eye of Destiny. The universe has repaired all the gaps by itself, and the barrier of the universe has become stronger, even if the Lord of the universe can hardly break it.


   At this time, Ye Tian's voice also spread throughout the universe.


   "What!" Eye of Destiny's complexion changed drastically. Although it has no face, its heart is already panicked.


   (End of this chapter)





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