Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1873: joint

"What! It turned out to be "Eighteen Demon Hands"?"


   Seeing that Ashura was defeated by Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian was still using their Ancient God Realm's "Eighteen Demon Hands". The ancient God Realm powerhouses present, including Bai Yi, were all shocked.


   On the other side, all the powerhouses of the Ancient Demon Realm have heavy faces. Ye Tian's strength is already so strong, and using the targeted knack of "Eighteen Demon Hands" is a huge threat to them.


   "White One!"


   Not far away, Ashura wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, staring at Bai Yi with cold eyes, and said coldly: "You ancient **** realm is a good method, and you have reached the Dahuang Wuyuan."


"I do not know what you're talking about!"


Bai Yi snorted coldly, then walked out, looked at Ye Tian in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Your "Indestructible Tribulation Body" should have been cultivated to the tenth level, and all said the tenth level "Indestructible Tribulation Body" I can suppress my tenth-fold "War Body of Ancient Gods", but I don't believe it. I can just learn it today."


As soon as   's words fell, Bai Yi's whole body was stained with a touch of bronze, and his body was instantly raised several feet, like a bronze giant, exuding a powerful aura.


   Ye Tian's face was solemn, and he fully urged "Indestructible Tribulation Body", making his divine body more dazzling and golden.




   There is no unnecessary nonsense, Ye Tian and Bai Yi banged at each other with one punch. The powerful force burst out at this moment and swept out in all directions.


The ground around    was all lifted off, and the entire Necro Desert was shaking and restless.


   Both of them are body-refining powerhouses. Whether it is the hardness of the divine body or their own strength, they are the strongest existence below the cosmic hegemon, so they fought very fiercely, completely head-on, and no one avoided.


  Moreover, their battle is very simple, it is directly a collision of power, to see whose divine body is harder and whose power is stronger.


   Everyone is also watching the battle, and they also want to know whether "Indestructible Robbery" can really suppress "Ancient Gods War Body".


   Ye Tian and Bai Yi fought very fiercely. The front was always irrelevant. It was not until 10,000 moves that Ye Tian gradually showed his advantage and began to gain the upper hand.


   After tens of thousands of moves, a crack appeared on Bai Yi's fist, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. In contrast, Ye Tian was still as strong as ever, with golden light all over him.


Everyone understands that "Indestructible Tribulation Body" can really suppress "Ancient God War Body", but Bai Yi can persist in tens of thousands of moves undefeated, and his strength is already very terrifying, and he is definitely not under Ashura. Even faintly better.


   "Impossible, my "Ancient God War Body" is the strongest body-building exercise!" Bai roared loudly, with a look of unwillingness, he didn't believe that his **** body was not as good as Ye Tian.


   However, this is the case. Ye Tian's "Indestructible Tribulation Body" is too powerful. His divine body is already comparable to the divine body of the universe overlord, and with every blow, a powerful force bursts out, causing Bai Yi's body to collapse.




   Another ten thousand moves passed, Bai spurted blood and his face was as pale as paper. His divine body was finally unable to hold on, and there were many cracks on his body, as if it would crack at any time.


   "Ye! God!"


   Bai gritted his teeth, glanced at Ye Tian a little unwillingly, then turned and walked away.


   Although it is shameful to lose the battle, he still doesn't want to die. After all, his future is boundless. Moreover, he believes that he will surpass Ye Tian in the future, and he will wash away this shame himself.




After    Bai retreated, he took a group of ancient gods geniuses and left, no one stopped him.


   Ye Tian did not stop either. Although Bai Yi was weaker than him, the gap was not so obvious, otherwise he wouldn't have to fight tens of thousands of moves against the opponent. What's more, there are still many strong people around.


   "The genius of the Upper Three Realms is really amazing!"


   Ye Tian looked at Bai Yi's back with emotion in his heart.


  A Baiyi and an Ashura are geniuses even stronger than Ouyang Wuhui.


   But these two people will certainly not be the strongest in the Ancient God Realm and the Ancient Demon Realm, and there will be even stronger geniuses.


   There is no reason why the Upper Three Realms can suppress the Lower Three Realms for so many years.


  , like the emperor, was born in the upper three realms.


   Although the landlord rises in the wilderness, his birthplace is still the upper three realms.


  An ancient rumor, because the Upper Three Realms is the closest to the only true realm, the number of geniuses born in the Upper Three Realms is the most, and the quality is also the best.


   Ye Tian knows this somewhat.




   Suddenly, a huge energy fluctuation came from not far away.


   Ye Tian immediately retracted his gaze and turned his head to look around, but he saw the group of chaotic realm welcoming and holding the Chaos God Soldier, dozens of people came to suppress him together.


   On the other side, Ashura led a group of ancient demon world powerhouses, all holding the Chaos God Soldiers, and forced them towards him.


   "Ye Tian, ​​you people from the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy dare to come to our chaotic world, it's just looking for death!" The descendant of the Tianma Sect sneered.


   "Ye Tian, ​​even though you are strong, you are only one person after all." Da Chu Dynasty prince Chu shocked the world with a grin.


"Jie Jie... there is a Huang Tiandi pressing on me, which makes me very upset. I don't want to see the second person pressing on me. So, Ye Tian, ​​go and die!" Ashura grinned gloomily. Tao.




  The strong man in the chaos world and the strong man in the ancient devil world have even united.


   Ye Tian's face suddenly became serious. Although these people are large in number, if they are only a single existence, no matter how many, he will not be afraid. After all, at his level, he can't be defeated by a large number of people.


   But the geniuses of the chaotic world and the ancient demon world are very smart. They form a killing array, gather all of their own power, and give full play to the advantage of numbers.


   Especially in the ancient demon world, Ashura's strength was already strong, and after a dozen geniuses were assembled, it was already enough to threaten Ye Tian.


  Although the individual genius on the chaos world is a bit worse than the ancient demon world, the victory lies in the large number of people and the home court advantage. After forming the kill formation, it is also not to be underestimated.




   "To bully the less!"


   Among the people around Dongfang Daoji clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. However, he dared not show up, after all, his strength, once his identity was revealed, he would definitely die.


   "Ye Tian, ​​go to death!" the blood moon ancient sect heir shouted angrily.


   Although she is not the strongest on the scene, their blood moon ancient sect is the strongest in the chaos, so this killing formation has her as the core, and everyone around her is assisting her to make her strongest.


   However, just as the blood moon ancient sect heirs gathered the power of the formation to kill Ye Tian, ​​a figure behind her suddenly got rid of the formation and struck her back fiercely.


   Suddenly, the descendant of the Ancient Blood Moon spouted blood, and the entire formation collapsed instantly.


   "Wang Feng!"


  The powerhouses in the chaos world all gritted their teeth and looked at the figure that had wounded the descendant of the Ancient Blood Moon, their eyes were full of shock and disbelief, as well as boundless anger.

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