Seven World Martial God

Chapter 187: Flower mist

"Too fierce!"

Ye Tian, ​​who was watching in secret, felt a burst of enthusiasm, and he couldn't wait to rush to fight. (Starting)

King Kong's strength is very terrifying, alone against the three half-step martial masters, it still has the upper hand, if it is one-on-one, I am afraid it will be able to beat a half-step martial master long ago.


A loud noise was deafening.

"Put Skynet!"

Suddenly, Wang Xu, who was blasted into the ground, rose into the sky and shouted at the surroundings.

Suddenly, a group of figures rushed into the sky from the ground, and there were as many as a thousand people, all of them in the realm of Wuzong and Wuling.

"What are these people doing?" Ye Tian was stunned, thinking that these people were looking for death, because at the level of King Kong, unless the strong at the same level or above, the remaining low-level warriors came to die.

But then Ye Tian understood Wang Xu's purpose.

After the thousands of Warriors of the Rising Sun Gang appeared, each of them threw a long large chain and twisted it towards King Kong overwhelmingly, immediately entwining its entire body.

From a distance, it looked like a huge skynet trapping King Kong in it.

"Now, attack!" Wang Xu saw this, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly roared.

The Demon Witch and Merry Sword Sovereign had known this plan for a long time, so before Wang Xu could speak, they were already performing their strongest blow. Almost as Wang Xu's voice fell, the attacks of the three people covered King Kong.

The Merry Sword Master is countless sharp sword beams, which cut wounds on the body of King Kong, and the blood flow continued.

Wang Xu was surrounded by a very poisonous black mist, which enveloped the entire huge body of King Kong. The poison was corrosive and made King Kong extremely painful.

The demon witch projected a scarlet spear, but it was blocked by King Kong's arm, but the spear suddenly exploded, exploding its arm into a **** blur.

"It's a perfect cooperation. It seems that they have not been idle during this period of time. They have been running together the tactics." Ye Tian secretly smacked his tongue, and at the same time admired the three half-step Wujun's tactics. .

All of this happened in a short period of time, and the situation in the field was immediately reversed. This time, it was replaced by three half-step martial arts.

Ye Tian was very surprised. King Kong has only one shortcoming, that is, his body is too large. But the three half-step Wujun obviously took advantage of this shortcoming and trapped King Kong with a hard chain. As a result, it became a target and suffered a full blow from the three half-step martial arts.

Ye Tian then saw that the surface of the diamond body was so scarred that he was beaten up and fell to the ground. The huge boulder on the shaking mountain fell and submerged it.

"Everyone back off!"

Wang Xu shouted. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Under his orders, the warriors of the Rising Sun Gang all dropped their chains and retreated far away.

At the same time, the three half-step Wujun gathered again, ready to continue to give King Kong a fatal blow.

But at this moment--


A loud bang, resounding through the sky, shaking the wilderness, and the whole earth trembling.

Ye Tian looked in shock, and saw that among the huge boulders that buried King Kong, bursts of fiery golden light suddenly burst out. Afterwards, King Kong's huge body rushed out suddenly, and the whole body was radiant, like a huge sun, illuminating the whole world.


After rushing out of the huge boulder pile, King Kong raised up to the sky and let out an angry roar. Its fists slapped its chest, and its powerful energy exploded towards the surroundings, breaking the chains entwined with it one by one.

"Not good!" Three and a half step Wujun's face suddenly changed.


After King Kong broke the entanglement of the chain, he rose up into the sky, and immediately rushed to the front of the three half-step Wujun, and smashed his fists severely.

Ye Tian looked up below, only to feel that a big mountain was crushed down, and the sky suddenly darkened.

"Naughty animal!" The Merry Sword Master yelled, and a series of terrifying sword lights shot out from his body, forming a sword light storm, and greeted King Kong.


King Kong kicked him, then punched Wang Xu, and the demon girl. That arrogant aura, shocking the world, made everyone stunned.


The huge soles of the feet directly smashed the sword glow storm, and then blasted the Fengliu Sword Master into the ground.

Wang Xu raised his fist to resist, but his strength was too far from that of King Kong, and he was directly sent out, blood spurting wildly.

The demon girl is better. She didn't try to attack King Kong by herself, but was prepared for defense, so she was less injured.

Three and a half-step Wujun, once again defeated, was defeated by the furious King Kong.

The Merry Sword Master was the worst, because after King Kong fell, he bitterly pressed on his body and directly shook him into the cracks in the earth.

Fortunately, King Kong soon rose to the sky again, and slaughtered Wang Xu and the demon girl.

Merry Sword Master took advantage of this opportunity to escape, but he was embarrassed, his face was gloomy and ugly, and the corners of his mouth still had scarlet blood. Obviously he was injured just now.

"It's amazing, I doubled the power directly!" In secret, Ye Tian's face was full of lingering fears. If King Kong had such a combat power, he would probably be injured badly.

However, Ye Tian wondered, why did King Kong suddenly explode with such a strong strength?

Soon, Wang Xu gave him the answer.

I saw Wang Xu’s roar from the sky: “Don’t worry, it’s crazy, there is a time limit. Once this time is exceeded, its power will be weakened to the extreme, and then we will be able to kill. Kill it."

The Merry Sword Lord and the Demon Witch nodded, and the three of them once again became horns to each other, uniting to resist King Kong's violent attack.

When Ye Tian heard the words, it turned out to be'madness'. In this state, he has heard that some fierce beasts with the blood of ancient fierce beasts have the opportunity to realize the talent of'madness'.

After the fierce beasts become frenzied, their strength doubles, but once the time for frenzy is up, the sequelae of overloaded use of power will appear, and they will become extremely weak at this time.

Generally speaking, if it is not driven mad, no beast will choose to mad.

Obviously, now King Kong is completely in madness.

The three and a half step Wujun was beaten with no strength to fight back, and the injuries were getting more and more serious, but they gritted their teeth abruptly and persevered, waiting for the final opportunity.

"That's it, keep fighting!" Ye Tian sneered in secret. After knowing that King Kong became mad, he didn't worry anymore, because once the time for the madness came, King Kong would not threaten him at all.

And during this period of time, if King Kong can severely damage the three and a half-step martial arts, then no one will be able to compete with him for innate martial arts.

"The inner alchemy of Congenital Wuguo and King Kong are mine!" Ye Tian's eyes were bright.

The battle continues...

After about an hour, King Kong's combat effectiveness did begin to decline, and the rate of decline was very fast.

But at this time, the three half-step Wujun was also seriously injured, almost all scarred.

Especially the Merry Sword Master, he is no longer the chic, his attack power is not bad. But the defensive power is far worse than that of Wang Xu and the demon girl, and her own strength is also weaker than that of Wang Xu and the demon girl, so the injuries are the most serious.

"It should be almost!" Ye Tian condensed his eyes, quickly descended from the big tree, and lurked in the direction of the cave.

Because the three half-step Wujuns were all seriously injured, and their attention was now on King Kong, they did not notice the arrival of Ye Tian.

However, just as Ye Tian was about to take the opportunity to enter the cave, he suddenly saw a huge figure swooping down, which made him suddenly startled.

"How is it possible? Has it been discovered by it?" Ye Tian stared at King Kong rushing over, feeling a little weird. He didn't expect that he had escaped the three and a half steps of Wujun, but did not escape King Kong.

"Huh? No!"

Suddenly, Ye Tian realized that King Kong was not rushing towards him, but towards the cave.

Reminiscing about King Kong's current state, Ye Tian was suddenly startled: "This guy is going in and devouring the innate martial arts, and then prepares to attack the realm of Wujun."

"I know that this level of fierce beast is not a fool, it must know the shortcomings of madness, so it is now ready to swallow the congenital martial arts!"

Ye Tian cursed bitterly, quickly accelerated and rushed towards the cave.

In the sky, the three-and-a-half-step Wujun is not a fool. Seeing King Kong who was still furious before, suddenly rushed to the cave and immediately understood its purpose.

"No, it needs to take Congenital Martial Fruit!"

"Stop it!"

Wang Xu shouted, he was the strongest and the least injured, and he was the first to catch up with King Kong.

"Catch the dragon hand--" The demon witch also chased up afterwards, hitting a chain of true essence chains to lock the huge body of King Kong.

"Sky Splitting Sword!" The Merry Sword Master was fierce, and a sword split a hundred feet long sword light, as if cutting the sky in half. Jian Mang hit the King Kong fiercely, bursting out a blazing light.

"good chance!"

Ye Tian's eyes lit up, taking advantage of the blazing light, rushed into the cave.

"Huh?" Wang Xu also saw Ye Tian at this time, his eyes suddenly cold, and he followed into the cave.


King Kong suffered severe damage, coupled with the arrival of the aftereffects of frenzied, suddenly furious. It shook both fists madly, with great power, smashing the demon witch and the Merry Sword Master into a daze.

"Made, I'm fighting with you!" The Merry Sword Master was smashed by King Kong's huge fist, making Venus angry, and suddenly he took out a strange red flower.

"Ambiguous flower——" The demon girl not far away saw this her face suddenly changed, and she quickly slashed towards Fengliu Sword Master, and shouted angrily: "Stop!"

"It's too late... Hey, don't worry, wait for my brother to help you detoxify yourself!" With a wicked smile on the corner of Jade Sword Master's mouth, he blew the demon flower in his hand, and suddenly the petals flew and fell on this world.

"Ah..." The demon witch hurried to the distance, but was still glued to her body by a petal, and her face suddenly became extremely ugly.

At the same time, the King Kong was also glued to some petals, but it seemed to have no effect, it was still raging.

"Get angry, the more angry you are, the faster the flower poison will invade!" Feng Liu Jianjun sneered, and dodged slightly, avoiding the attack of the demon witch.

"I'm going to kill you!"

The demon witch stared at the Merry Sword Master, with a murderous face.

At this time, the petals in the sky disappeared, replaced by a thick red mist that filled the entire area.

The dense fog also rushed towards the cave.

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