Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1814: Yin Tianjie

"That said, will we not be the same as the people in the mysterious bronze coffin, and will die because of the curse?" After hearing Du Hongkuo's words, Lu Haoxuan suddenly looked desperate and trembled all over.


   Ye Tian shook his head. The young master of Qingfengzhai is really bad in mind, and his willpower is too weak. He really blinded him as a Tier 9 universe master.


   It seems that Du Hongkuo, he is the master of the eighth-order universe in casual cultivator, but he can remain calm, and his temperament is much stronger than Lu Haoxuan.


  At this time, I just listened to Du Hongkuo's solemn voice: "Master, don't worry, we are not the only ones who have been cursed. Let's take a look at the children of the big powers. If they have a solution, we also have hope."


   "Yes, yes, my father is the overlord of the universe, he can definitely save me." Lu Haoxuan, like a drowning man, hugged the last straw.


   "Hey, they seem to have discovered something, let's go and take a look!" Ye Tian said suddenly, and walked towards the crowd in front of him.


   At this time, the group of people is gathering in one direction.


   Du Hongkuo and the others hurriedly followed.


   The underground palace is very big. When everyone came to the center of the underground palace, they saw a ladder leading to the next level. At this moment, everyone gathered in front of this ladder.


Standing in front of the stairs, the prince Chu of the Great Chu Dynasty said in a loud voice: "Everyone, we have all been cursed. Now it is too late to regret, anxious, worry, and fear. Rather than die unclearly, it is better to go all the way to the end. , Look at what this curse is, even if you die, you must die to understand."


   Chu Shocking is worthy of being the prince of a dynasty. He is very bold and calm. He walked ahead alone and went down the stairs.


   As soon as he left, dozens of young people followed, almost side by side with Chu Jingshi.


   Among the crowd, Du Hongkuo was shocked and said: "Oh my god, the princes of the other eight dynasties have also come, as well as the descendants of the five major sects, the descendants of the three major clans, and so many powerful people, it actually failed to stop this curse."


   Ye Tian followed down the stairs. He found a lot of familiar auras among those in front of him, and even around him, there were some familiar auras.


   Obviously, these people are all from the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, and they all mixed in.


   "I don't know if Dongfang Daoji is here, I hope he is not here." Ye Tian thought secretly, a little worried, after all, everyone present was cursed, except for Ye Tian.


   At this time, under the leadership of Chu Jingshi and others, everyone walked down the stairs together.


   was very relaxed, there was no danger at all, everyone walked all the way to the end of the stairs and came to a gloomy secret room.


   Around the secret room, a white beam of light flickered, making the entire space shrouded in a dark light.


   In addition, at the end of the secret room, there are many dead man's tablets, layered on top of each other, I don't know how many. A young man wearing a white filial piety clothes was kneeling in front of these dead man's tablets, crying in a low voice, extremely sad.


"It's him!"


   "The last member of the grave guards!"


   "It was the news that he came out of the tomb of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. I didn't expect him to be here."




   Among the crowd, there was an exclamation.


   Ye Tian and others also turned their attention to the white-clothed youth.




  Chu Jingshi and other big-power children stepped forward one after another, and a powerful breath came out, surrounding the white-clothed youth.


"Yin Tianjie, you deliberately brought us here, causing us to be cursed. You are so bold." Chu shook the world and stretched out his hand to suppress the young man in white. The powerful force made the whole The underground palace is trembling.


   Seeing this, the white-clothed young man slowly stood up, looking at Chu Jingshi with indifferent and merciless eyes. After that, his figure flashed, and he had appeared in front of Chu Jingshi, and a finger was placed on Chu Jingshi's palm.




   Chu gave a stunned grunt, and he stepped back a few steps and smashed the floor.


   While the young man in white did not change his face, he coldly looked at the group of people in front of him.


   "So strong!" Ye Tian's pupils shrank and his face was dignified. The strength of this white-clothed youth was very strong, not much worse than the Ouyang Wugui he had seen, and it was really stronger.


   "It's amazing. The prince Chu of the Great Chu Dynasty is shocking the world. He belongs to the top rank among the masters of the ninth-order universe. I didn't expect to be forced to retreat by a finger at him."


   "He is Yin Tianjie, the last member of the tombkeeper."


   "Although this person is the lord of the tenth-order universe, but with this kind of power, I am afraid that among the tenth-order universe lord, he belongs to the top."




   There was a lot of discussion around the crowd.


   Chu's shocking face was a bit ugly. He stared at the white-clothed youth with sharp eyes, and snorted coldly: "If my cultivation base is one level worse than you, you may not be my opponent."


   The white-clothed youth Yin Tianjie said lightly after hearing the words: "You are right, but so what? My cultivation base is one level higher than you."


   "You..." Chu Jingshi's face sank.


   At this moment, a dozen young people stepped forward together and stood beside Chu Jingshi, staring at Yin Tianjie with stern eyes.


   "Yin Tianjie, you are indeed very strong, but we have so many people here. You can hardly fly with your wings today. Or obediently tell us the reason for this curse and tell us the way to remove it." One of the young people said coldly.


   Yin Tianjie looked at this person and sneered: "Qi Tian? Prince Qi!"


"Yes, it's me!" said the young man who had just spoken coldly. He was one of the nine dynasties. The prince Qitian of the Daqi dynasty was known to be equal to the sky, showing his courage and ambition, but he was also worthy of the name. Because looking at the entire chaotic world, there are very few powerful peers who can match him.


   "You are right, I really can't compete with all of you!" Yin Tianjie looked at Qi Tian, ​​a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "However, you can't get rid of the Curse of Soul Destruction."


   "The Curse of Soul Destruction!"


   Hearing these four words everyone present changed their faces.


  Because they remembered the dead people lying in the mysterious bronze coffin, isn't it the soul that died, leaving only the pure cold flesh?


   Obviously, after the Soul Extinguishing Curse broke out, it ended like that.


   For an instant, everyone felt cold behind their backs and their faces were full of fear.


   Chu Shocked the world even more angrily: "Yin Tianjie, do you want to find death? I really thought you knew the whereabouts of the tomb of Emperor Tianma, we dare not kill you?"


   At the same time, the children of Qi Tian and other big powers, along with Chu Jingshi, were also pushing towards Yin Tianjie, and they burst out with powerful auras, none of them were under Chu Jingshi.


However, Yin Tianjie did not show the slightest fear on his face, and saw him pinch Yinjue, two black air currents spread out, and then the word'Magic' appeared on the center of his eyebrows. It's exactly the same.

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