Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1878: Count the spoils

   There are two cosmic overlords standing in front of him, the bald old man and the noble master. Ye Tian suddenly felt that the pressure around him disappeared. He couldn't help but feel lighter, his expression relaxed, and he no longer remained alert.


   "What do you mean?" Meng Wubian looked at the bald old man in front of him and the Lord of No Way with a gloomy expression. Jiuwu did not fear him, but he did not dare to underestimate the bald old man next to him.


   "What do you mean?" The bald old man smiled angrily: "Ye Xiaozi just came back, so you came to find the fault. It should be us asking what you mean? Shall we see a genius in the Miedao Academy?"


   "I just came to ask, who killed Xue Luohua, shouldn't this be?" Meng Wubian coldly snorted.


Ye Tian said coldly after hearing the words: "Dao Master of the Illusion Academy, you press me with your aura as soon as you come. Is this an inquisitive attitude? Your attitude is obviously to interrogate prisoners. Although I am not as strong as you, I have dignity. "


   "Shut up, what's your identity? You deserve to be interrupted here too!" Meng Boundless scolded, with contempt in his eyes.


   Ye Tian's face sank, and the other party used his identity to suppress him.


  Jian Wudaozhu took a step forward and coldly shouted: "Meng is boundless, Ye Tian is my disciple, and it is not your turn to discipline."


   "Your disciple has no respect and strength, and you don't know that you respect the teacher, and you are also responsible." Meng Wubian sneered.


"Enough!" yelled the bald old man. He stared at Meng Wubian with indifferent eyes, and said word by word: "You remembered it to me. Ye Tian is a disciple of our Miedao Academy. You'd better not provoke him. , Otherwise, don’t blame my ruthless men. Now, you will get out of me immediately, or I will hit you out.”


"Old drunkard, are you bullying others? Really think that there is no one in our Magic Dao Academy? You wait for me!" Meng Wubian's pupils shrank, and then left a cruel word, gave Ye Tian a fierce look, and turned away. .


   The bald old man disdainfully said: "Even if you go back and call someone, call all the people from the previous generation in the Hallucination Academy. It is not that we have no seniors in the Annihilation Academy. Let's see who is more powerful."


   The Taoist Master Ji who was beside him frowned and said: "You are too impulsive. The Magic Dao Academy is the most powerful in Dahuang Wuyuan. We don't have to offend him."


The bald old man glared at the Lord of Nowhere, and said angrily: "Just your temper, why did you choose to practice "Indestructible Calamity Body"? No wonder our Destruction Academy is so declining in your hands, and an infinite dream scares you. In this way, if this is the veteran of their Illusion Academy, are you going to kneel and kowtow to admit Ye Tian?"


   "You...huh!" The Lord Jiewudao blushed at what he said, glared at him, turned and left.


   Ye Tian listened secretly, and it was still the bald old man taking care of the younger generation, knowing that he would protect his shortcomings, so that the cohesion of the Daoyuan Academy would be stronger.


Just as Ye Tian was thinking about it, the bald old man patted his shoulder and smiled and said, "Don't care about the old boy Meng Wubian, you are a disciple, and your opponent can only be a disciple. Those old guys dare to trouble you. Laozi will carry it down for you, and I will never let them bully the small."


   "Thank you, senior!" Ye Tian said respectfully.


"Haha, practice hard, and strive to be promoted to the realm of cosmic hegemony as soon as possible!" The bald old man laughed and looked at Ye Tian with great relief. This is the genius he recruited to the Destruction Academy by cheating himself, and the other party's growth is really not Let him down.




   After returning to the stone house, Ye Tian looked serious.


"It was my avatar who killed Xue Luohua. Although Ouyang Wuhui and Dongfang Xiongtian had already left when my avatar was exposed, it is hard to guarantee that there were no disciples of Dahuang Wuyuan among the surrounding people. So the news that I killed Xue Luohua might not be heard."


   Ye Tian frowned secretly.


   This is a huge trouble.


   However, the situation was critical at the time, and he had to expose the identity of the avatar.


   Well, no matter how Dahuang Wuyuan pays attention to evidence, with his current strength and talent, there is no absolute evidence, presumably Dahuangwuyuan will open one eye and close another, and will not do him anything.


   After all, Dahuang Wuyuan has been in existence for so long, and finally a super genius appeared. How could he say that this genius killed himself? Isn’t that digging his own grave?


   Thinking of this, Ye Tian relaxed, as long as he is strong and talented, what else is he afraid of?


   Rules are rules, but when you have a certain strength, you can also break this rule.


   If Ye Tian had the strength of the strongest person in the universe, even if Meng Wu Bian was slaughtered face-to-face, Dahuang Martial Arts Academy would not drive Ye Tian out, but would rather favor Ye Tian.


   Therefore, Ye Tian decided to continue to improve his strength for the time being, and it is best to build a foundation immediately to attack the realm of the universe overlord.


   "As long as I am promoted to the realm of the overlord of the universe, and coupled with the sacred warrior of the Devil Tribulation World Wheel, apart from the old monsters who have been closed all year round, I am afraid that not many people can defeat me."


Ye Tian’s eyes are full of confidence. His talent is already high. If he uses the method of Emperor Tianmao to build the foundation, once he is promoted to the universe hegemon, his strength will definitely reach a terrifying level. It is normal to surpass some older universe hegemons. .


   However, if you want to build the supreme foundation of the eight heavenly demons, you still need to refine the heavenly demon lair into the heavenly demon holy pill.


   "I need an alchemy furnace, preferably at the level of the Chaos Divine Soldier!" Ye Tian thought to himself that although he had a method for refining the Heavenly Demon Sacred Pill, he did not have a good enough alchemy furnace.


  Although the alchemy furnace of the ordinary cosmic magic weapon level is fine, it is best if there is the alchemy furnace of the chaos magic weapon level.


   At this point, Ye Tian could only look for opportunities from the bald old man and the Lord of Nowhere.


   Staying in the room, Ye Tian first checked the spoils of his trip to the world.


  The Yanhuang God Soldier has the Demon Tribulation World Wheel is powerful and is his hole card. Even if he is promoted to the level of the universe hegemon in the future, this is also a big killer that can leapfrog to kill the enemy at a critical moment.


In addition to Ye Tian’s own Black Demon Battle Armor, the Chaos God Soldier also has the Scarlet Battle Armor obtained from the descendants of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect. The Descendants of Undead Purgatory and Chu Jingshi also contributed two Chaos God Armor levels to him. A, by the way, there is Xueluohua's battle armor, but the quality is not as good as the Black Demon's battle armor and the Scarlet battle armor.


   In addition, Chu Jingshi also has a Chaos Magical Sword, and the descendant of Immortal Purgatory has a Chaos Magical Spear.


  To sum up, Ye Tian now has a total of six Chaos God Weapon, which is a sudden wealth, much richer than some universe overlords.


In addition, Ye Tian still has more than 70 million chaotic rough stones. He himself had obtained more than 30 million chaotic rough stones from the tomb of the Emperor Tianma. Chu Jingshi, the descendants of Immortal Purgatory and Xue Luohua gave him three. Contributed more than 40 million chaotic rough stones, adding up to a total of more than 70 million chaotic rough stones, this is a huge gain, enough for Ye Tian to be promoted to the realm of universe overlord.


   Looking at this series of spoils, Ye Tian smiled all over his face, really wanting to make another trip to chaos.

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