Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1866: Intian warlord

After hearing the words of the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect, everyone looked at Yin Tianjie in the cauldron.


   They are not idiots, they have long thought Yin Tianjie was weird.


"Who am I? Hahaha..." In the cauldron, Yin Tianjie laughed wildly, very proud. He looked like a winner, and said with a smile: "It's not a big deal to tell you now, I am indeed Yin Tianjie, but I am not the last member of the Yin family, but the ancestor of the Yin family, the warlord of Yintian who sat down by the great emperor."


   When everyone heard it, their faces were shocked.


  Especially the people in Chaos World, their faces are all incredible.


   "It's impossible... The Yintian warlord has been dead for many years, aren't all of you in the Yin family died under the Curse of Soul Destruction?" Chu Jingshi said in disbelief.


"Dead? How could I die?" Yin Tianjie sneered: "Back then, I deliberately planted the Curse of Extinguishing Souls. The dying general of Yintian was just the corpse of my previous life. My soul has always been in the Yin family. In the family inheritance, in almost every generation, a person named'Yin Tianjie' will appear. This person is me, my reincarnation."


   "Why are you doing this? You were a cosmic venerable back then, how could you willingly give up your cultivation base and reincarnate?" The blood moon ancient sect heir was full of doubts.


"Haha, what does the Venerable Universe count?" Yin Tianjie looked at the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect, and laughed somewhat self-deprecatingly: "Only your ancestors of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect are only slightly inferior to the Emperor of the Sky Demon, you Those old immortals in the school are all Universe Venerables. Although my name is loud, but if there is no Heavenly Demon Great as a backer, my Yintian warrior will be in front of your Blood Moon Ancient Sect, just an ant. ."


Speaking of this, Yin Tianjie looked at the princes of the nine dynasties, the descendants of the five sects, and the descendants of the three major families. He continued to laugh at himself: "And you, the old monsters behind you, are all better than me. Much stronger."


   "But I am not reconciled!"


Yin Tianjie suddenly roared: "I am not reconciled. Back then, as a general under the command of Emperor Tianma, even if you are the patriarch of the martial arts and big families, you should be polite and respectful when you see me. But that day. After the fall of the Demon Great Emperor, I didn't even have the qualifications to see the Patriarch of your family. Hehe, those who had bowed down before me, now look down upon me. In the final analysis, it is because of strength."


   "Unfortunately, my aptitude is not enough. It is already the peak to cultivate to the Universe Venerable. If you want to break through to the realm of the strongest in the universe, you can only choose to break and stand, and rebuild the strongest foundation in the realm of the universe."


Yin Tianjie looked around the cauldron, then smiled triumphantly: "Do you know what this cauldron is used for? This is when the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor has not yet risen, and he used it when he was in the realm of the Lord of the Universe. Used to build the foundation."


   Everyone exclaimed.


Yin Tianjie looked at the shocked faces of the people in front of him and appeared very satisfied. He continued to smile and said: "This tomb of the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor was actually used by the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor to cultivate a descendant, although he let his descendants create the Heavenly Demon Gate, But the Great Emperor of Heaven was very suspicious, and he was not worried about the Heavenly Demon Gate, so he built this tomb of the gods, leaving the inheritance, and preparing to cultivate another heir to lead the rise of the chaotic world."


   In the crowd, the face of the descendant of the Heavenly Demon Sect changed slightly.


Yin Tianjie smiled and said: "Our Yin family has worked hard for generations, but we have never been able to crack the ninety-one pagodas outside the mausoleum, because it takes too many powerful people like you to work together to make the formation. Destroyed. And our Yin family, except me, can't support the attack of the Demon Tribulation World Wheel in the pagoda, so I can't break it alone, so I can't enter this tomb."


"Besides, if you don’t have two blood sacrifices for me, you don’t even want to enter the ninety-one pagodas, let alone this mausoleum. Although there are a lot of people in our Yin family, I am not willing to sacrifice them in blood, otherwise I will become I'm alone, ha ha, I'm not so ruthless yet."


   When Yin Tianjie said this, everyone almost understood.


Sure enough, he continued: "There is no way, I can only release the news to draw you here. Combining the chaos world and the upper three worlds, as well as the elites of the waste world, plus a group of tenth-order universe masters, enough for my blood sacrifice, and The formation of ninety-one guarding pagodas has been cracked."


   "Flap, pop!"


  The blood moon ancient sect heir clapped his hands, his face was very gloomy and said: "Wonderful, really wonderful, so many of us, all played by you in the applause, worthy of the Yintian warrior back then.


"Little girl, don't be too angry, although I have used you, but you have also gained, don't you?" Yin Tianjie laughed, and then pointed to a light gate next to him and said: "Through this light gate you can leave the emperor. The tomb of the gods, of course, you can also wait here. After I build the foundation, I will be promoted to the realm of the universe overlord."


Seeing his threatening look, everyone's hearts were stunned. If Yin Tianjie is really promoted to the realm of the universe hegemony, and he is promoted according to the foundation created by the Tianma Great Emperor, then his strength must be terrifying, not their presence. People can contend.


   "Will you let us so kindly? This is really the way out?" Chu Jingshi pointed at Guangmen and sneered.


Yin Tianjie glanced at him and snorted coldly: "I didn't want to let you go so well. After all, you imprisoned me. If you want to die, just stay, I promise to kill you later. . After all, behind your nine dynasties, there are only a few cosmic masters I am not afraid of you. Only the five major clans and the three major families make me jealous. I don't want to put them It's all offended. Especially the ancestors of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect, whose strength is unfathomable, even if I hide in the tomb of Emperor Tianma, I am afraid he can kill me."


   "Yin Tianjie, where is the wheel of the Devil Tribulation World Destruction we got before?" the blood moon ancient sect heir coldly shouted.


Yin Tianjie faintly smiled and said: "The Demon Tribulation and Destroying World Wheel is the treasure of the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor, and now it is also my treasure. Don't try to take it away. I can spare your lives. It is already a face for the forces behind you. It’s too much."


   "You..." The rumor of the Ancient Blood Moon was furious, but she gritted her teeth, and finally could only swallow her anger, with an expression of anger, and left through the light gate.


Huang Tiandi walked out, threw a token and placed it in front of the cauldron. He stared at Yin Tianjie in the cauldron with interest, and said, "My generation has no emperor, no desert lord, among my peers, No one is my opponent. It's very boring. Since you built the foundation with the method of the Emperor Demon, then you have the qualifications to fight with me. With this token, you can go unimpeded in the heavens, no matter when , I wait for you to fight."


   After finishing speaking, Huang Tiandi took the Huang Mastiff and other celestial people and left from the light gate.


   When other people saw that Emperor Huangtian had gone, they stopped staying for a long time, and left through the light gate one after another.


   In the end, only Ye Tian's body remained here. He stepped forward and picked up the token on the ground in Yin Tianjie's suspicious eyes.

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