Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1855: immortal



Ye Tian stepped into the courtyard strongly, and as his footsteps fell, an unparalleled vigor swept out in all directions. The tyrannical energy blasted all the surrounding undead purgatory disciples out, and there were some weak people on the spot. The divine body shattered and died.


   Ye Tianze came to Feng Xinyi and the others, threw three tokens to Feng Xinyi, and said, "You have these three tokens each!"


   Feng Xinyi was suddenly surprised.


   Lu Haoxuan was also taken aback. He didn't expect that Ye Tian had prepared tokens for them. If they had known this before, they didn't need to be so anxious.


   "Hahaha, brother Wang, thank you very much, but you are still a friend. If you are useful to the younger brother in the future, please don't hesitate to give orders." Du Hongkuo took the token and quickly thanked him. He is not like Feng Xinyi and Lu Haoxuan.


   In fact, Feng Xinyi and Lu Haoxuan also reacted and quickly thanked them.


   Now the blood moon ancient sect descendants can't count on them, they can only count on Ye Tian, ​​otherwise with their strength, even with tokens, they may not be able to enter the cave alive.


Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "The three of you are welcome. After all, you and I and others have all walked out of Qingfeng Village together, but it is too dangerous here. In the future, we will have to face the young talents of the major forces. , I can’t protect you all the time, so you have to prepare."


   "That is, that is!" Du Hongkuo nodded in understanding.


   "What are you going to prepare?" Lu Haoxuan was taken aback.


Ye Tian said coldly: "Preparation for death! There are countless opportunities here. When you find a chance, you may not be the only one who discovers it. Others will discover that if you go to **** it, then you will inevitably fight against others. Not an opponent, that's a dead end."


   Lu Haoxuan was startled, he wanted to say, isn't you here?


   But he is not Xiaobai anymore, and he understands that Ye Tian can't always be his nanny, why? Just relying on his identity as the young master of Qingfeng Village?


   What a joke, with Ye Tian's current strength, no matter which force he enters, he can get key training.


   Moreover, the descendants of the Heavenly Demon Sect had already invited Ye Tian to join the Heavenly Demon Sect. That was one of the five martial sects, and with Ye Tian's strength, once he entered the Heavenly Demon Sect, he immediately became a descendant.


   It can be said that Ye Tian can help them **** three tokens and even protect them from entering the cave.


   "It's not too late, let's go!"


   Ye Tian didn't talk nonsense any more, and turned around and left.


The reason why he helped Feng Xinyi and the three to **** three tokens was because he saw that the three of them trusted him and did not leave the courtyard during this time. Otherwise, if the three of them acted without authorization, he would have already Left alone. <>


   However, Ye Tian helped them to do this step, and it was the most benevolent. Qingfengzhai's little love for him had already been overpaid. If it didn't go well in the future, he would not be able to help these three people.


   Du Hongkuo and Feng Xinyi clearly understand this, and Lu Haoxuan also understands a little.


   The three followed Ye Tian and left the courtyard.


   But soon, a tall figure stood in front of Ye Tian and the four of them. He exuded a powerful aura. He was even stronger than Ren Qiusheng, like a mad god, with a look of shameless expression.


   "You killed our immortal purgatory?"


   This person swept the corpse of the undead purgatory disciple in the courtyard behind Ye Tian and others, his face suddenly gloomy, and his eyes filled with killing intent.


   "I killed it!" Ye Tian said lightly.


"Wang Feng!" The visitor nodded and looked at Ye Tian with extremely sharp eyes, even with a trace of solemnity: "It turned out to be you. It's no wonder that even our disciples of Immortal Purgatory are dead, but now the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect have left. Now, you dare to offend us immortal purgatory, you really want to die."


Before he finished his words, he had already come to Ye Tian. He raised his hand and fell with a palm. The unmatched palm prints gathered terrifying energy, and he pressed it down suddenly, as if an ancient sacred mountain descended, and the surrounding world was full of one. Trembling, the earth is falling.


   He shot suddenly, like a thunderstorm, like a gust of wind. Obviously he had been prepared for a while, and he was very cautious with Ye Tian.


"Feng Tian Jue!" Ye Tian yelled, and then made this move. This technique he uses more and more purely, and it is very easy to use. No matter how strong you are and the moves are weird, he can block the surroundings. Heaven and Earth, even if they can't refine you, they can still trap you for a while.


   However, this undead purgatory disciple is extremely powerful. His body just paused in the space for an instant, then immediately broke through and killed Ye Tian.




But this moment was enough. Ye Tian had already avoided the opponent's attack. He came to the opponent and blasted out with a punch, unmatched, carrying a terrifying power, as if to break the flood of the embankment. Pouring out, the disciple of the immortal purgatory blasted blood and flew.


   "Eighteen Heavens Tribulation!"


Ye Tian won the power and did not forgive anyone, and continued to take action, and it was still the powerful "Eighteen Demon Tribulation". He evolved eighteen layers of hell, with countless ghosts roaring and countless demons roaring in the hell, bringing this immortal purgatory disciple Shrouded in it.


   "The Eighteen Heavens? How could you have this trick?" The disciple of the immortal purgatory shouted, but he was soon submerged in the eighteenth hell, but he was still not dead, roaring in hell. <>


   "The immortal body!" The disciple of the immortal purgatory roared, and his whole body was released with black light The body was almost illusory, hidden between life and death, revolving around the law of life and death, to remove all the drowning attacks.


   "Interesting!" Ye Tian's eyes flashed with divine light, his face was full of surprise, the other party's technique is really peculiar, capable of transforming the law of life and death, and it is very powerful.


   However, this disciple of the immortal purgatory is still not in the heat, and cannot switch life and death at will. If the law is used, Ye Tian may not be able to hurt him.


   Right now, Ye Tian yelled, and his "Sky Demon Overlord Body" rose to another level and got the ninth level. He blasted out with a punch, and the unmatched might is like the collision of two universes, bursting out terrifying power.




   Although the disciple of the undead purgatory switched to the dead state, he was still severely injured. He spurted blood, his face was pale, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.


   "The ninth layer of "Devil Overlord Body"!"


   "That's nothing more than the descendants of the Demon Gate!"


   he was shocked.


   "Feng Tian Jue!" Ye Tian stepped forward and played "Feng Tian Jue" again. The opponent had already suffered severe injuries and was unable to resist.


   "Give me your undead purgatory technique, and I will spare your life!" After trapping the opponent, Ye Tian did not refine the opponent, but shouted sharply.


   He is very good at undead purgatory. nt


  :. :

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