Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1857: respectively

"Kill... Kill them all for me!" The city lord of Yincheng roared with red eyes, because in this short moment, the population of Yincheng was almost one-tenth less, and the scarlet blood would kill the entire East City. The ground was stained red.


   This is not because of the bloodthirsty group of strong chaos, but someone actually found some tokens. Although few people found tokens, they at least gave them a hope, so they killed their eyes.


   "Shut up! Lead someone to retreat immediately!" Yin Tianjie shouted beside him.


   The city lord suddenly became anxious: "Old ancestors, these people are all descendants of our Yin family, and they are all your descendants!"


Yin Tianjie said coldly: "These are the elites selected by the major forces in the chaotic world. Fighting with them will only hurt both sides. This will cause our plan to fail. It will not only prevent us from leaving here, but also let us The loss of the opportunity for the Indian family to rise may even lead to our death."


   At this point, Yin Tianjie shouted again: "Is it important for our Indian family, or is this part of the descendants important?"


   "Retreat!" Hearing this, the city lord did not dare to resist, gritted his teeth and gave the order.


Yin Tianjie looked at the scene of Shura with blood flowing in front of him, and nodded coldly: "Although it was a bit unexpected, so many people died here, enough to start the blood sacrifice. Next, the second step can be planned. "


   The city lord’s face was a bit ugly. They had only used the group of chaotic people to kill each other when they launched the blood sacrifice, and they could enjoy success without using a single soldier.


   But now, many of their family members have died, and this loss is enough to hurt them.


   "Damn it, what the **** is it? These people will suddenly kill? And, how did they find the token here?" The city lord was very puzzled, and he felt that someone must have pitted him in secret.


   It is a pity that this person who pitted him has already entered the cave and left the city of India.




   Because he was worried about the safety of the main body, Ye Tian chose to enter the cave this time, which was also the cave where the main body had entered before.


   Since Ye Tian and others carried tokens, they easily pushed back the dangerous darkness.


   ran for a while, but Ye Tian stopped suddenly.


   "Brother Wang, what's the matter?" Feng Xinyi immediately looked around vigilantly and asked in a low voice.


   Ye Tian ignored her, but squatted on the ground, carefully examining the blood-stained ground in front of him. From the blood stains, he felt a familiar breath.


   This is his blood!


   "The main body was injured... but from the blood, you can feel the power of the main body. Isn't this what can be done in the eighth layer of "Indestructible Tribulation Body"?" Ye Tian was puzzled.


   However, as long as the body is okay, everything is fine. So Ye Tian raised his head and stared ahead, and said lightly: "It's okay, let's move on!"


   Feng Xinyi and others naturally have no opinion.


   Several people continued to move forward, and soon they saw the light from the exit of the cave. They were overjoyed and hurried away.


   This is a hall, but the walls and floor inside the hall seem to have been excavated and looked a little messy. There are still some chaotic rough fragments on the ground.


   "Fuck, this group of people are simply locusts, wherever they go, there is no grass, even the land and walls." Du Hongkuo couldn't help but slander.


   "Let's go, too!" Ye Tian just glanced at it, and then moved on, because not only he himself has been here, but there are many others who have been here. It is impossible to leave anything valuable. Moreover, he felt that everything here should have been acquired by him.


   After a few people went out from the other door of the main hall, they saw a vast land, and there was a stone monument beside the door, on which there was a wave of mental fluctuations.


   "Chaos rough mineral vein!"


   Several people received the information from the stele, their expressions were startled, and then their faces were full of surprises.


   However, Du Hongkuo showed worry.


   Sure enough, Ye Tian turned around and said to them: "Several people, this place is so huge, let's move separately."


"Why separate? Isn't it better for us to be together? Everyone has the same thing. If we find the veins, we can divide it equally." Lu Haoxuan couldn't help but said, but he didn't want to be separated from Ye Tian. After all, it is very dangerous here. Ye Tian is there. They still have someone to protect.


   However, Ye Tian ignored Lu Haoxuan at all. He nodded to Feng Xinyi and Du Hongkuo, and said, "Take care, and don't be greedy!"


After speaking, Ye Tian still drew a rune mark on the center of their eyebrows. He said: "This rune content contains my full blow. As long as I don’t encounter a strong man surpassing Ren Qiusheng, I can strike. Sure."


   Immediately, Ye Tian left without hesitation.


   can do this step, he has done his best, and they will probably be passers-by in the future.


   In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian's figure disappeared from their sight.


   Lu Haoxuan touched the mark on his eyebrows, and said angrily: "Obviously he is the guest of Qingfeng Village, and he betrayed us Qingfeng Village..."


   Du Hongkuo heard a cold sneer at the corner of his mouth.


   "You shut up!" Feng Xinyi shouted angrily on the side.


   "Well, without our Qingfengzhai, he can learn "Heaven Demon Overlord Body" and have the current strength?" Lu Haoxuan said dissatisfied.


   Feng Xinyi said angrily: "If you hadn't had the help of Brother Wang, you would have died many times. Between us and him, only we owe him, and he doesn't owe us anything."


   After finishing speaking, Feng Xinyi said to Du Hongkuo next to him: "Brother Let's act together. If we find the chaotic rough mineral vein, how about the three of us equally?"


   "Hmm!" Du Hongkuo nodded. He didn't want to act alone. Although there was a rune mark on the eyebrows, this thing can only be shot once, which is not safe here.


   On the contrary, if the three of them gather together, the rune marks of the three can protect them three times.


Thinking of this, Du Hongkuo looked at Lu Haoxuan, who was looking confused next to him, and explained: "Brother Wang is normal to be separated from us. He is powerful, let alone looking for chaotic rough mineral veins, he can even **** the veins found by others. At that time, he used his own strength to **** the veins, should he share with us? Moreover, if he encounters some powerful characters, he is entangled by others, and how should we resist? We don't have his strength. , It will only drag him down."


   Lu Haoxuan didn't speak anymore, he actually understood it, but his heart was unbalanced. After all, when he came out of Qingfengzhai, Ye Tian was just an ordinary Keqing next to him. Now not only his strength surpassed him, but his status among the younger generation is far beyond his ability.


   Jealousy, anyone has.

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