Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1709: Desolate Ancient Bell


   When Wang Feng was preaching, far in the chaos of nothingness, a huge warship was sailing at extreme speed.

   On the battleship, a figure shrouded in black air stood on the bow, staring into the chaotic depths ahead, and said coldly: "Cain, how far is the destination."

   "Enlighten the Demon Abyss Overlord, at our current speed, it takes about ten epochs to reach the destination." Behind him, a tall black armored man said.

   If Wang Feng is here, you will find that this black armored man named Cain looks very similar to the Demon King.

  Because he was the Lord of the Ancient Demon Race who invaded the Original Universe that year. After his death in the battle, he was resurrected by the Ancient Demon Race powerhouse.

   This group of people is an army of ancient demons.

The Demon Overlord headed by    is a cosmic overlord of the Ancient Demon Race, and he is very powerful.

   At this time, the Demon Abyss Overlord stared at the chaos ahead and sneered: "Master Rong Di personally accepts disciples, but there are still people who will refuse. I am really curious about how this kid named Ye Tian is so ignorant. Huh!"

   "Overlord of Demon Abyss, I know there is a shortcut, but it's a bit dangerous." Cain said suddenly.


   At the same time, the ancient **** tribe army is also driving extremely fast in this chaotic zone.

   The leader of the ancient **** tribe army is called Yingtian Overlord. He is stalwart and powerful. His eyes are more dazzling than the sun, moon and stars. No one dares to look at him.

Louis, who was next to him, did not dare to look into his eyes, but lowered his head to report: "Yingtian Overlord, we will reach our destination in ten more epochs, and according to the news we have learned, the ancient demons this time The person sent is the Demon Abyss Overlord."

"Moyuan? Haha, old opponent." Yingtian overlord heard the words and said with a faint smile: "Back then, in the Seven Realms War, the law enforcement officers in the wasteland killed the strongest in the Three Realms universe. From then on, there will be no Universe Master. The above-mentioned strong men dare to step into the wilderness. And among the overlords of the universe, I and Demon Abyss are the strongest. It is no wonder that the Ancient Demon Race will send him down."

   Louise was a little curious when he heard the words: "Since the law enforcers in the wasteland are so powerful, why would he watch the forces of the upper three realms divide the wasteland without stopping it?"

"That's because he was seriously injured in the Seven Realms War and has been sleeping. Of course, even if he was seriously injured, no one would dare to underestimate him." Yingtian Overlord said with a smile: "Whether it is our ancient gods, Or the ancient demons, or the mighty forces in the heavens, we don't want to be the first bird to offend the law enforcement in the wasteland, so even if we kill him, we will lose a lot. This will only make others cheaper and not worthwhile."

   "Furthermore, the law enforcers of the wasteland will remain hidden after being seriously injured. As long as the interests of the wasteland are in the Three Realms, we naturally don't need to offend the law enforcers of the wasteland."

   Yingtian Overlord looked into the distance and smiled.

   "I heard from the elders in the clan that it seems that a long time ago, the strength of the waste world was very strong, not weaker than our upper three worlds, I don't know why it is so declining now." Louis said.

"That's because the desert lord has fallen." Overlord Yingtian showed a trace of admiration, and he continued: "A long time ago, there was a desert lord in the desert. His strength was very terrifying, as terrifying as the emperor of the seven worlds. It is precisely because of his existence that the Desolate Realm can reach the Three Realms by our side, but later the Desolate Lord stayed there for no reason, and the Desolate Realm also suffered internal friction due to this, and its strength became more and more weakened, and it became what it is now."

   "Hey, there has been a big man like the Emperor of Heaven in the wilderness." Louis couldn't believe it.

Yingtian Overlord laughed and said: "The more poor mountains and rivers are, the more likely it is to give birth to a strong man you can't imagine. Otherwise, our ancient gods will not open a heavenly temple in the desolate world to absorb desolate geniuses. Moreover, you this time Didn’t I also discover that kid named Ye Tian, ​​cleared the Dark Devil Tower, and got the Mark of the Emperor of Heaven. His future achievements are far beyond you and me."

   "That kid Ye Tian is really good. As far as I know from the feedback from the remnant who guards the lair of the demon, this kid has understood the law of time and space, and his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds." Louis said with a smile.

   "So we have to arrive as soon as possible, and don't let this kid fall into the hands of the ancient demons, otherwise our clan will have another terrifying enemy like Rong Di in the future." Yingtian Overlord said in a deep voice.

   Lewis said confidently: "Yingtian Overlord, don't worry, Ye Tian's character I know that he is impossible to join the ancient demons. He is a man of love and justice, and he misses his hometown very much."

   "This way I will worry more!" Yingtian Overlord said coldly: "You don't know the habit of the ancient demons. If they can't get things, they would rather destroy them, so we must arrive in front of them."

Louis frowned upon hearing this, and said hesitantly: "Overlord Yingtian, I know there is a shortcut that can be reached in three epochs. It's just that it's very dangerous. There used to be Cosmos Lords who died in it. Just strayed into it, and then discovered the original universe where Ye Tian was."

   "Since there is a shortcut, what are you waiting for? Lead the way!" Yingtian Overlord said coldly: "A genius like Ye Tian is worth our risk."

   "This... okay!" Louis gritted his teeth and nodded.


   On the edge of the junction of the wasteland, chaos, and prison, there is a prestigious college located here.

   It is-Dahuang Wuyuan.

   No one knows who established the Dahuang Wuyuan, people only know that it has existed for a long time, long before the Seven Realms War.

   For countless Dahuang Wuyuan has cultivated countless strong people for the wilderness.

   Only in recent years, with the shortage of resources in the wilderness, the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy has also declined. Up to now, there are no outstanding disciples in the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy. They cling to the edge of the wilderness and have become forgotten existences.

   On the contrary, the Heavenly Temple supported by the Ancient Gods, the Demon Temple supported by the Ancient Demon Race, and the Nine Heavens built by many forces in the heavens. These three forces are getting stronger and stronger and become the three overlords of the wilderness.

  Many creatures in the waste world all aim to join these three forces.

  Dahuang Wuyuan has become history.

   However, no one knows that, just today, in the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, the ancient bell of the ancient Desolate Lord actually rang spontaneously, and the sound spread throughout the Great Desolate Martial Academy.

   At the same time, a bronze ray burst out from the ancient bell, disappearing into the depths of the chaos.

   "Oh my God, the ancient bell of the desert lord actually rang, this is a miracle, is it the desert lord blessing us?"

"Don't talk cold words, the deserter has been missing for countless years. It is the deserter ancient bell who is choosing disciples. It is said that when the deserter refined this clock, he asked it to recruit potential geniuses on his behalf. When a super genius is born in the wilderness, the bell will ring spontaneously and an invitation will be issued to this genius. Do you see the bronze light that just flew out? It’s the invitation from the Great Desolate Academy."

   "There is still this matter. This is the first time I heard someone mention it in Dahuang Wuyuan."

   "This is also the record I saw in the library of the Martial Arts Academy, but since the deserter disappeared, the ancient bell of the deserter hasn't ringed spontaneously.") Download the free reader!!

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