Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1736: Cold wind collar

"One hundred thousand points of chaos!"


   Back to the house, Ye Tian took a look at his balance. It has changed from 20,000 chaotic points to 120,000 chaotic points. WwW..lā


   Such a speed of making money is definitely a huge profit for other mercenaries.


   But for Ye Tian, ​​it was too slow.


"It's better to kill people and win treasures quickly!" Ye Tian couldn't help thinking that when he participated in the mercenary assessment mission, he sent countless demons at that time, and he could obtain pieces of cosmic magic soldiers. The chaotic dots flowed into his pocket. It was so cool .


   Unfortunately, that kind of good opportunity is not always available.


   Unless there is a pirate group to attack the Ye Family Business League, then Ye Tian may be able to take the opportunity to harvest some spoils.


   Retreat and continue practicing.


   The snow fell on the river, and the snow storm finally passed after an era of raging.


   The Yejia Business League set off again.


   I have to say that although Snow River Storm is dangerous, it also brings benefits.


   For example, after the Snow River storm raged, the Ye Family Business League didn’t need to send people to explore it in order to get through Xueluo River safely.


   Because after the Snow River storm raged, any danger on this route was destroyed by the Snow River storm. Therefore, after the Snow River storm left, along the route where it once raged, you can have a safe journey.


   This is like a cannonball that has been bombarded in a straight line. Then there will be no more enemies in this straight line, because the enemies are all destroyed by this cannonball.


   Thanks to Ye Tian’s reminder, the Ye Family Business Alliance crossed the Xueluo River safely this time.


   However, the scouts suffered heavy losses, leaving only Ye Tian, ​​the old man with the white beard, and Yan Luoyu.


   The Ye Family Business Alliance is very anxious about this, because there are only three scouts, and they don’t know when they will fall, so they will have no scouts.


   There are no scouts, so once in danger, the loss of the business alliance will increase.


   As a last resort, the Ye Family Business Alliance decided to pause for a while in the Star Source Great Universe after discussing it and recruit some scouts again.


   Ye Tian didn't care about it, he was pleased that the Ye Family Business League stopped, so that he had more time to practice.


   After three epochs of flight, the Yejia Business League finally arrived in the Star Source Universe. They released a mission in the mercenary union to recruit new scouts.


   After waiting for a hundred years, and recruiting a total of fifty scouts, the Yejia Business League set sail again and headed towards Xinwu City.


   "Wow, just the three of you scouts, it's no wonder the Ye family wants to recruit scouts again."


   "Your luck is too bad, you actually encountered Snow River Storm on Xueluo River, it is a rare wonder in many years!"


   "I hope our luck can be better."




   In the hall, a group of scouts were smiling and talking.


   They had learned from Ye Xun the cause of the death of the scout.


  For these people who put blood on the tip of a knife, they don't care at all, doing their job is inherently dangerous.


   Therefore, once they have made a fortune, they will say goodbye to this industry.


   For example, if the Ye Family completed this mission, they could use the reward they received to buy a cosmic magic weapon, buy some treasures to increase their strength, and then join a certain mercenary group.


   Of course, some of them also stayed in a chaotic universe to practice, and when the chaos points were used up, they would become scouts and continue to practice.


  Like Yan Luoyu, he is such a person,




   is more than ten epochs.


   Ye Family Business League and his party arrived at Cold Wind Neck, the second dangerous place.


"Everyone, we are about to arrive at the cold wind collar." In the hall, Ye Xun looked around, scanning the scouts, and said in a deep voice: "Different from the natural disasters of Xueluohe, the cold wind collar belongs to and lurks here. Many pirate groups specialize in looting caravans. There are only two pirate groups, our Yejia Business League is not afraid at all, but if the number of pirate groups reaches more than ten, it will cause serious losses to our Yejia Business League. ."


   "So, the senior leaders of the Commercial League decided that if you find the location of a pirate group, you will be rewarded with 10,000 Chaos Points. The more pirate groups you find, the more rewards you will get."


   Ye Xun's words made the scouts very excited and excited.


   "As expected of the Ye Family Business Alliance, it is generous to act."


   "The Great Business League is different."


   "After finishing this stroke, I can stay in the chaotic universe and practice for tens of thousands of epochs."


   "Hey, after this mission, I will join a mercenary group."




   The scouts looked very happy.


   Compared with other small business alliances, the commission of the Yejia Business League is very generous, enough for these scouts to work hard.


   "Then, I wish you all success." Ye Xun smiled and watched the scouts leave the spacecraft.


   When it was Ye Tian’s turn to leave, Ye Xun patted him on the shoulder and said profoundly, “Brother Ye Tian, ​​I hope I can get surprising news from you again this time.”


   "If there is no news, wouldn't it be better!" Ye Tian smiled faintly, and then flew away from the spacecraft.


   Ye Xun was stunned. It took a while before he understood Ye Tian's words and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.


   "Hey, the old man doesn't believe that he will be compared to this little guy this time." The old white beard laughed and flew out.


   Yan Luoyu took a deep look at Ye Tian's back and flew out of the spaceship.


   In the blink of an eye, more than fifty scouts all left.


   "I don't know how many people will come back alive this time, and always recruiting will delay the time to arrive in Xinwu City." Ye Xun secretly sighed as everyone left.




   Cold wind collar.


   In this chaotic area in front of my eyes, a violent cold wind blows like a sharp sword, causing pain on everyone's faces.


   In the cold wind collar, there are countless huge meteorites, and they are still moving.


  Here, it is like a huge maze, which can make people lose their way at any time.


   At the same time, this kind of place is also a good place for the pirate group to hide, because they don’t have to worry about being surrounded by others.


   Even if the overlord of the universe came here, it would be difficult to destroy a pirate group.


  Of course, the universe overlord has no spare time to destroy the pirate group, unless the pirate group seeks death on its own and offends a certain universe overlord.


   "Pirate group? Hope this time I have something to gain!"


   Ye Tian checked the information of the cold wind collar from the Chaos Network, while going deep into it.


   When he was separated from the other scouts, Ye Tian began to release one by one, let them explore this vast cold wind collar.


   At the same time, every time Ye Tian passed through a safe area, he would send the route here to Ye Xun through the Chaos Network.


   Fortunately, Cold Wind Collar is not like Xueluohe. Chaos network can be used here, and messages can be sent to the Yejia Business League at any time. )!!

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