Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1861: Cooperate again

"Who is that guy? How could he merge into a Yanhuang magic weapon so quickly?" After the descendant of the Sky Demon Sect ran away, he found that Ye Tian hadn't caught up with him, so he could not help but stop and watch in secret.




   At this moment, the ground vibrated violently.


   The descendant of the Heavenly Demon Gate turned his head and looked over, and found that all the ninety-one pagodas shook, then fell to the ground and shattered. The entire formation was also cracked, revealing the tomb inside.


   "No, the pagoda has been robbed!"


   The face of the descendant of the Heavenly Demon Gate changed drastically. You must know that his Demon Tribulation World Destruction Wheel has not yet merged to the level of the Yanhuang God soldier.


   Originally, their strength was not much different, but now, some of the strongest people have merged into a Yanhuang Divine Weapon. How does this make him fight those people?


   "Big Brother!" Li Fei from the Sky Demon Gate ran over.


  The descendant of the Demon Gate asked in a deep voice, "Where is Junior Brother Zhang?"


   "Junior Brother Zhang entered a pagoda, but never came out again, so I dare not go in." Li Fei replied.


The descendant of the Heavenly Demon Gate said with a sullen face, and nodded: "That idiot, I told him a long time ago. Only by practicing the "Heavenly Demon Overlord Body" to the ninth level can the attack inside the pagoda be supported, and he didn't listen to my orders. , You deserve it if you die."


   "Big brother, how are you gaining? Have you merged into the Yanhuang God Soldier?" Li Fei asked quickly.


When the descendant of the Heavenly Demon Sect heard it, his face became more gloomy, and he said ugly, "No...the pagoda is gone. It seems that I can only hit other people's attention. By the way, if you observe outside, have you ever known that there are those? People merged into the Yanhuang Shenbing?"


Li Fei nodded when he heard the words, and said: "There are ten people who have merged into the Yanhuang Divine Weapon. They are Huang Tiandi, Wild Mastiff, Ashura, Bai Yi, Lieyang Sect descendant, Sun Shooting family descendant, Dugu family descendant, and three others. stranger."


   "What? Ten?" The rumors of the Tianmamen couldn't help but look surprised, and then his face was extremely difficult to look at. In other words, at least ten people here could easily kill him, which made him feel extremely uneasy.


   "Where is the descendant of the blood moon ancient faction? Didn't even she merge into a magic weapon?" The descendant of the Demon Gate asked immediately.


Li Fei smiled bitterly: "Although the blood moon ancient sect's fairy is strong, but the defense is slightly weaker, she is only one step short of being able to fuse a Yanhuang Divine Weapon, but was preempted by Huang Tiandi, the descendant of the blood moon ancient sect. Had to retreat."


   The rumors of the Heavenly Demon Gate can't deny it. When encountering the abnormal state of Emperor Huangtian, everyone will retreat. Fortunately, Huang Tiandi is very arrogant and disdains to kill them, otherwise they will all die.


   "Big brother, do we want to unite with the fairies of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect, you two will merge into a Yanhuang Divine Soldier, and we will suffer a lot if we fight back and forth!" Li Fei suggested in a low voice.


The descendant of the Heavenly Demon Sect said with a gloomy face: "Who controls this Yanhuang Divine Soldier? I will not give up. Do you think the Fairy of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect will give up? If it is other treasures, it depends on the relationship between our two martial sects. , I can give it to her, but this is a magic weapon!"


   Li Fei was silent when he heard this, yeah, who would be so stupid to give up a magic weapon.


   For their kind of martial sect children, the chaos magic weapon is nothing, when he is promoted to the realm of the universe overlord, the elders of the sect will naturally give them, and even the descendants of the demon gate now have the chaos magic weapon.


But the Yanhuang God Soldier, which is the magic weapon that the venerable cosmos needs, is rare even among the big powers like the Heaven Demon Sect. No elder will give the disciples the Yanhuang God Soldier generously. Just ask who can give up such a treasure, Willing to be others?


"Let's go, first find a place to recover from the injury, and then wait for the opportunity to **** the fragments. The prince of the nine dynasties must have fragments in his hands. With my strength, I can definitely grab them by then." The descendant of the Demon Gate said confidently. .


   "I'm afraid it will be too late!" Li Fei murmured secretly, he didn't think the nine princes would be so stupid as to wait for you to hunt them. In fact, the princes of the nine dynasties have already disappeared, and I don't know where they are hiding in the city.




   In front of the ruins of a pagoda, Ye Tian’s avatar walked out wounded, his face full of depression.


"This clone is inferior to the main body. It can't hold on after only snatching four pagodas. According to the calculation of the main body, there are eight pagoda fragments to merge into a flame and yellow **** soldier. I am still short of the fragments of four pagodas. "Ye Tian thought secretly.


   At the same time, like the descendants of the Demon Sect, Ye Tian is also hitting the attention of others.


   As long as the figure reached the level of the prince of the nine dynasties, more or less got one or two pieces of pagoda, as long as he snatched the pieces of two people, he would be able to merge into a flame and yellow magic weapon.


   However, now everyone is going to heal, only Huang Tiandi alone with the wild mastiff watching something in front of the tomb.


   "I should go to heal, too." Ye Tian thought for a while, followed the body's whereabouts, and prepared to leave.


  Although the formation has been broken, the mausoleum still has protective measures. Ye Tian found that Emperor Huang Tian hadn't entered for a while, so he was not in a hurry. Healed first.


   Other people have the same mind, their own strength is not as good as Huangtiandi, if they are injured again, how can they fight Huangtiandi? Going in is just to die.


   But Just as Ye Tian was about to leave, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.


   is the descendant of the blood moon ancient school!


   "Fairy, don't be unharmed!" Ye Tian was taken aback, then smiled indifferently, while remaining vigilant in his heart.


The fairy of the blood moon ancient school smiled slightly: "You really did not let me down. You were able to get to this point, and you even practiced the ninth layer of the "Heaven Demon Overlord Body". I am afraid that your current strength is not among the descendants of the Heaven Demon Gate. It's down."


   She was very emotional, it was beyond her expectation that Ye Tian could come this far.


   The ninth layer of "Heaven Demon Overlord Body", even with the help of the corpse of the Heaven Demon Great Emperor, it is difficult to cultivate successfully. I didn't expect Ye Tian to succeed so soon.


She didn't know that Ye Tian's avatar was refined from the celestial demon lair. It has the same source as the corpse energy of the celestial demon great emperor, so the fusion with each other is more perfect, allowing Ye Tian to become the ninth layer. The "Devil Overlord Body".


   "Fairy passed the prize, I have just practiced the ninth level of "Sky Demon Overlord Body", compared to the descendants of the Sky Demon Gate, I am still far behind." Ye Tian smiled lightly.


   The blood moon ancient sect heir slightly smiled and said, "If you don’t talk secretly, you must know what I came from. How about? Let’s work together?"


"The fairy wants the fragments of the Demon Tribulation World Wheel in my hand? But what are you going to exchange with me?" Ye Tian looked at the blood moon ancient sect heir with interest, he wanted to see what the other party could do. Exchange with him at the same price.

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