Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1756: Shock

In the square, the crowd was surging, discussing Щщш..lā


   "Interesting, this Ye Tian has some skills, he actually cracked Qiu Yangxu's dismissal."


   "Those who can join Dahuang Wuyuan naturally have some abilities, but they are nothing more than that. Once Qiu Yangxu gets serious, he won't do it."


"This newcomer, Ye Tiancai, has entered dozens of epochs in the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy. No matter how talented he is, he will at best practice "Indestructible Calamity" to the second level, and Qiu Yangxu has already practiced "Empty Magic Book" to the second level. The fourth floor, the difference in strength between the two is too big."


   "I heard that this newcomer also offended all the disciples of the Miedao Academy, I'm afraid he can't get along in the Dahuang Wuyuan."




   When Ye Tian and Qiu Yangxu were fighting, there were two figures standing in the void not far away.


   is the old bald old man Ji Wu and the guardian of the Taoist Temple.


   "Senior brother, which one of these two boys will win?" The bald old man said with a smile.


   Ji Wu said coldly: "Qiu Yangxu has already practiced the fourth level of The Empty Magic Book, and his own cultivation is also at the peak of the Lord of the Tier 4 Universe. Does the result of this battle still need to be asked?"


The bald old man chuckled and said: "Although "The Treasure of Empty Magic" is very powerful, but in the same level, our "Indestructible Tribulation Body" of the Destruction Academy is the dominant one, as long as Ye Tian, ​​this kid has practiced "Indestructible Tribulation Body". "On the fourth floor, you can defeat Qiu Yangxu."


Ji Wuwenyan shook his head and snorted coldly: "You know how difficult "The Immortal Jade Body" is. Even the best talented Ouyang Wugui and Dongfang Xiongtian are practicing "The Immortal Jade Body". "On the fourth floor, it took 700 epochs. Even the most outstanding disciple of our Dahuang Martial Arts Academy in the past, it took 300 epochs when training on the fourth floor. This is already the best record. Up."


   Speaking of this, there is no Ye Tian looking at the field, and continued: "Thirty epochs have passed now. This kid has only touched the fourth layer of fur, how can he train it."


"Hehe, but this kid is very fast in the first three levels of "Indestructible Jade Body". I am really looking forward to it now. I don't know if he can break the record of this three hundred epoch." The bald old man chuckled. Dao, he didn't think that Ye Tian could practice the fourth level of "Indestructible Tribulation Body" in just thirty epochs.




   On the square, Qiu Yangxu and Ye Tian stood 100 meters away from each other. They seemed to stand still, but the people around knew that they had already fought.


   Qiu Yangxu can pull Ye Tian into the illusion with one look, not to mention that they are so close now.


   At this time, Ye Tian only felt that a big world enveloped him, surrounded by a wilderness, with countless wild and ancient beasts culling him, and countless strong men smashing and killing him.


   Ye Tian knew that everything around him was an illusion, but he couldn't break it.


   "It's amazing "The Treasure of Empty Magic", this is the most powerful illusion I have ever seen!" Ye Tian's expression became serious, he held the knife of hope and kept killing the enemies around him.


   These enemies, whether it is a cultivator or an ancient beast, are the pinnacle level of the Lord of the fourth-order universe, the same level as Qiu Yangxu's own.


   Like the Lair of the Demon, this is a human tactic, but the Demon is real, and the enemies in these illusions are fictitious.


   But, even if it is fictional, before you break the illusion, these fictional enemies are real.


   True and false, false and true, constantly changing, this is the horror of "The Empty Magic Book".


   "I practice the Soul Book, and my soul is much stronger than the usual master of the universe of the same order. I can't even break this illusion. This is too scary!"


   Ye Tian waved the knife of hope, his face getting more and more serious.


   He only now understands that the comparison between his Soul Book and The Empty Magic Book is simply a gap between the sky and the earth.


   is also right, this "Empty Magic Book" is a technique created by the strongest in the universe, and it is naturally much stronger than the "Soul Book" created by the Soul Master.


   "Since you can't break it, let's fight!"


The fighting spirit in Ye Tian's eyes was shocking, and his body exuded a powerful aura, "If it were before, facing such an endless enemy, I would be dragged to death. But now, I have practiced "Indestructible Tribulation Body", God Body The power is unlimited, and the human sea tactics are of no use to me."


At the moment, the powerful aura in Ye Tian's divine body erupted, and the first layer of "Indestructible Calamity Body" was urged out by him, and his combat power soared. With a single blow, countless enemies fell, tearing the space apart and almost destroying it. This illusion.




   This knife tore through the illusion, leaving a trace of the sword to kill Qiu Yangxu.


But Qiu Yangxu just waved his hand casually and blocked the blade of light. He sneered and said: "Sure enough, I have practiced the first level of "The Immortal Calamity Body", but I just showed the first level of "The Treasure of Empty Magic". Now let you see the power of the second layer."


   As Qiu Yangxu urged the second level of "The Treasure of Empty Fantasy", another illusory world came and enveloped Ye Tian.


   The superposition of the two layers of illusory worlds is even more terrifying, and the space is extremely solid, completely blocking Ye Tian.


   "Although "Indestructible Tribulation Body" dominates in the same level, this kid has only become the first level, and he cannot split Qiu Yangxu's two-level fantasy world."


   "This kid is sure to lose!"


   "It's really boring, it doesn't look at all."




  The spectator shook his head.


Dongfang Daoji had some expectations. He thought to himself: "In dozens of epochs, if you are a genius, you should be able to train into the second level of "Indestructible Calamity Body". I hope Brother Ye will be, otherwise, wouldn't it prove My calculation is wrong? Huang Xing Zai Does this'tian' refer to him?"


   After all, Dongfang Daoji stared at Ye Tian in the square.


   Just when everyone thought Ye Tian was about to lose, a stronger breath rose from Ye Tian's body.


   "The second layer of "Indestructible Jade Body", this guy actually got it."


   "This kid has only joined the Dahuang Wuyuan in less than fifty epochs, and he has actually cultivated into the second level of "Indestructible Tribulation Body". Such a talent can also be ranked in the top ten in the Xiedaoyuan."


   "Hey, I didn't expect to see it."


   "It looks like another genius is about to appear in Miedaoyuan."




  The crowd onlookers exclaimed.


   Dongfang Daoji smiled immediately: "I did not read it wrong as expected."


   In the square, Qiu Yangxu's expression changed, but he was not in a hurry, but he said coldly: "What about the second floor, I will show you the "Empty Magic Book" on the third floor."


   After all, another illusory world is overwhelmed.


   However, the aura on Ye Tian's body did not stop, but continued to strengthen.


   The third layer of "Indestructible Jie Shen"!


   Ye Tian, ​​who burst out of strength, tore through three illusory worlds with a single knife. The blade is unparalleled, and the blade's light is pouring out like a galaxy. Numerous rays of light swept in and rushed towards Qiu Yangxu. ) Download the free reader!!

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