Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1852: Double 9

The corpse energy of the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor didn't need Ye Tian to refining at all, so he merged with his avatar of Heavenly Demon voluntarily. Ye Tian immediately ran the "Heavenly Demon Overlord Body" and quickly became the ninth layer of "Sky Demon Overlord Body".


   "Boom!" When the ninth layer of "Sky Demon Overlord Body" was practiced, a powerful breath suddenly rose from Ye Tian's body, causing the ground under his feet to be covered with countless cracks.




   Not far away, Lu Qingcheng, who was waiting to see Ye Tian explode and died, suddenly felt the powerful aura erupting from Ye Tian's body, and his face suddenly changed with doubts.


"What's the matter with this guy? Not only did he not blew himself up, he actually became the ninth layer of "Sky Demon Overlord Body", how could this be possible?" Lu Qingcheng's heart was overwhelmed, and this scene was completely unexpected to her. It feels incredible.


   "Hahaha, it's so cool, this feeling is too powerful." On the opposite side, Ye Tian felt the increased strength after practicing the ninth layer of "Heaven Demon Overlord Body", and his face was immediately full of excitement and excitement.


   "My current strength is probably a point stronger than my body." Ye Tian was extremely excited.


Although the ninth layer of "Heaven Demon Overlord Body" is not comparable to the ninth layer of "Indestructible Tribulation Body", it far exceeds the eighth layer of "Indestructible Tribulation Body", which gives Ye Tian the strength of the Heavenly Demon clone. Suddenly overshadowed the strength of the body.


   "Hmph, even if you become the ninth layer of "Heaven Demon Overlord Body", you are not my opponent!" Lu Qingcheng's expression was ugly, and he gave a cold snort and slammed Ye Tian again.


   She regrets now that she didn't take the opportunity to kill Ye Tian, ​​otherwise Ye Tian would have died.


   "Hahaha, Lu Qingcheng, it's too late for you to kill me now!" Ye Tian saw Lu Qingcheng come to kill, not only was he not afraid of flying, but stood up to meet him.


   "Eighteen Demon Tribulation!" Ye Tian roared, a black demon god, with unparalleled demon energy, stood up from behind him, evolved the eighteen worlds of the heavens, and killed Lu Qingcheng.


Lu Qingcheng sneered and said, "The same is the "Eighteen Demon Tribulation". I have been practicing for a lot longer than you." After all, she also used "Eighteen Demon Tribulation" to kill Ye Tian, ​​but she evolved ten. Eight **** worlds.


   "Oh, that may not be oh!" Ye Tian smiled coldly.


"Arrogant!" Lu Qingcheng also sneered, but the next moment, the smile on Lu Qingcheng's face was frozen, because her eighteen **** worlds completely collapsed, and Ye Tian's eighteen black worlds were facing her. Keep going.




   Lu Qingcheng roared, and the sound shook everywhere, she couldn't believe it.


   The same trick, she has practiced longer than Ye Tian, ​​and her own strength is also stronger than Ye Tian, ​​but the power she has displayed is not as good as Ye Tian.


How is this possible?


   "Haha, it seems that your "Eighteen Devil Tribulation" is nothing more than this!" Ye Tian laughed.


  Whether it is "Heaven Demon Overlord Body" or "Eighteen Heaven Demon Tribulation", it is a unique school created by the Emperor of Heaven Demon. Of course, it is most suitable for him to practice as a clone of Heaven Demon, so it is normal that Lu Qingcheng is inferior to him.


  Don't talk about Lu Qingcheng, even if the descendant of the Demon Sect came, he couldn't beat Ye Tian in this trick.


   "Fairy, shall we continue to fight?" Ye Tian said with a smile on his face.


   Lu Qingcheng glared at Ye Tian, ​​gritted his teeth and said: "Wang Feng, you wait for me, there is still a long way to go. I don't believe that I can't kill you."


   After speaking, she immediately turned and left, and ran to grab the token.


  Because of Ye Tian's strength at this moment, even if it is slightly inferior to her, it is not much worse. She is not sure to kill Ye Tian.


"It's really decisive. Just leave and leave without procrastination." Ye Tian looked at Lu Qingcheng's leaving back, and a sneer tucked at the corner of his mouth: "However, you can't kill me now, and you will be even more You can't kill me. The next time I meet, I'm afraid it's time for me to kill you."


   After speaking, Ye Tian also turned around to grab the token.


   At this time, some of the strongest people, including Emperor Huang Tian, ​​Bai Yi, Asura, Heir of Lieyang Sect, Heir of Dugu Family, Heir of Shooting Sun Family, Heir of Blood Moon Ancient Sect, had already seized tokens and left.


   The remaining people, for today's Ye Tian, ​​there is no longer the slightest threat.


   Therefore, Ye Tian can safely and boldly seize the token.


   Even, he still wants to grab a few more tokens and give them to Feng Xinyi.




   At the same time, in one of the eighteen caves, a casual repairman holding a token, is forcing the darkness in front of him to recede continuously.


   I saw him haha ​​and laughed: "This token is really useful, it can really resist the horror here, haha, I should be the fastest person to come in, the chance of the Great Emperor belongs to me."


   He was very excited because he was the first person to enter the cave with a token.


   At that time, when people from all major forces were heading to the location of the undead purgatory, white pillars of light rushed straight into the sky in the West City, and one of them rose near the entrance of the city.


   This casual repairer was wandering near the gate of the city at that time. He grabbed the token and immediately received the news from the token, and his face was immediately full of surprise.


   He was also very decisive, and immediately left Yincheng with the token and entered the cave.


   I have to say that he is very lucky.


It's a pity that his good fortune has come to an end, because at this moment, a golden character "Huang" and a golden character "Di" came from the front and back, respectively, shaking this loose repair to death~www Then, a golden figure condensed and grabbed the token dropped from San Xiu's hand.


   "If you don't die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. The ancients are right!" This person is Ye Tian's ontology. He grabbed the token and approached the darkness in front. These terrifying darkness suddenly retreated.


   Ye Tian just held up the token and moved forward step by step.


   Actually, Ye Tian's body did not die back then. When he was swallowed by the darkness, both the soul and the flesh were slowly swallowed.


   At that time, Ye Tian was almost desperate, he could only continue to urge "Indestructible Tribulation Body" to resist. Not to mention, "Indestructible Robbery" is very scary, it can delay the speed of being swallowed by the darkness, and even continue to grow stronger.


   In this way, after half an epoch at the critical moment of life and death, and suffering the most painful torture, Ye Tian's "Indestructible Tribulation Body" broke through the eighth level and was promoted to the ninth level.


   But even so, the ninth-layer "Indestructible Calamity Body" could not stop the engulfing of darkness. At the last moment of death, the Desolate Mark forcibly intercepted Ye Tian's soul, thereby keeping his soul.


   However, although Ye Tian's spirit has been hiding in the Mark of Desolation, he did not dare to come out, because once he came out, he would be swallowed by darkness.


  Until he found this person with the token came in, Ye Tian saw that the other party's token could drive the darkness back, and he immediately released the spirit, condensed the body, and seized the token of casual repair.

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