Seven World Martial God

Chapter 184: Congenital Takeka

"Wander around!"

Ye Tian shook his head when he heard the words, then he opened the topic and asked: "By the way, has anything major happened in Yunling these days?"

Seeing Ye Tian's return safe and sound, Lin Fei did not continue to search for the roots. Instead, he looked surprised: "Huh? Why, have you heard the rumor that the three half-step martial arts are ready to join forces to hunt King Kong? "

"Oh? Tell me carefully, where are these three half-step martial arts sacred?" Ye Tian's heart moved, it seems that the news Tiancan told him is indeed correct, and he asked with some curiosity. 【First Release】

Immediately, Lin Fei slowly said, letting Ye Tian know part of Luanyunling's forces.

In Luanyunling, there is a powerful gang called the Rising Sun Gang. Its gang leader, Wang Xu, is one of the three half-step martial masters who joined forces this time.

The Rising Sun Gang is very powerful and one of the top forces in Luanyunling. The leader of the group, Wang Xu, is also very young and has an extraordinary talent. Some people say that he is a true disciple of the Baidu Sect, but whether this is the case has not been verified.

"Wang Xu!" Ye Tian's eyes flickered, and he remembered the name secretly. If this person is really a disciple of the Hundred Poison Sect, then he should pay attention.

In addition, the other two half-step martial arts teamed up are not unknown.

One of them is called Merry Sword Master. He is a casual cultivator, and his talent is equally extraordinary, but he is very lustful. Relying on the strength of his half-step martial arts, he didn't know how many other girls had been harmed, and he was secretly called the "Sword Sovereign Prostitute".

The last one is the demon girl who came from outside not long ago. She exudes a seductive aura. Many warriors are greedy for her beauty, even the Merry Sword Lord.

But this woman was not only hot in body, but also very hot in character. The Merry Sword Master only molested her and was chased and beaten by her for a month. The other weak warriors, just because they glanced at her, she dug their eyes off.

This woman was called a "demon witch" by the warriors of Luanyunling. The word "monster" was used to describe a person. This shows how much the warriors of Luanyunling feared this female devil.

"The Merry Sword Master!"


Ye Tian remembered these two names firmly, maybe the next time they meet, the two sides will be enemies.

The warriors who can reach the half-step martial arts realm have already comprehended the will, but they have not reached the tenth martial arts realm, otherwise they will really become the strong martial arts.

Continuing to exchange information with Lin Fei, and knowing the general situation of Luan Yunling, Ye Tian returned to his house and began to stabilize his cultivation realm.

After all, this time he was promoted two levels in a row, and his cultivation base skyrocketed. If he didn't get familiar with the power he mastered as soon as possible, he might not be able to exert his strongest combat effectiveness. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Ye Tian didn't want to waste a bit of his own strength. He closed for half a month before leaving the house.

The Taiping Inn is still very lively, many warriors are talking about the news of the three and a half step Wujun joining forces. After half a month of evolution, this news has been confirmed.

Ye Tian and Lin Fei listened for a while, and learned that the three and a half step Wujun would join hands to go to the Stone Mountain in a month and prepare to hunt King Kong.

"I'll go out for a while, and you will stay here." After receiving the news, Ye Tian told Lin Fei on the side.

"Huh?" Lin Fei raised his brows and couldn't help asking: "You don't want to go to Stone Mountain first, do you? That's a half-step Wujun level fierce beast, and it also contains the powerful blood of ancient fierce beasts. beast."

"If it doesn't contain the blood of the ancient fierce beast, I don't want it!" Ye Tian said lightly, his eyes full of confidence.

If he first came to Luanyunling, he might not be sure to deal with this King Kong, but now he has been promoted two levels in a row, and his strength has naturally improved a lot, so he is full of confidence.

Lin Fei was speechless when he heard the words, and it took a long time to sigh, "Be careful, or you will die at that time, and I won't have the strength to help you collect the body."

"Go go! The dog can't spit out ivory!"

Ye Tian glared at him, then turned and left the inn.

Some warriors glanced at Ye Tian's back, and then continued to talk without paying attention.

After a period of time, everyone here already knew that Ye Tian was deeply hidden, and he was probably a powerful true disciple of God Star Gate, so no one dared to underestimate him.


Stone Mountain is located in a large mountain range not far from Luanyun Ridge. The mountain is not high or low. The mountain is full of boulders. There are few vegetation and trees, and even the beasts are rare.

After leaving the Taiping Inn, Ye Tian arrived here in just three days.

On the way, he also hunted down many Wuzong-level fierce beasts and obtained the fierce beast inner alchemy he needed.

Standing on a towering tree, Ye Tian looked at the stone mountain not far away, with a deep shock in his eyes, even though he had not even approached there, he already felt a sense of horror.

I saw the stone mountain resembling a natural bathtub, with a large area sunken at the top and a lot of rainwater. The rain fell again, forming a huge waterfall, endless.

Ye Tian's eyes were sharp, and through the hazy water curtain, he faintly saw a huge cave behind the waterfall.

The terrifying aura that shocked him came from this cave, and it must have been the breath of King Kong.

"Unexpectedly, there is a water curtain hole here!" Ye Tian couldn't help but smile, and then cautiously lurked forward, slowly approaching the Stone Mountain.

As the distance between him and the waterfall shortened, the breath from the cave became even more terrifying, and even the surrounding air was filled with a thick **** breath.


Suddenly, Ye Tian's pupils shrank, and he suddenly saw dry bones scattered on the rocky beach below the waterfall. These bones are beasts and humans. At a glance, there are thousands of them, and they look terrifying, as if a breath of death came to their faces.


Ye Tian took a breath and felt a tingling scalp. This Dincongo is indeed a fierce beast.

Slightly settled, Ye Tian continued to move forward. Soon after, he quietly passed through the water curtain of the waterfall and saw a huge cave opening in a secluded forest.

The rock wall at the entrance of the cave was covered with moss, some bones were piled up on the ground, and the cave was dark and damp. The strong stench made people feel nauseous and nauseous, and Ye Tian couldn't help sealing his nose, otherwise he would be smoked to death without King Kong's action.

"Damn it! I wouldn't come in if I knew it!"

Ye Tian cursed secretly and continued to move forward carefully, not daring to make a sound.

That horrible aura grew bigger and bigger, and if you replaced it with an ordinary person, I was afraid that I would have been stunned and lay on the ground and dare not move. But Ye Tian had already understood the meaning of the sword, his willpower was comparable to that of Wu Jun, so he was naturally not afraid of this deterrent.

As he continued to deepen, after a while, at the end of the cave, Ye Tian heard a strange sound of ‘chuckling’. The sound was extremely gloomy and terrifying in this gloomy cave.

There was a brilliance flowing in Ye Tian's eyes. He could clearly see the scene in the cave, but he saw a huge beast lying on the ground, and the sound came from its nostrils.

"Huh~~~" The monster on the ground suddenly roared, turning around and continuing to snore.

Like a small mountain, Ye Tian was stunned by the size of this behemoth. It was almost the size of a three-story building he had seen in his previous life. Even if he lay down there, it made people feel a sense of oppression like suffocation.

"So strong!" Ye Tian secretly smacked his tongue, and from this terrifying breath, he could know how powerful this King Kong was.


Suddenly, Ye Tian's gaze suddenly fixed on a long vine behind King Kong. On the turquoise vine, a bright white fruit was growing, emitting a hazy halo.

"The white fruit... the green rattan... grows between the cracks in the rock... this is the treasure that the warrior dreams of-the congenital martial arts!"

Ye Tian's throat grumbled, and his eyes suddenly became hot, and he was too excited to hide his breath.


Suddenly, two copper bell-sized eyes suddenly lit up in the darkness, and a pair of Senhan eyes with cold electricity glaring at Ye Tian fiercely, making him feel a cold behind his back, and his heart beating rapidly.


Ye Tian suddenly felt shocked, knowing that he had exposed his breath and awakened the sleeping King Kong.

"Roar!" Sure enough, the next moment, an angry roar sounded in the cave. The entire Stone Mountain shuddered because of this. When the fierce beasts in the surrounding mountains heard this huge roar, they all slumped on the ground and trembled.


In a hurry, Ye Tian only had time to transport the Ninth Revolution battle body, and was knocked out by a huge force.


The earth trembled, the whole stone shook, and Ye Tian flew upside down from the cave like a huge boulder. Then he broke dozens of towering trees one after another, and finally smashed into a big mountain opposite Shishishan.

"It's so strong... I have a few broken ribs!" Ye Tian got up from the big pit, feeling a heart-shaped pain, and he shivered and cursed secretly.

This is really a capsize in the gutter!


A huge figure burst out from the cave in the Stone Mountain in the It raised its big head and looked around for a while.

Suddenly, those icy gazes came towards Ye Tian's direction.

"Not good!" Ye Tian burst into his heart.

The huge figure has already rushed over. Although its body is huge, its speed is not slow at all. Before jumping high, it appeared above Ye Tian's head, like a big mountain suppressed.

That majestic breath made Ye Tian feel almost suffocated, the strength of this King Kong was too strong.

"Sky burial style!" Ye Tian didn't even think about it, and immediately took out the mysterious iron sword and displayed the sky burial style.

Suddenly, a huge Tai Chi picture appeared above Ye Tian's head, blocking the fierce blow of King Kong.

Ye Tian took the opportunity to get out and avoided King Kong's culling.

Rumble... King Kong's attack was unloaded by Taiji Tu, and the surging energy shattered the surrounding mountains, and the ground shook as if it were about to split apart.

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