Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1835: reason

In the hall, Ye Tian and the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon sect clashed in secret, their eyes met, and their eyes were extremely deep.


   Hearing Ye Tian's words, the face of the descendant of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect was slightly hidden behind the scarlet mask, and continued: "I saw it from your cultivation of "Heaven Demon Overlord Body"!"


   "Oh? I want to hear the details!" Ye Tian said lightly.


   The blood moon ancient sect heir smiled and said: "Do you know why I have the entire copy of "Sky Demon Overlord Body"?"


"I don't know!" Ye Tian shook his head. He was also very puzzled about this, because this was a technique created by the Great Emperor of Heaven. The Great Emperor of Heaven gave it to his sons, and his sons carried this technique. Then created the Demon Gate, one of the five martial arts.


In addition, I have never heard that there are people who have the "Heaven Demon Overlord Body", and the incomplete techniques that are spread outside are deliberately released by the Heavenly Demon Sect, in order to find the Heirs of cultivation talent.


"Ha ha!"


  The blood moon ancient sect heir smiled slightly: "You don't know it, it's normal, because this is the blood moon ancient sect given to us by the emperor of the devil back then, and outsiders don't know it."


   "What!" Ye Tian looked at the blood moon ancient sect heir in shock.


"A long time ago, in a battle of the Seven Realms, the Heavenly Demon Great was severely injured by the Desolate Lord and almost fell. At the critical moment, the ancestor of our Blood Moon Ancient Sect rescued him. In return, the Heavenly Devil Great Emperor handed over all his exercises. With our ancestor, this "Heaven Demon Overlord Body" is in it." The blood moon ancient sect descendant said surprisingly.


   Ye Tian was surprised when he heard the words, and couldn't help but say: "How did I hear that after the Demon Emperor was severely injured by the landlord, he died soon after returning to the chaos."


"Not bad!" The blood moon ancient sect heir nodded and sighed: "Although our ancestor master rescued the emperor, the power of the desolate is too powerful, and his secret tricks left in the body of the emperor are hard. Even our ancestor grandfather cannot be saved by the death of the Great Emperor."


Speaking of this, the descendant of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect laughed and said: "In fact, the Emperor Tianma is willing to give all the exercises to our ancestor master, and also hopes that our ancestor master can take care of his children in the future, otherwise. If so, do you think that the sons of the great emperor of the Heavenly Demon are safe and sound, and created the mighty Heavenly Demon Gate? These are all our ancestors in the dark, otherwise some of the powerful in the chaos will die in the great emperor. After that, he had already divided up the treasure left by the Emperor Heavenly Demon to his descendants. Of course, the descendants of the Emperor Heavenly Demon are also very powerful. For so many years, he has also been at the pinnacle of the realm of chaos, and there is no need to rely on our ancestors."


   "So that's the case!" Ye Tian suddenly realized that there was a reason for this. It is no wonder that the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect had the entire copy of "Heaven Demon Overlord Body", but what does this have to do with his possession of the Heaven Demon Lair?


Seeing Ye Tian’s puzzled expression, the descendants of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect continued to say: "The power of "Sky Demon Overlord Body" is not weak, and our Blood Moon Ancient Sect has some people who practice it, but no matter how high our talents are, we can only barely cultivate to the first. At the sixth level, there are only a handful of people who can cultivate to the seventh level."


   After that, the blood moon ancient sect descendant's body was shaken, and a powerful demonic energy emerged from his whole body, which was the effect of urging the "Tianma Overlord Body".


   Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and he said in surprise: "The seventh-layer "Sky Demon Overlord Body"!"


"Yes, it is the seventh floor!" The blood moon ancient sect heir sighed: "In the history of our blood moon ancient sect, it is the limit to be able to cultivate this "Heaven Demon Overlord Body" to the seventh floor. It’s because of talent issues, but because of this technique. Otherwise, don’t you think that our blood moon ancient sect has been passed down from generation to generation, isn’t it comparable to the descendants of the Celestial Demon Sect?"


   Ye Tian shook his head, nonsense, the strength of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect is unfathomable. Each generation of descendants is one of the best among the younger generation, how could it not be comparable to the descendants of the Demon Sect.


"As everyone knows, the main body of the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor is the Heavenly Demon Lair, and the exercises he created are naturally the most suitable for the cultivation of the Heavenly Demon Lair. If outsiders want to practice, even if their talent is high, they can only cultivate to the seventh level. The reason why disciples of the sect can cultivate to a higher level is because they possess the corpse of the emperor. This corpse is the greatest treasure left by the emperor to his descendants. The corpse energy contained in the corpse is exactly the cultivation. The best tonic for the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor's exercises. Without the help of these corpses, you shouldn't try to cultivate the "Heavenly Demon Overlord Body" to a higher level, unless you are a Heavenly Demon Lair, or have a Heavenly Demon Lair."


   After finishing speaking, the descendant of the Ancient Blood Moon School looked at Ye Tian deeply and asked curiously: "Are you the former or the latter?"


   Ye Tian did not answer, but instead asked: "Since the body of the Emperor Tianma is in the Heaven Demon Gate, what is buried in the tomb of the Emperor Tianma?"


"The Tomb of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is the Tomb of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. There is nothing to be buried!" The descendant of the Ancient Blood Moon shook his head and said lightly: "After the death of the Emperor Heavenly Demon, in order to preserve the eternal existence of the corpse, he forced the spirit out and destroyed himself. Evolved into a strange space, here is the tomb of the Emperor Tianma."


   "That's it!" Ye Tian nodded.


The descendants of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect did not continue to inquire about the Heaven Demon Lair, but reminded: "Don't worry, our Blood Moon Ancient Sect has its own practice and will not be greedy for your Heaven Demon Lair. But you better be careful, this Although the descendants of the Celestial Demon Sect may not have guessed all of this, when the news is passed back to the Celestial Demon Sect, then their elders will definitely know that they will **** your Celestial Demon Lair at all costs. Of course, if it is you. It is the den of the devil, maybe the other party will accept you as a disciple and focus on training you."


"Thank you for your reminder. Although I don't have a celestial devil's lair, and I am not a celestial devil's lair, I still have to thank you." Ye Tian said with a smile, he wouldn't admit it if he killed him. You can do whatever you like, I won't admit it. .


"Forget It doesn't matter if you don't admit it!" The blood moon ancient sect heir couldn't help but smile, and she then said: "Anyway, you have a lair of the gods, you must be in the tomb of the gods. There is an opportunity, and we may be able to work together at that time, what do you think?"


   "Aren't we already working together?" Ye Tian said with a smile on his face.


The descendant of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect smiled slightly, took out another exercise technique, and gave it to Ye Tian. Looking at the latter's puzzled expression, she said: "This is "Eighteen Demon Tribulation" and it is a companion to "Heaven Demon Overlord Body". You have practiced the eighth-level "Heavenly Demon Overlord Body", but you will not be able to use the "Eighteen Demon Tribulation", and you can't exert much power. Otherwise, let alone that Ren Qiusheng, even if you encounter nine Prince of the Great Dynasty, you can also fight against one."


   Ye Tian was surprised when he heard this.


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